How much salt should I put in my Bosch dishwasher?
You cannot use Bosch PMM without salt in regions with hard tap water. The crystals ensure the regeneration of the resin in the ion exchanger, which, in turn, softens the water. If you do not add granules to a special tank, the internal elements of the machine will quickly become covered with scale and limescale. The quality of dishwashing will also deteriorate.
How much salt should I put in the dishwasher? Where is the compartment for it? How quickly are crystals used up? Let's look into the nuances.
Required amount of salt
There is no single answer to this question. Everything will depend on what kind of salt is used and what is the volume of the tank of a particular Bosch dishwasher. You can find both granules and tablet forms of the product on sale.
The optimal dosage is indicated on the packaging of the regenerating salt.
Usually it is written on the pack that you need to add salt to the top of the special tank of the dishwasher. The container volume depends on the Bosch PMM model. Most dishwashers can hold 1kg of crystals.
If you bought tableted regenerating salt, then it is also poured to the edges of the PMM tank. In fact, it is impossible to exceed the dosage of the product, so there is no need to worry. It is important to ensure that the granules are always in the compartment, otherwise the dishwasher’s ion exchanger will quickly fail.
The Bosch dishwasher will tell you when you need to add crystals. Almost all Bosch PMM models have a salt indicator on the dashboard. If it starts to glow, it’s time to report the granules.
Finding the salt compartment
The question of where to add salt is usually not difficult.The reservoir for the regenerating agent is located at the bottom of the PMM working chamber, under the lower basket. The machine comes with a special funnel that makes loading granules easier.
The instructions for your Bosch dishwasher tell you how to add salt for the first time. You must first fill the compartment with water, and only then add the granules. Excess liquid under pressure will be released into the hopper and drained into the sewer.
Some housewives prefer to use 3 in 1 PMM tablets containing salt. Such capsules are placed in the detergent dispenser located on the inside of the door. This is only permissible in regions with soft water.
Is salt actively used up?
Every Bosch dishwasher has an ion exchanger. It is filled with a special resin with negative sodium chloride ions. These particles attract calcium and magnesium contained in hard tap water, thereby making it softer.
If you do not soften hard water, the minerals contained in it will form scale. Plaque will begin to settle on the internal parts of the dishwasher. TEN suffers most from this effect. First, the element begins to heat worse, and then burns out completely.
As the Bosch dishwasher operates, the resin loses its properties. To replenish chlorine ions, a special regenerating salt is required. It restores the number of negatively charged particles in the ion exchanger.
The harder the water, the more the dishwasher uses salt.
The first task facing the user is to determine the hardness of tap water. The softener settings will depend on this, that is, how much salt the machine will consume per cycle. How to do it?
- purchase special test strips and measure the indicator, following the instructions on the package;
- call your local Vodokanal service and clarify the information;
- look at the level of rigidity in special information tables compiled for each region of Russia;
- determine the hardness yourself, “by eye,” using laundry soap. To do this, you need to soap a small cotton rag with it. If the block and fabric foam poorly, it means the water is hard.
The next task for a Bosch dishwasher user is setting the softener. This entire process is described in the equipment instructions. You can set one of seven levels of hardness. The lower the indicator, the more economically the PMM will consume salt.
If the water in your region is soft, then you do not need to use salt separately; you can only use 3-in-1 tablets. It is important to take into account that the hardness level of tap water may change with the seasons, and add granules to the tank in a timely manner.
The PMM manufacturer Bosch allows the use of only 3-in-1 tablets, without salt, exclusively at water hardness levels up to 210 dH. If the indicator is higher, then it is necessary to pour regenerating granules into a special compartment.
Hard water not only negatively affects the internal parts of the dishwasher, leading to their premature failure. It also provokes the appearance of whitish stains on dishes and reduces the quality of washing. Therefore, you should not save and give up salt - there is no harm from it, only benefits.
The cost of the product is low. You can buy a one and a half kilogram pack of salt for $1-2. This is not such a big expense to argue about the advisability of using granules.
So it doesn’t matter how much salt you put in the dishwasher.It is important to ensure that the granules are always in the compartment. A special indicator on the PMM control panel will help with this. It will light up if the machine uses up almost all the crystals.
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