Ardo washing machine does not drain water
The situation in which the Ardo machine does not drain water cannot be called pleasant. The started wash stops, and the laundry often remains “locked” in the drum. At least two problems need to be solved: to find out the cause of the failure and to remove things from the machine. Let’s look at how to do this safely and at home, step by step.
Where did the drainage problems come from?
The first step is to determine why the washing machine stopped draining water. There can be many reasons - from a banal blockage to a faulty control board. The symptoms of almost any possible breakdown are the same, so you will have to check each “suspect”, moving from simple to complex.
Modern Ardo washing machines simplify the task of finding the cause of the failure. Thanks to the built-in self-diagnosis system, the machine can independently detect a problem and display the corresponding error code on the display. The user will only have to decipher the combination according to the instructions and begin the repair.
Modern Ardo washing machines can independently detect breakdowns, thanks to a self-diagnosis system.
Several problems can lead to drainage problems. Malfunctions include clogged drainage, pump failure, failure of the control board, and even a hose that is too long. Let's look at each breakdown in more detail.
- External blockage. Perhaps the sewer pipe or siphon to which the washing machine is connected is clogged.
- Internal blockage. Garbage, coins, keys, clumps of hair that get into the machine often clog the drain - the drainage filter or the pipe going from the pump to the tank. The drain hose itself also often becomes clogged.
- Broken pump.In this case, the breakdown is accompanied by a characteristic hum. The cause of the malfunction lies both in the natural wear of the part and in the blockage. The pump shaft, or more precisely, the plastic impeller on it, is often blocked.
- Control module failure. If there is a sudden surge in voltage, a short circuit, or water getting on the board, the electronic unit may fail. In this case, the pump does not receive a command to start draining.
- The hose is too long. Ardo washing machines are equipped with a standard pump, the power of which is designed for a certain hose length. As a rule, we are talking about 1-1.5 meters. If you increase the corrugation or replace it with a longer one, the pump may not be able to cope with the increased load - the water will not reach the sewer and will return to the tank.
It's not always a matter of failure. If the washing machine refuses to both drain and spin, then there is a high probability that the reason is the wrong program. Most likely, a mode is running that does not involve draining or spinning.
Removing excess liquid
Before troubleshooting, the washing machine must be emptied. If we can’t do this automatically, through the program of the same name, then we proceed to a forced drain. There are two options here: through a drain hose or a garbage filter. The easiest way is to try draining the water through the drain hose. Most Ardo washing machines, unlike machines from other brands, are not equipped with non-return valves. Therefore, drainage can be established by lowering the hose below the level of the tank. Then the drum will empty spontaneously - you just need to place a container under the stream.
Some Ardo models have an emergency drain hose, which is activated by pulling a special cord.
The second option is to unscrew the garbage filter.The instructions on what to do are as follows:
- prepare a container for collecting water;
- unhook the technical hatch door from the body;
- Unscrew the garbage filter clockwise;
- if necessary, tilt the machine forward;
- wait until all the water has drained from the tank.
Sometimes unscrewing the filter does not bring the expected results - water does not pour out of the hole. In this case, it is necessary to move the pipe coming from the tank. Most likely, it is clogged with debris and is not allowing liquid to pass through. Sometimes just moving is not enough, you have to disconnect the hose and wash it under the tap.
How will we look for the problem?
After emptying the washing machine, you can begin advanced diagnostics. But first, we disconnect the equipment from the electrical network and water supply. The next step is to unscrew the garbage filter and check the drainage system. For convenience, diagnostics of the drain system is carried out in a certain order.
- Filter seat. Having unscrewed the garbage can, we inspect the “nest” itself and clean out the accumulated dirt.
- Drain pipe. We get to the hose and feel the rubber with our fingers. Having noticed a blockage, unhook it from the tank and clean it. Then we return it to its place.
- Water pump. We shine a flashlight through the hole freed from the filter and inspect the pump. We rotate the impeller and, if necessary, remove the wound hair and debris from the blades.
It is recommended not to stop at visual inspection of the pump. It is better to additionally check the pump: run the “Spin” program and evaluate the behavior of the device. If the machine hums and the impeller remains motionless, it means the part is faulty.
More often than not, the drain does not work due to a clogged drain - a garbage filter, pipe or pump.
It is rare, but it happens that the pump works on the spin cycle, but not on the drain.Older Ardo models suffer from this due to natural wear and tear of components. The magnet provided in the mechanism begins to function incorrectly, weakens and does not provide the necessary magnetic field. As a result, the pump loses the required power, cannot cope with the load and stops draining water.
Problem with the machine pump
You can guess that the pump is broken even without diagnostics - the washing machine will hum for several minutes when it switches to drain, but the tank will remain full. But it is better to go through all the steps described earlier and make sure that it is faulty. If cleaning the drainage does not restore the operation of the machine, then there is only one way out - replacing the pump. There is no point in repairing the pump. It is much cheaper and easier to replace it with a new one - this kind of work can be done by anyone and does not require special skills and tools. The instructions are as follows:
- disconnect the machine from the power supply and water supply;
- Having laid a carpet on the floor, place the washing machine on its left side (it is forbidden to lower the machine onto the right side - the remaining water in the dispensary will fall on the circuit board);
- disconnect the pallet;
- find the pump;
- loosen the bolts holding the pump;
- disconnect the wires from the terminals;
- dismantle the old pump;
- install a new pump in the grooves;
- return the wiring and fasteners to their place.
The new pump is selected according to the serial number of the Ardo washing machine!
After the repair is completed, the washing machine is connected to the communications and started for a test wash. If the drain is not restored, contact the service center. There may be a problem with the control board, which will require professional diagnostics. Testing Ardo electronics yourself is strongly not recommended, as it is too risky and unsafe.
1 reader comment
Everything is fine, beautiful. How to remove the back wall?