What can be done from an old dishwasher?

What can be done from an old dishwasherThrifty people are in no hurry to throw away a dishwasher that has already served its purpose. After all, you can make extremely useful household appliances out of an old dishwasher. For example, craftsmen use it to construct freezers, incubators for hatching chicks, and from various parts of the device - a device for flushing heating boilers. Let's figure out what use can be found for a non-working PMM.

Winter freezer

The first useful homemade product made from a dishwasher is a food chest. From PMM you can make your own freezer for storing semi-finished products, berries, meat, poultry, and fish. Such a box is placed on the balcony and at sub-zero temperatures outside it serves as a second refrigerator.

In summer and autumn, this chest can be used to store food, not frozen, but fresh, for example, vegetables. So, you can pour potatoes into a container on the balcony, put zucchini, eggplant, and carrots. Therefore, you can use the camera all year round.

The inner chamber of the dishwasher is made of stainless steel, so it can be used for storing food.

First of all, you need to disassemble the dishwasher. You need to remove all internal elements from the machine:

  • control module;
  • sprinklers;
  • pipes;
  • wires;
  • engine;
  • tubular water heater;
  • centrifugal and drain pump;
  • filters;
  • detergent hopper;
  • salt tank, etc.freezer from dishwasher

As a result, the dishwasher should remain empty and “clean” inside. At your discretion, you can leave baskets for dishes in the chamber and put food there.To get more storage space, it is better to remove the containers and make a shelf with your own hands on the retractable guides.

The dishwasher body is sealed and is perfect for storing food. Dust and rainwater will not enter the camera. The PMM has special ventilation holes, so there will be no problems with ventilation.

Boiler flushing device

What else can you make from an old dishwasher? Someone in the household may need a device for flushing heating boilers. It can be assembled from several parts:

  • circulation pump;
  • engine;
  • water heater;
  • filter element (it’s better to take it from a washing machine, not a dishwasher).

You also need to additionally prepare:boiler washing device

  • hoses for pumping water (you will need two long corrugations for connecting to the boiler and pump, and a separate one for connecting to the circulation pump);
  • flushing liquid;
  • canister.

First, a homemade device is assembled. The power supply wiring for the engine and water heater is supplied to the pump, and hoses for pumping liquid are also connected. A sufficient amount of “flushing” is poured into the canister. One end of the corrugation is lowered into a container with chemicals, the second is connected to the pump.

Another hose is also connected to the pump outlet and to the boiler. The third corrugation is brought to the heating boiler pipe “out”, its second end is lowered into the canister. This scheme ensures the “cycle” of water in the system.

The pump pumps liquid from the canister and directs it into the boiler, flushing it. Afterwards, the same chemistry is drained through another hose back into the container. The process is repeated, the solution is filtered and goes back to the heating boiler.

During work, it is important to follow basic safety rules. After washing, you should disassemble the structure and put the parts away for storage. In the future, if you need to clean the boiler, reassemble the device.

Incubator from washing chamber

The next dishwasher homemade item is an egg incubator. Devices for hatching chicks are not cheap, and an old dishwasher is a great option to save money. Judging by the experience of users, this design works no worse than a purchased device.

First of all, you need to remove all internal parts from the dishwasher. We are talking about the control module, engine, circulation pump, drain pump, sprinklers, filters, wires, pipes. The working chamber must remain empty.

Baskets for eggs are made inside, placing them at a distance of approximately 20-30 cm from each other. Plastic pipes can be used as a frame, and the edges are made of wood or iron mesh. The number of levels will depend on the size of the dishwasher. It is important to leave enough space to allow free air movement in the hopper.incubator made of PMM

It is also necessary to install two 12 Volt fans inside the camera and connect them through the power supply. Warm air rises, and coolers will mix the air masses.

At the very bottom of the working chamber it is necessary to install several incandescent lamps. The incubator must maintain a temperature of 37.6-38.3 degrees. The number of light bulbs will depend on their power (60 or 40 watts) and the size of the hopper itself.

Purchased incubators have a system for turning eggs. Therefore, the shelves in the working chamber must also tilt. Their movement can be ensured using two gears and chains.

Two gears are mounted on top, inside the chamber, on both walls. A handle for turning them is provided on the outside of the housing. The shelves must be combined with each other (linked). A chain is put on the “stars”, so the user can adjust the tilt of the baskets with eggs in a homemade incubator with one movement.

The most difficult thing is to ensure correct control of the incubator. For these purposes, a thermostat controller is required. It is better to buy two devices at once - one “in reserve”, in case the first one fails.

In the instructions for the controller you can find detailed information on how to configure, install and connect it.

The controller must first be configured so that it measures an accurate value. You should use a regular mercury thermometer to calculate your own body temperature and, based on this data, calibrate the device. Afterwards, the sensors are inserted into the working chamber. The controller requires 12 Volt power.

You need to cut a “window” in the dishwasher door so as not to open the incubator again. The inside of the hole is closed with glass and treated with sealant. This way the heat will not escape from the working chamber.


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