How do you translate “Risciacqui” on a washing machine?
Nowadays it is difficult to surprise someone with knowledge of a foreign language. But while translation from English is easy, words and expressions in other languages can pose serious difficulties. Thus, washing machine owners are confused when faced with Italian names on a typewriter, for example, Risciacqui. What does this inscription mean and how to use the corresponding key correctly?
The mysterious word Risciacqui
Of course, if you use a dictionary or translator, all questions will immediately disappear. Risciacqui is translated from Italian as “rinse” and refers to the button responsible for launching and setting the corresponding function. It turns on by default when you start the wash, but you can activate it yourself if necessary.
Italian machines are equipped with another rinsing function - Trattamenti, which in Russian means rinsing with conditioner.
Italian words on the typewriter panel
Since you are the owner of an Italian-made washing machine that is not adapted for use by a Russian-speaking user, you need to study or at least become familiar with other Italian terms that you may encounter. The machine is turned on and off using the Marchia/Arresto button. Program buttons.
- Base - standard modes.
- Forte Lavaggio is a program for eliminating old stains.
- Lavaggio rapido - accelerated wash.
- Lavaggio a mano - manual mode.
- Delicato - delicate.
- Stira meno - “without folds.”
- Speciale - special. modes.
There are buttons responsible for additional washing parameters.They can be used either in parallel with other programs or independently if necessary:
- Ammollo (Pre-lavaggio) - soaking (pre-soaking);
- Asciugatura - drying things;
- Centrifuga - spin;
- Facile Stiratura – smoothing;
- Giri - number of revolutions.
And several keys for additional functions, the translation of which causes the greatest difficulties for a Russian-speaking person:
- Ritardatore di partenza - delayed start;
- Esclusione - disables the washing algorithm.
The panels of washing machines are replete with the characteristics of various types of fabrics or items for which one or another program is intended for washing. Some of them, such as Cotone, Sintetico or Delicato, are intuitive, but the rest require translation from Italian:
- Roba colorata – colored things;
- Cose scure - dark;
- Lana – wool;
- Seta – silk;
- Resistente tessuto - dense fabrics.
Attention! On the panels of most washing machines, next to each key, there are corresponding icons printed to help you figure it out.
If the icons do not help or there are none, you can print out a list of terms in Italian and Russian and hang it nearby or rename the buttons. In any case, with constant use of the washing machine, the housewife adapts to it very quickly, but in what way is up to her to decide.
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