Indesit washing machine stops during washing
What to do if the washing machine suddenly freezes while the program is running? The first step is to turn off the equipment from the button, then unplug the power cord from the outlet. Let the device stand without power for 10-15 minutes. After this, you need to turn on the machine and start the washing mode again. In 50 percent of cases, such manipulations will help eliminate the problem. But what if, even after rebooting, the Indesit washing machine stops during washing? Let's figure out what could cause such a malfunction.
Typical causes of the problem
In most cases, if the washer suddenly stops in the middle of a cycle and stops working, after a while a combination of letters and numbers appears on the display. By deciphering the error code, you can understand what kind of breakdown occurred in the system. If your automatic machine is not equipped with a screen, you will have to recognize the malfunction by the flickering of the control panel indicators. If the equipment is simply frozen and does not want to display an error, you will have to eliminate possible causes of the problem one by one.
The first step is to understand for yourself what typical breakdowns lead to equipment stopping. Then understand how you can fix the problem. So, the main reasons for the washing machine to freeze:
- drum overload or improper distribution of laundry on its inner surface;
- activation of the leakage protection sensor;
- sudden unlocking of the drum door;
- incorrectly set washing program (relevant for the newest models);
- damage to the main control board of the machine;
- problems with the CMA wires (power wiring, terminals, and various sensors often fail);
- breakdown of individual elements of the machine (for example, malfunction of the electric motor, heating element, pump, etc.).
In addition to the reasons described, there may also be problems with the filling valve. If the drainage system is clogged, the washing machine will not be able to remove water from the tank and will also stop without moving on to rinsing.
The machine is clogged with dirt or overloaded
Very often, the SMA “freezes” while washing due to the fact that the laundry is loaded into the drum incorrectly. It is not always a question of the user exceeding the maximum permissible weight. It could also be that:
- laundry is not laid out correctly on the surface of the drum;
- things are not sorted (typical of ultra-modern washing machines, which are able to independently select the preferred cleaning program depending on the type of fabric).
Before using washing equipment, be sure to read the user manual, do not ignore it. The manual clearly defines the maximum weight of laundry that can be placed in the drum. If you are allowed to load a maximum of 6 kg, and you compact all 7 kg, it is very likely that the equipment will stop during operation. And if the machine has an auto-weighing function, then the wash will not start at all. A smart program measures the weight of clothing and displays the weight on the display.
The problem of “freezing” can occur when the drum is unevenly laid. For example, you loaded a duvet cover and several small items into the washing machine. All of them, in the process, will get stuck in the bedding, and a tight lump will form inside the machine.The curled laundry will mainly be located at one of the walls of the drum, disrupting the centrifugal force as it rotates. If things are loaded incorrectly, the drum becomes unbalanced, and the machine’s protective system slows down the washing, waiting for the clothes to be evenly distributed inside.
A simple blockage can also cause the Indesit washing machine to freeze.
Dirt can accumulate in different places:
- drain hose;
- pump;
- garbage filter;
- sewer pipe;
- drain hole SMA, etc.
The easiest way to start checking is by cleaning the drain filter. It is located in front of the washing machine, in the lower right corner, behind a special panel. Unscrew the element, rinse it well and clean the drain hole. It will be a little more difficult if the reason lies in a clogged sewer pipe. However, in this case, it will be difficult for water to drain not only from the SMA, but also from the sink, bathtub, and toilet. You can clean the sewer using chemicals - “Mole” or “Tireta”. If there is no result from aggressive compounds, you need to invite a plumber.
If the machine hangs with a full tank of water without starting to rinse, you should inspect the drain hose. To do this, you will have to disconnect it from the washing machine. This can be done using a screwdriver. Loosen the clamps, then remove the sleeve from the machine, then remove it from the siphon. Using a long wire, remove the blockage, rinse the hose under strong water pressure and reinstall.
It happens that the reason for stopping the cycle is a clog in some internal element of the washing machine, for example, the drain pump or tank. It is difficult to clean the pump yourself; it is better to entrust the repair to a specialist.You can try to cope with the task yourself, but before that you need to study as much information as possible and accumulate the amount of knowledge necessary to complete the work.
User errors
The simplest, but quite common reason for an Indesit automatic washing machine to freeze is an incorrectly selected washing mode. Here we should again remind you that before starting the washing machine, it is important to study the instructions for the equipment. In the user manual, the manufacturer describes in detail the features of special washing programs, options and additions recorded in the intelligence. Therefore, if the machine stops precisely when performing a specific mode, it makes sense to re-read the instructions.
For example, if a modern washing machine is tasked with soaking and washing with bleaching, then the machine will probably stop in the middle of the cycle. You cannot set the Soak and Whitening functions at the same time.
If the electrics or control module are damaged, it is better not to attempt repairs at home.
Solving such problems on your own will take a lot of effort, time, and is not guaranteed to lead to positive results. The technician will diagnose the SMA, test the elements of the unit with a multimeter, identify the problem and deal with it professionally.
Motor, pump or heating element
The most important elements of an automatic washing machine always fail very unexpectedly. As a rule, their breakdown occurs during intensive operation of the equipment. The reason why the MMA “freezes” in the middle of the cycle can be a burnt-out drain pump, a non-working heating element, or a damaged engine. Of course, if any major part stops functioning, the wash stops and the appliance displays an error code.
The user manual will help you interpret the symbols issued by the SMA self-diagnosis system. Based on the breakdown, an algorithm for subsequent actions is determined. So, if the error indicates a failed engine, you need to understand that its repair or replacement often costs a lot of money. Sometimes repair work costs more than purchasing a new “home assistant”.
You can replace the heating element yourself. This type of work does not fall into the category of complex. You need to purchase a heating element similar to the one installed in the washing machine, arm yourself with a screwdriver, and partially disassemble the body of the machine. Afterwards, the wires are disconnected from the faulty heating element, the central nut is loosened, and the heater is removed from the system. Connecting the new part is done in the reverse order.
Changing the drain pump is somewhat more difficult; in such a situation, it is better to entrust the replacement to a professional. Moreover, if you do not have enough knowledge and experience for such repairs.
Thus, there are quite a lot of reasons that block washing equipment during operation. It’s not always possible to find the “weak spot” of a washing machine with your own hands, but it’s still worth a try. Moreover, initial diagnosis does not require any special knowledge and skills. If the problem lies in damage to complex parts, then it is recommended to entrust the repair of the automatic machine to an experienced technician.
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