How many bearings are there in a Candy washing machine?
One of the most labor-intensive repairs of any washing machine is replacing the bearings and seal. Their location is not simple - the rings are hidden in the tank of the machine, and to access them you have to completely disassemble the device. The cost of such work is quite high, so many users try to fix the “home assistant” themselves.
Having decided to repair the washing machine yourself, prepare for the work. Be sure to figure out how many bearings are in a Candy washing machine and how to choose the right components. After that you can get down to business.
We purchase bearings and oil seals
One of the main tasks when repairing SMA is the selection of suitable components. Recommended first disassemble the machine and remove the old parts to look at the markings on them. Kandy washing machines have two bearings, internal and external. The unit is also supplemented with an oil seal - this is a rubber seal that prevents water from entering the rings.
Most Candy washing machines have bearings 204 (external) and 205 (internal).
The manufacturer mainly uses one type of components, with the exception of a couple of lines of washing machines. Thus, bearings 205 and 204 are installed on the following models:
Kandy Alise 842 K;
Candy Alise 844;
Kandy ACS 1040;
Candy GO 510R 31001402;
Kandi Act My Logic- 10;
Candy Energa 735 N;
Kandy CSBL 75;
Candy CS 085TXT;
Kandy CS 105D-RU;
Candy CS 105TXT and other CS series machines;
the entire Kandy Holiday line, etc.
All machines in the Candy Aquamatic line are equipped with bearings 203 and 204. There are also models with rings 203 and 205. These are washing machines:
Candy Activa 80P;
Kandy C2 095-16S;
Candy CBE 825 T;
Kandy CSB 840 XT.
Special attention must be paid to the selection of the oil seal. In appearance, all rubber seals for Kandy machines are the same, but there is a difference, literally one or two millimeters. Therefore, remove the gasket and inspect it carefully.
Be sure to look at the factory markings of the oil seal.
So, for the Candy Alise 842 K machine you will need an O-ring 30x52/60x11.5. For the Kandy ACS 1040 washing machine, a seal of 30x52x11/12.5 mm is suitable. All models in the Aquamatic line require a 25x47x8 gasket.
Selection and purchase of components is a very important stage of repair. The ideal option is to dismantle the old bearings and oil seal and go to the store with them. This will make it easier for the seller to select analogues.
When ordering components online, be extremely careful. Look for spare parts for your specific Candy model. The dimensions, type of bearings and oil seal must fully correspond to the original ones.
Are such components available now?
Finding original bearings for Kandy washing machines is now quite difficult. Often stores offer parts from the manufacturer to order, but the price for such components is steep. There are usually Chinese analogues available - they are completely consistent in size, but no one gives a guarantee of their quality. The average price of a bearing from China is $6.
Finding a good oil seal is easier, but sometimes there are fakes in stores, which after a few months of use begin to leak water. And since the location of the bearings and rubber seal requires repairs with complete disassembly of the SMA housing, it is better not to take risks. It is recommended to overpay for a high-quality gasket rather than buy a cheap analogue that will last no more than a year.
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