How many sets of bed linen can you put in a washing machine?
When using an automatic machine, it is very important to comply with the maximum permissible loading weight determined by the manufacturer. It is indicated in the instructions for the equipment. So, in the drum of a washing machine with a capacity of 5 kg, you cannot throw clothes weighing more than the permitted value.
Sometimes, in order to save time, housewives try to stuff all their things into the machine, compacting them inside. It is unacceptable. Let's figure out how much bed linen can be loaded into a washing machine at one time and how to calculate the permissible number of sets.
We focus on weight
In fact, focusing on the number of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers is pointless. Sets vary in size, type and type of fabric, so the weight of dry laundry will be individual in each case. Washing machines also have their own capacity. One washing machine can easily fit ten bedding items, another only five.
To understand how much bedding will fit into the machine at a time, use a kitchen scale. Place a basin on the bowl of the measuring device and remember its mass. Place the laundry you need to freshen in the container - this way you will know the total weight of the fabric.
It is recommended to immediately weigh all the bedding sets available in the house, write down the data in a notebook, and apply this information in practice in the future.
So, during the next wash, simply add up the weight of all dirty bedding sets. Then compare the resulting number with the maximum permissible load weight specified in the technical data sheet. If the norm is not exceeded, feel free to throw the sheets and pillowcases into the drum.
You should not put too little laundry in the washing machine; this is just as bad as overloading the equipment. It is worth trying to fill the equipment optimally. Then the quality of washing will be higher, and the machine will last longer.
If there is very little laundry?
The minimum permissible load is as important as the maximum. The weight of the items placed in the drum determines how much the washing machine will vibrate and shake during the spin cycle. This affects the service life of the main internal components of the machine. If you constantly “drive” the machine empty, an early breakdown cannot be avoided.
Be sure to put at least 1-1.5 kg of dry clothes into the washing machine.
This limitation is not always stated in the instructions for washing equipment. However, in order for the machine to serve you for a long time, it is important to remember the minimum weight. If you put one thin sheet in the drum and start the wash, when spinning at high speeds, the item will clump into a ball and an imbalance will arise. This will lead to increased wear of the bearing unit and pulley, the washing machine will literally “jump” around the room, and microcracks may appear on the tank body.
Therefore, if you urgently need to refresh a couple of pillowcases, it is better to wash them by hand, or throw a few extra towels and pajamas into the machine. Otherwise, an unbalanced drum will vibrate too much.
Interpretation of maximum drum load
You should understand in more detail the number indicated on the front panel of the automatic machine, namely the maximum loading weight. You can see the capacity of a particular washing machine in the technical data sheet of the equipment. Today there are units that can hold from 2 to 15 kg of dry laundry. For each case, the number of sets that can be washed once will be different.
To explain with an example, on average one double sheet, a duvet cover and two pillowcases made of cotton weigh about 1.2 kg. Therefore, five such sets will fit into a washing machine with a 6 kg load, and as many as eight into a 10 kg drum.
Some manufacturers deliberately overestimate such a parameter as the maximum permissible loading weight in order to increase the attractiveness of their product. Therefore, if, according to the passport, 5 kg of laundry should fit into the machine, that is, 4 cotton sets, but they “do not fit,” you should not forcefully push the items into the drum. It is better to wash the items in two passes.
Why is the maximum washing machine load indicated in kilograms? This is the weight of dry laundry that the machine can “turn” without overloading the electric motor. This does not mean that you need to accumulate things and wash them only when you reach the maximum permissible weight. The main thing is not to exceed this value. It is optimal to put more than the minimum in the washing machine, but less than the maximum.
Few people know how washing machines are tested and the maximum load value is set. Thus, representatives of the Bosch brand, when testing equipment, use small pieces of dense, heavy fabric. The higher the density of the material, the less volume it occupies in the drum. Therefore, the flaps fit into the machine without any problems, and there is enough free space inside for them to “float around”. Based on these experiments, the manufacturer fixes the maximum mass, adding a small margin to it.
In real life, it turns out that larger but less heavy items are loaded into the washing machine. Even if the dry weight of the laundry does not exceed the norm, all the clothes may not fit in the drum.
For example, we want to clean a blanket.The blanket weighs little and easily fits into a small plastic container. But it becomes impossible to wash it in a basin after it gets wet. It's the same with the washing machine drum. Therefore, when calculating the weight of dry bed linen, be sure to take into account the density of the fabric, its composition, and how heavy the material becomes after contact with water.
The maximum load of laundry also varies depending on the washing mode. Let's figure out which program and how many things are allowed to be placed in the drum.
- Cotton - the maximum load will correspond to the value indicated in the data sheet. That is, if the washing machine is 5 kg, then that’s how many cotton items can be loaded at one time.
- Synthetics - here the standard value should be divided approximately in half. So, in machines for 5 kg of dry laundry it is better to load no more than 2.5 kg of synthetic items, for 6 or 7 kg - about 3 kg of clothes.
- Wool or silk. Wool products are quite bulky and absorb a lot of water. Therefore, in washing machines for 4.5-5 kg it is worth putting 1-1.5 kg of clothes, in washing machines for 6-7 kg - no more than 2 kg of dry wool. It is better to clarify this indicator specifically for your model, since, for example, in a Candy machine, with a maximum load of 6 kg, you are allowed to “scroll” no more than a kilogram of laundry in this mode.
- Delicate wash. When choosing this program, you should not try to lay a full drum. Otherwise, the fabric will not stretch, will wrinkle, and probably even be damaged. The Samsung brand recommends putting 2 kg of things into washing machines with a capacity of 4.5-5 kg when starting the delicate mode; Bosch (for washing machines with a capacity of 5 kg) and LG (for machines with a capacity of 7 kg) share the same opinion. Kandi recommends stuffing no more than one and a half kilograms of dry clothes into a 6 kg drum.
- Quick wash.Due to the fact that the cycle time is reduced, the tank cannot be overloaded, otherwise the laundry will not stretch. In Samsung (4.5-5 kg), LG (7 kg) and Candy (with a maximum load of 6 kg) machines, you can put 2 kg of things in this mode. It is allowed to load no more than 2.5 kilograms of fabric into Bosch with a maximum capacity of 5 kg, and 1.5 kg of clothing into Indesit with a maximum capacity of 5 kg.
Most cotton items can be loaded into an automatic machine, and wool items least of all.
To understand how much bedding to wash at a time, you need to know what fabric it is made of. The drum cannot be filled to capacity; it must be filled to a maximum of 2/3. In this case, things will be washed and rinsed well.
1 reader comment
It is not clear how bed linen is washed if it is turned inside out.
It also killed animals about cleaning fur. If there are several sets, it will only take half a day to clean the wool and no rollers will be enough.