AEG washing machine does not drain water
When the AEG washing machine cannot drain the water from the tank, the wash stops. The machine does not start rinsing or spinning. The control module interrupts the cycle and displays the corresponding fault code. You will not be able to continue using a machine that does not drain the water. In this situation, you will have to check all the elements of the drainage system one by one and identify the problem area. We'll tell you where to start diagnosing.
Maybe the filter is just clogged?
First of all, try to analyze the behavior of the “home assistant”. It is important to understand exactly when the machine froze, whether it pumped out at least a little water or stopped at the first attempt to drain. Remember whether the washing machine made noise, what sounds preceded it turning off.
Drainage problems most often occur due to a clogged garbage filter or a broken pump.
Sometimes the reason that the machine does not drain water is a clog in the sewer pipe. Therefore, if water does not drain well from the toilet or bathtub, there is no need to “sin” with the washing machine. Call a plumber to clean the drain.
If the issue is not in external communications, you can start diagnosing the “home assistant”. First, the garbage filter is checked for blockages. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:
- de-energize the SMA;
- turn off the shut-off valve responsible for supplying water to the washing machine;
- disconnect the equipment from the water supply;
- cover the floor around the machine with unnecessary rags or oilcloth;
- prepare a low basin to collect liquid;
- open the technical hatch door, behind which the garbage filter is hidden;
- tilt the washer back so that the bottom rises 3-5 cm from the floor;
- place a basin under the machine at the location of the filter;
- First unscrew the “trash can” half a turn and collect the water;
- remove the spiral completely.
The debris filter on most AEG models is located in the lower right corner of the case.
The filter element is unscrewed clockwise. After making a few turns, you can remove the spiral from the machine. Remove the trash can carefully; water may flow out of the hole under strong pressure.
Next, the filter must be washed in warm water, removing dirt deposits, wound threads and hair from it. If there is limescale on the spiral, soak the part for several hours in a citric acid solution. You should not dip the “trash can” into boiling water - the plastic is easily deformed due to high temperature exposure.
Be sure to clean not only the filter, but also its seat. Shine a flashlight into the hole, remove all foreign objects from there (often there are coins, matches, etc.). Wipe the walls with a damp cloth.
Afterwards you can screw the filter element into place. The trash can must be installed level to avoid leaks in the future. If this cleaning does not help, you will have to check the drain pump.
How to remove the pump for inspection?
The pump in the washing machine is designed to pump waste water from the tank to the sewer. The cause of a non-functioning drain could easily be a broken pump. You can diagnose and repair the element yourself. We'll tell you how to do this.
First, you need to remove the pump from the machine. You can get to the pump on AEG washing machines through the bottom. During the work process, a wrench and a screwdriver will be useful. Also prepare a small basin to collect water. The further algorithm of actions will be as follows:
- disconnect the washing machine from the network and communications;
- unscrew the garbage filter (how to do this has already been described);
- lay the washing machine on its left side, having previously covered the floor with a blanket;
- unscrew the bolt securing the pump;
- disconnect all wires and pipes connected to it from the pump;
- turn the pump from right to left, while pushing it deeper;
- remove the drain pump from the car;
- Place the pump on a flat, dry surface.
Before disassembling, be sure to turn off the power to the washer. You need to lay the machine on its left side; if you put it on the right wall, you can fill the control board with water from the powder receptacle. Now let's figure out how you can check the drain pump at home.
Let's look inside the pump
Often the drain pump becomes clogged with debris and therefore stops working. Cleaning the pump can help revive it. More precisely, you will have to wash the impeller.
The impeller is “hidden” inside the pump. To get to it, you will have to unscrew the screws and “halve” the pump. Removing part of the body, you can see a rotating part with blades.
The impeller movement should not be too free. When the “head” flies off its axis, you need to fix it more tightly. If the blades are blocked and do not turn, you will have to clean the part. Remove all debris, threads and hair from the “wheel”. The pump volute is also washed for company.
It is recommended to carry out comprehensive cleaning of AEG washing machine components at least once a year.
After cleaning, you need to assemble the drain pump and put it in place. Next, a test wash starts. Watch the machine in action. If the water is successfully pumped into the sewer, it means that the problem was indeed caused by a clogged pump.
Let's check the pump with a tester
If, after disassembling the pump, you do not find any debris in it, it is better to immediately check the part with a special device - a multimeter. The tester will help you find out if the pump is working properly. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:
- switch the multimeter to resistance measurement mode;
- attach the tester probes to the pump contacts;
- compare the received readings with the normative ones.
Normally, the resistance between the contacts of the drain pump should be 150-260 Ohms. If the device shows 0, then there is a short circuit in the circuit. When the reading is less than 140 ohms, there may be a broken wiring. It is impractical to repair a part with such damage; it is much easier and cheaper to buy a new pump.
You should buy a new pump based on the model and serial number of your AEG washing machine. You can also take the dismantled pump with you and show it to the store clerk as a sample. This will help you avoid making mistakes in choosing components.
The new pump is installed in the reverse order. The pump is fixed in the housing with bolts, after which the machine rises to its feet. Next, a test wash is started with an empty drum.
The reason that the machine does not drain water may be a clogged pipe connecting the tank and the pump. If the multimeter shows that the pump is fully operational, loosen the clamps and disconnect the hose. The blockage is probably there.
If cleaning or replacing the drain system elements does not help, you will have to check the main control module. It is better to entrust diagnostics and repair of the board to the specialists of the service center. Without the necessary knowledge, you can only harm the electronics.
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