If you discover that the Ariston washing machine is noisy during the spin cycle, it is better to be wary. Perhaps there is no reason to panic, and your SMA model is simply too loud. However, there is another side to the coin - it happens that strong noise indicates a serious equipment malfunction. Let's figure out what measures the owner of the washing machine needs to take.
What could have happened to the machine?
There are several options for what causes strong noise when the equipment is operating. Experts who are well versed in the design of Ariston automatic machines have identified the main reasons that lead to the machine making a loud noise when spinning. Let's sort them out.
The shipping bolts required to secure the drum when transporting the equipment were not removed from the washing machine.
The drive bearings are unsuitable for further use.
A foreign object has entered the space between the wall of the SMA tank and the drum.
The nut securing the drum pulley has become loose.
The counterweights are not fully secured.
The door seal is not the correct size.
The automatic machine was installed incorrectly.
To determine which direction to take, you should listen to technology. It is important to understand at what stage the washing machine begins to make noise: immediately after starting the program, before starting the spin cycle, or when draining waste water from the system. This information is necessary for correct diagnosis.
Something is stuck between the tank and the drum
Sometimes foreign objects “fly” into the space between the tank and the drum. This could be a paperclip or coin that fell out of clothing pockets during the wash, or a bra wire.That is why it is so important to make sure before putting things into the drum that there are no small items left in them, and underwear should be washed in special bags. What could be the consequences of such an oversight?
When the machine washes at low speeds, it does not vibrate, and a coin that gets inside, for example, rests quietly in the tank without touching the walls of the drum. When spinning, the equipment begins to vibrate, the stuck object “bounces” and eventually gets stuck between the tank and the rotating element. This is why the washing machine begins to make noise and squeak.
What to do in such a situation? It is easy to remove foreign objects from inside yourself. To do this, you need to remove the heating element, put your hand into the hole formed and remove everything that is stuck inside. This will stop the knocking.
Bearings or transport fastenings
In some cases, washing machine users make a serious mistake - they forget to remove the transport bolts before installing and using the automatic machine. These fasteners are designed to ensure the safety of the equipment during transportation of equipment. Bolts provided by the manufacturer secure the drum dampers.
If you do not remove the transit screws and start the wash cycle, the drum will make a loud knocking sound when rotating.
Correcting the situation is very simple - just remove the 4 transport bolts located closer to the center of the rear panel of the SMA. It is important to remove the fasteners before starting the equipment, otherwise such an oversight can lead to serious consequences.
The problem may lie in damaged SMA Ariston drum bearings. When they are destroyed, the machine makes a loud noise, this is especially noticeable when operating at maximum speed.How to understand that the cause is a worn bearing? It’s not difficult to check your guess; you need to turn off the power to the washing machine and turn the drum by hand, first to the right, then to the left. If you hear a crackling or whistling sound, then the bearings really need to be replaced.
Pulley or counterweights
To make sure there is a problem with the pulley, you should run a test wash cycle. In this mode, the CMA drum rotates at low speeds in one direction or the other. During the process, you need to listen to the washer. Obvious clicks made during operation will be a reason to check the pulley. To straighten the wheel, remove the rear housing panel and tighten the nut securing the pulley.
Poorly tightened counterweights can also cause problems with excessive spin noise. The elements are located around the SMA tank and ensure the stability of the equipment and prevent it from swinging. The counterweights may become loose after prolonged use of the machine. Also, the issue may be a defect made by the manufacturer. To correct the situation, it is enough to tighten the loose fasteners holding the concrete blocks.
Legs untwisted
The body of the Ariston automatic washing machine may dangle due to untwisted legs. The washing machine should be positioned strictly on the floor, this will help prevent them from twisting. It is also necessary that the floor covering under the equipment is smooth, hard and reliable. If you ignore these recommendations, you can immediately prepare for the machine to make noise.
During the spin phase, the drum rotates at maximum speeds, up to 1600 rpm. At this time, its imbalance occurs. Thus, a washing machine placed out of level or on a sagging floor will:
knock and grind;
vibrate strongly;
swing in different directions, “jump” around the room.
What should I do to solve this problem? It is important to install the washing machine strictly on the level, strengthen the floor covering where the equipment is located. To do this, you need to unscrew each of the legs of the washing machine exactly to the extent that the body of the machine “stands up” evenly.
It's all in the cuff
The build quality of inexpensive Ariston models is far from indicative. It happens that the cuff of the hatch door is simply not adjusted to size. This will be indicated by a creaking or knocking sound heard at all stages of operation of the washing machine. Also, at the end of the cycle, rubber shavings will be visible on the walls of the drum and the hatch door - a sure sign that the problem is in the seal.
It's easy to fix the situation. You should take a piece of sandpaper of a suitable size and place it between the rubber cuff and the front panel of the washing machine body. After this, you need to run the quick wash cycle with an empty drum. “Sandpaper” will level the seal in just half an hour. When the machine stops, just remove a piece of paper and start the “Rinse” mode. This will clean out any remaining rubber chips in the drum. After such manipulations, it will not be superfluous to clean the garbage filter, which will collect all the rubbish.
If the washing machine rattles precisely at the stage of draining waste water from the tank, the cause may be a breakdown of the pump.
The washing machine is completely new
If an automatic machine makes a loud noise even during the first use, then perhaps this can be easily explained by the technical characteristics of a particular model. High noise level of SMA Ariston may be provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, before conducting diagnostics and looking for the cause of loud operation, study the washing machine’s passport.
In the technical data sheet, the manufacturer describes what noise in decibels the washing machine produces when performing the most intense work (just at the spinning stage). But, even having found out the standard indicator, how can an ordinary user understand that such a sound is appropriate, or, on the contrary, is too loud? You can measure the noise level emitted by the machine using a sound level meter. Great, if it is possible to find such a device, then the housewife can easily determine the audible “decibels”.
A relatively cheap sound level meter can be ordered from China; it will also help in the fight against neighbors who are too loud at night.
If purchasing special equipment is not part of your plans, you can go another route. The noise level can be measured using an associative method. Everything is very simple - on the Internet you can find many examples of sounds with data on their strength in dB. For example, an average volume conversation is estimated at 50 dB, the noise of a running truck engine is 80 dB, a loud washing machine signal from a distance of 5 meters will have a strength of 100 dB, and an airplane takeoff - 150 dB. Try to roughly determine the noise of the washing machine in comparison with the sounds you know. This way you can figure out whether the real values correspond to the normative ones or not.
It is very important to focus on the nature of the noise. If the loud, monotonous operation of the engine is interrupted by knocking or grinding, this clearly indicates a breakdown of the washing machine and the need for diagnostics and repair work.
Prevention of breakdowns
Careful operation of the washing machine will avoid various breakdowns and damage to the system. If you use the washing machine carefully and provide it with the necessary care, you can prevent the occurrence of “noisy problems”. We are talking about the following rules:
Do not exceed the maximum permissible load weight. If you stuff a lot of laundry into the drum, you can cause breakdown of individual elements of the machine;
Use high temperature washing programs only when necessary;
It’s better to avoid spinning at maximum speed so as not to overload the washing machine;
Wash the garbage filter promptly;
Be sure to inspect items before loading them into the drum. It is important that there are no small foreign objects left in the pockets;
use special bags for washing clothes;
turn products inside out before loading them into the SMA;
Use products to soften hard tap water. This will help avoid the appearance of scale on the internal parts of the machine.
Excessive use of the equipment leads to damage to the elements of the washing machine. It is better not to run the machine several times a day. It is imperative to let the machine dry between cycles.
Thus, there may be several reasons why the Ariston machine makes a lot of noise during operation. Perhaps the problem is damaged bearings or a weakened drum pulley. In some cases, the problem simply lies in loose counterweights. Whatever it is, you need to carefully inspect the washer, identify the problem and correct the situation as soon as possible.
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