How to repair a Saturn semi-automatic washing machine with your own hands?

How to repair a Saturn semi-automatic washing machine with your own handsThe brand only seems Russian - in fact, the Saturn brand comes from the Czech Republic, and was manufactured and assembled in China. Such semi-automatic washing machines are produced on the markets of Russia and the CIS countries and are of rather questionable quality. Due to cheap components and uncontrolled assembly, Chinese-Czech semi-automatic machines often break down.

What’s worse is that the services will not undertake to repair the Saturn semi-automatic washing machine, so you will have to do it yourself. Let's look at what to do and how to do it in detail.

Typical problems and their solutions

Before you start repairing your washing machine, you need to identify the cause of the breakdown. Semi-automatic machines do not have a modern self-diagnosis system - you will have to look for the “sore spot” manually. Knowledge of typical problems on Saturn simplifies the search.

Most often the problem is that the equipment does not turn on. The machine connected to the mains does not respond to the rotation of the programmer, the motor does not work, and the wash does not start. In this case, you need to check the electrics, clock mechanisms, motor and capacitor with your own hands.

  • Electrical diagnostics. On Saturn semi-automatic machines, the wiring is on twists, in which the wiring often falls off. To find the problem, you should carefully inspect all contacts for breaks, probe them and test them with a multimeter. If a leak is found, we fix it. Be sure to pay attention to the fuse. A burnt out bulb should be replaced.
  • Inspection of timers. Clock mechanisms can go astray, especially if they are periodically “twisted” in the opposite direction.First, you need to detach the instrument panel from the housing by unscrewing the bolt on the back of the housing, sliding the cover to the side and pulling it out of the grooves. Then you need to unscrew the clamps, remove the hook from the valve and ring each “circle” with a multimeter. If there is a malfunction, remove the timer and install a new one.
  • Checking the capacitor. The motors may not start due to the capacitor. This “barrel” is located next to the centrifuge engine and dries out over time, ceasing to conduct electricity. You need to remove it from the grooves, find the 10 uF wires (usually they are yellow) and connect them to the working capacitance. The old one can be recycled.Saturn machine centrifuge seal

If the semi-automatic machine has washed, but does not spin, it means there are problems with the motor or wiring. First you need to ring the wires from the plug to the engine, turning on the wash timer to full. Is there a leak? Then you should work on the electric motor, or more precisely, the capacitor. The wires marked “5 µF” are cut and attached to a new container of similar power.

Less common problems are related to heating, leaks and clogged drainage.

  • The machine does not heat up. This means the heating element is damaged. The heating element cannot be repaired, only replaced with a new one.
  • Water flows during the spin cycle. If a leak is noticed, then the problem is a faulty drain valve or a damaged cuff. The seal and valve mechanism need to be replaced.
  • The water does not drain. The drain hose may be kinked or the end of the hose may be raised above the bottom of the tank. The second reason is a broken pump.

To fix the Saturn, it is necessary to replace the faulty components. Especially if the motor or pump is broken. It is almost impossible to repair them - only replacement.

The motor is changed along with the oil seal - otherwise water from the tank may get into the motor winding and damage it.

Another thing is if the washing machine has started a cycle, the motor hums, but the drum does not spin or suddenly stops. More often, the activator slows down for two reasons: due to overload of the tank and when the filters are clogged. Sometimes the problem is a drive belt that slips off the engine pulley. In the latter case, you need to stop the program, return the old elastic band to its place or tighten a new one. Even more rarely, a loose brake cable is to blame.

People's opinions about Saturn technology

Alexander, Barnaul

I have been using the Saturn ST-WM1605 semi-automatic for more than 7 years. I was flattered by the low price and was right - after so much time, the equipment still pleases with its simplicity and washes efficiently. For so many years - not a single breakdown! The standard wash cycle lasts 15 minutes, which is more than enough to clean moderately soiled clothes. There are no problems with washing: stains are easily removed, things do not tear, and no debris accumulates inside. The built-in centrifuge does not fail either. Saturn also has disadvantages. The machine often does not spin at full speed. Things remain very wet and the cycle has to be repeated. It is also important to straighten the laundry well and spread it evenly throughout the centrifuge, otherwise the semi-automatic machine will begin to vibrate wildly.

Alina, Uman

I bought a Saturn ST-WK7614 a month ago, and so far I'm happy with everything. I chose this model because there is no way to connect the machine to communications - the semi-automatic machine works without a central water supply. The equipment is easy to use, makes virtually no noise, and rarely “jams” during the spin cycle. There are two modes here: normal and enhanced. Among the shortcomings, I note the lack of water heating.An excellent unit for the price.


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