The padding polyester got lost after washing the jacket
Synthetic winterizer jackets are not only light and warm, but also easy to care for. It’s easy to wash and dry such outerwear; the main thing is to know all the nuances and pitfalls. The wrong approach and carelessness can lead to troubles - the filler will become crumpled, the item will lose its beauty and warmth. If the padding polyester gets lost after washing your jacket, then there is no need to despair. We learn from mistakes and return clothes to their previous condition.
Special balls will help
The easiest way is to “break” padding polyester lumps by repeated washing. But all the salt is not in the water and rotation, but in three rubber balls that are placed in the drum along with the jacket. You can purchase special silicone balls or use regular tennis balls. The main thing is to create conditions in the machine to soften the matted filler.
We proceed like this:
load the down jacket into the machine;
put 3 “massage” balls on top of the item;
select a delicate or hand wash program;
We check that the minimum temperature and spin are set.
There is no need to re-fill the machine with detergents - it is important to let the balls “work through” the down jacket. As soon as the cycle is completed, take out the jacket, shake it, straighten it and lay it out on a horizontal surface to dry. Then we feel the product with our hands. If you notice areas with lumps, then break them up and evenly distribute the padding polyester inside.
Knock out or vacuum
Another option for what to do when padding pads become matted is to use a vacuum cleaner. With its help, you can fluff the filler in a few minutes, getting rid of lumps and unevenness.But you need to act quickly, since the method only works on wet things.
The sequence is as follows:
lay out the down jacket on the table;
palpate and find places with lumps;
remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner;
turn on the vacuum cleaner at medium power;
use a suction tube to go through all problem areas, moving from the center to the sides;
Leave the vacuumed product until completely dry.
If the item is already dry, the vacuum cleaner will not be as effective. But you can try, the main thing is to repeat the procedure several times, shaking the filler periodically.
Synthetic padding polyester that has gotten into clumps can be broken up with tennis balls, a vacuum cleaner and a carpet beater.
A carpet beater is also good for dealing with crumpled padding polyester. The procedure is simple and clear: hang the jacket on hangers, fasten the zipper and buttons, and evenly pass the “racquet” over the down jacket. It is better for the item to be damp.
Let's take the jacket apart
If the previously described methods did not help, then you will have to do it manually. This is much more difficult and longer, but there is a chance to restore the filler. First, we try to loosen the lumps through the fabric; if that doesn’t work, you need to rip off the lining.
First of all, we assess the scale of the problem and clarify where the fallen filler is concentrated. In problem areas, carefully peel off the lining and straighten the stuffing. Having completely broken up all the lumps, we secure the padding polyester with stitches at several points. Then we return the fabric to its place, not forgetting about the hidden seam.
If the padding is severely deformed, it is better to contact a professional - a sewing workshop. The seamstress will help return the jacket to its original appearance by replacing the entire filling.
How to avoid filler deformation?
To avoid repeated deformation of the padding polyester, it is worth understanding how to properly care for jackets and pillows. Remember that preventing a situation is easier than correcting the consequences. Therefore, the next time we wash, we follow the manufacturer’s recommendations:
Before cleaning, carefully study the label;
We try to wash by hand;
When machine washing, select only the delicate cycle;
We do not allow water to heat above 40 degrees;
refuse automatic spin;
we use liquid detergents and special compositions for washing down products (the powder dissolves less well, settles in the padding polyester and destroys its structure);
after washing, be sure to beat and shake the product;
When drying, the down jacket is regularly turned over and shaken.
If you act correctly, there is no risk of damage to the packing. The synthetic winterizer will withstand washing without any problems and will again delight you with its lightness and warmth. The main thing is not to neglect the recommendations and not to be lazy.
Where do the lumps come from?
If the above mentioned rules are not followed, the owner of the jacket will receive an unpleasant surprise - crumpled padding polyester. This fate awaits many synthetic and natural insulation materials, so “maybe” will not help here. Even one mistake will lead to deformation of the padding material.
Most often, padding polyester rolls down due to an incorrectly selected washing program. High-temperature and fast modes, with intense spinning and insufficient rinsing are prohibited - they spoil capricious material and provoke its deformation.
Another reason is the use of inappropriate detergents. To wash down jackets you need special gels.
Powders do not dissolve, do not rinse out and destroy the structure of the padding polyester; similar damage is caused by compositions with abundant foaming.
Let us separately focus on spinning, which is contraindicated for padding polyester. If other artificial fillers, for example, holofiber, are not afraid of 800-1200 revolutions, then synthetic padding will certainly crumple when untwisted above 600.
Deforms the filler and drying in a vertical position. Wet padding falls down under its own weight and becomes crumpled. Sintepon is a rather capricious material and will inevitably become deformed if not properly cared for. Fortunately, the situation can be corrected and prevented from happening in the future.
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