In what mode should I wash a down jacket in a Bosch washing machine?
Washing bulky jackets by hand is very troublesome and difficult, especially in a “dirty” winter with a lot of precipitation and quickly melting snow. Modern washing machines are ready to help, offering special programs for cleaning outerwear with filling. As a rule, such modes have a clear name - “Down” or “Down Jacket”. A suitable mode for washing a down jacket on a Bosch washing machine is not always found. Luckily, it's not hard to find an alternative.
Let's choose the right program
A product with insulation requires special care. The fact is that stuffing, down or padding polyester, if washed incorrectly, loses its original properties, rolls and crumples, making the item unsuitable for wear. The appearance of the jacket also suffers: the lining becomes stained, “falls apart” and looks ugly. But this does not mean that machine cleaning should be abandoned. It is only important to configure the machine correctly: select the appropriate mode or manually set the required temperature, spin and cycle duration.
Before washing any product, read the manufacturer's label - the manufacturer indicates the optimal conditions for cleaning on it.
Modern Bosch machines offer the user special programs - “Outerwear” and “Down Jackets”. They provide long-term and gentle cleaning of jackets at low temperatures, abundant rinsing and smooth rotation of the drum. The cycle lasts more than an hour, so you should be patient.
Some Bosch washing machines do not have a special “down” mode.In this case, you will have to turn on the quick program and configure the machine manually, focusing on the cleaning parameters recommended by the manufacturer. For down jackets, this means heating water to 40 degrees, minimal spinning and double rinsing.
The down jacket should be prepared
To ensure that washing your down jacket goes smoothly and without surprises, you should prepare not only the machine, but also the jacket itself. Thanks to a few simple steps, you can improve the quality of washing, protect the item from damage to the fabric and knocking down the filling. We are talking about the following manipulations:
make sure that there are no forgotten things in your pockets that, if they get into the drum, will ruin the wash (keys, paper, hairpins);
pre-treat heavily soiled areas (cuffs, collar, pockets) with stain remover;
fasten all zippers, snaps and buttons;
turn the down jacket inside out;
inspect the jacket for holes (if there is a lot of fluff coming through the seams, it means they are unreliable and may tear more severely in the drum);
unfasten the edge and decorative elements;
place the down jacket in a protective bag.
Experienced housewives recommend putting 2-3 tennis balls into the drum along with the down jacket. During rotation, they will bounce from wall to wall and “massage” the item, preventing the filler from matting and crumpling. Ideally, you should purchase special silicone balls.
It is recommended to wash the down jacket with special balls.
There is no need to be afraid of balls in the drum. Modern washing machines are designed to wash shoes, which in terms of weight and destructiveness are much larger and more dangerous than light balls. Moreover, down jackets are washed on a delicate cycle, which eliminates strong “overclocking”.
It is important to properly remove moisture
Washing a down jacket in a machine is only the first part of the task. The second involves proper drying of the item. You can’t make a mistake here either, since the consequences in the form of deformation of the filler and discoloration of the fabric itself will not keep you waiting. To maintain the original appearance of the jacket, you should remember some nuances:
after washing, all zippers and buttons are unfastened, and the down jacket is turned right side out;
Pockets turned inside out dry out faster;
It is better to dry the down jacket in a vertical position, hanging it on wide hangers.
To dry, hang the down jacket in a ventilated, dry place, protected from direct sunlight. There should be no heating devices nearby: firstly, high temperatures will damage the down, and secondly, the dirt deposited on the radiator can be absorbed into the filler during evaporation. It is important to ensure air flow from all sides without leaning the jacket against a wall or closet.
During drying, it is recommended to constantly shake the item, preventing the fluff from clumping. You cannot iron a down jacket with a regular iron, only use a special steamer. There is no need to take a dirty down jacket to the dry cleaner. You can wash your outerwear in a washing machine, the main thing is to remember a few rules.
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