How many shock absorbers are there in an Indesit washing machine?

How many shock absorbers are there in an Indesit washing machine?Despite the high rotation speed of the drum during spinning, the washers remain in place thanks to the perfect shock-absorbing system. At least this happens as long as these elements are in good order. And if previously shock absorbers provided stability, today dampers can increasingly be found in household appliances. Let's look at how many shock absorbers there are in an Indesit washing machine, how to look after them, and how to change them if they fail.

Number of shock absorbers

In modern “home assistants”, the rotation speed of the drum during spinning can reach 1600 rpm, so the quality of the springs and dampers must be impeccable in order to withstand such high vibration. The springs in the system are needed to balance the tank at the top, while the dampers control the bottom of the element.

The new shock-absorbing system consists of struts with pistons that dampen excessive vibration and balance the washer's tank. Their main advantage is that, unlike shock absorbers, dampers do not have springs inside, which often wear out over time and therefore cause system failure. Unfortunately, even without springs, this unit contains elements on the integrity of which the effectiveness of the shock-absorbing system depends. This is why dampers are also not protected from wear during active use of the SM, but they are still often used due to their low cost.washing machine shock absorption system

In new Indesit washing machines, the manufacturer installs two dampers, placing them on different sides of the washing tub. Often, only one element fails for users, while the second continues to work properly. Moreover, even in such a situation, it is impossible to change only the deformed part, because this will cause an imbalance in the system due to the difference in the condition of the parts. It is also impossible to leave the machine like this, because the vibration will be damped unevenly, so the washing machine tank, due to an imbalance, will begin to hit the body of the device, risking either breaking or damaging other internal components.

How to check the functionality of the machine racks?

When you notice that an Indesit brand machine has started to work worse, this is not a reason to immediately purchase a new shock-absorbing system. First, you should carry out a simple diagnosis of the dampers to make sure that they really need to be replaced. To do this, you need to remove the parts and carry out an inspection.

  • Study the item carefully.
  • Press down on the stem.
  • Remove the rod from the automatic SM body.
  • Assess the resistance provided by the part.Signs of a faulty washing machine shock absorber

If you can only compress and release the rod with visible effort, then it is in perfect order and does not need to be replaced. But if the piston moves very easily, is removed from the groove, or does not react to pressure at all, as if it were stuck, then the damper must be replaced. This means that the shock-absorbing element can no longer combat vibration effectively, so it must be replaced with a new spare part as soon as possible.

Always carefully monitor your “home assistant” - if she makes strange sounds during the working cycle, then this is a reason to conduct a diagnosis.

Timely detection of a problem can save not only the washer tank, but also its other key components.Therefore, you should not be lazy during the test, and in addition to the resistance of the rod, you should also carefully look for traces of rust and plaque, plus, check for the presence of lubricant in the rod, without which the part cannot perform its functions efficiently. In a situation where there is no longer a sealing layer in the piston, you need to dispose of the faulty element and install a new one in its place.

How to replace a damaged part?

Once a breakdown has been detected, you should under no circumstances delay restoring your Indesit washing machine. In this situation, delay can only aggravate the problem and significantly increase the cost of repairs. As soon as you suspect that the shock-absorbing unit is not in order, you should immediately test the dampers and change them if necessary. What should I do for this?

  • Prepare pliers or a hammer, a Phillips and a slotted screwdriver.
  • Disconnect the washing machine from the water supply, sewerage and electrical networks.
  • Turn the CM upside down to make it easier to get to the dampers - they are located on different sides of the washing tank and look like small stands.replacing the shock absorber through the bottom
  • Locate the retaining pins on the edges of the dampers, and then clamp their tongue.remove the shock absorber mount
  • After this, you can push the pins into the part and then knock them out with a hammer.
  • Repeat the procedure described on the other end of the part, and then on the second damper.
  • Remove the shock-absorbing elements from their seats.

You should buy original spare parts, which the serial number of the washing machine will help you with, or the damaged parts themselves, which you can take to the store as an example.

For repairs, you need to buy two dampers at once so that the unit evenly dampens the vibration of the device. They should be installed according to similar instructions, but in a different order.

  • Turn the element upside down to prevent dust from getting into it, which could negatively affect the condition of the part.
  • Install the damper in its seat.
  • Place the piston in the groove, which may not be possible to do right away due to the fact that the pin always fits into the new shock-absorbing element with great difficulty.the reason is the shock absorbers
  • Be sure to check all the tongues of the locking pins to ensure that they are in place and thus securely fix the parts. In a situation where the latch does not rise, it must be carefully pryed off with a small screwdriver or similar tool.

When the machine is restored, return it to its place, remove the top panel and try to carefully press the top of the washer tank with your hands. If you release the tub and the washing tub immediately rises to its normal position, then everything is fine. Replace the CM cover, connect the device to all communications and check operation during a test wash.


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