Repairing malfunctions of the Indesit washing machine yourself
Indesit washing machines, like any other brands, have their own design features. These features, on the one hand, give many models an advantage over their competitors, on the other hand, they are the cause of typical breakdowns that consumers have to face. As part of the article, we will examine typical malfunctions of Indesit washing machines and consider the possibilities of eliminating them yourself.
Common breakdowns
The vast majority of models of automatic washing machines of the Indesit brand cannot be called ultra-reliable. Leading service centers in the world provided information on the basis of which it was possible to prepare statistical data on the number of requests from people with washing machine breakdowns. Based on the data presented in the graph below, we can conclude - washing machines Indesit are the most frequently broken brands. They end up in service centers in the first five years of operation more often than German and Korean equipment.
Why is this happening? What are the most common causes of malfunction? Based on the same statistical data, we were able to significantly narrow the search range and identify a number of the most common causes of breakdowns of any model of Indesit washing machines. These malfunctions occur in 78% of cases when contacting service centers. What breaks most often?
- A heating element. The heating element breaks down very often, and this is a common breakdown for all automatic washing machines.But in Indesit machines, the heating element consists of stainless steel without any coating (as, for example, in Samsung machines), so scale deposits on it twice as intensely.
- Network filter. It is also far from the strongest part in the Indesit washing machine. Sometimes you even come across batches of Indesit machines with defective surge protectors. On average, such parts burn in the first 3-4 years of operation of the equipment. Fortunately, repairs are easy to do yourself.
- Bearings. The moving elements of the Indesit washing machine break down no more often than similar models of competing machines, however, this breakdown still occurs quite often. Changing bearings is not a problem, the problem is getting to them. Therefore, in general, bearing repair can be considered complex.
- Control block. This is truly the weakest link of all Indesit washing machines released before 2012. In the latest models, especially those released in 2014-2015, modernized control units were used, which experts consider more reliable. However, they also need quite frequent repairs.
- Motor sensor. Another weak point of most Indesit washing machine models. The engines themselves are relatively reliable, but problems often arise with their electrics. More precisely, capacitors most often burn. Repair of capacitors is not possible - only replacement.
Note! We deliberately did not include dirty filters, hoses, etc. among the most common breakdowns; these problems are typical for all washing machines, not only the Indesit brand.
Failure search algorithm
Before you start repairing your washing machine yourself, you need to find the cause of the problem.Independent search for a breakdown in the Indesit washing machine must be carried out according to a clear plan. Only in this case can you count on success with a more or less high degree of probability. You act in stages.
- If your washing machine has a display, pay attention to the error codes that appear on it. The washing machine is made in such a way that in most cases it can diagnose the problem itself. Decipher error codes your Indesit and draw your own conclusions.
- If there is no display or the machine does not produce an error code, take a closer look and listen to the device. In particular, if the bearings are faulty, the Indesit washing machine will be very noisy, especially when the drum rotates at high speed.
- If there are no external signs of damage, you will have to go inside. The easiest way is to remove the surge protector, but it is more difficult to get to the bearings.
- Take a multimeter and check all contacts, wiring and sensors for lack of power. Visually inspect all internal units; damage will definitely reveal itself.
Important! Before disassembling the Indesit washing machine, study its structure and the arrangement of fasteners. To be sure, take photographs or videotape each stage of disassembly so you don’t forget anything.
Damage to the surge protector, motor sensor or heating element
Problems with surge protector contacts occur due to high humidity. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has still not solved the problem of their protection, so surge protectors often fail not because of a power surge, but because of simple condensation. Finding a surge protector for an Indesit washing machine is easy. It is located at the opposite end of the power cord from the outlet.You can dismantle it by removing the top cover of the washing machine and unscrewing one screw holding the device.
The surge protector cannot be repaired; it will have to be replaced. And this is not a problem, you can go, buy a new one, install and put the machine to work. But the trouble is, no one can guarantee that this new surge protector will work for a long time. Let's give a real-life example. A desperate owner of an Indesit washing machine contacted our service center and said that he had changed the power filter himself three times, but after 4-5 months it burned out and he had to install a new one again.
Checking the electrical network, network cable and contacts did not give any results - everything turned out to be normal. The technician assumed that the problem was high humidity, installed a new surge protector, and filled its contacts with silicone sealant, doing the same with all other suspicious contacts. As a result, the machine has been working properly for 1.5 years now - the problem is solved.
Note! Before applying the sealant, dry the contacts, clean them and wipe them with a dry cloth, and then cover them with a waterproofing layer.
You can talk about a serious problem if the capacitor on the engine of the machine burns. It is better to fix this problem with the help of a professional technician, because only he can correctly “diagnose” and correct such an error. Because this problem can easily be confused with a faulty electric motor.
Unlike a problem with the engine sensor, a malfunction of the heating element can be easily detected and fixed by yourself.
- In the vast majority of cases, the machine itself warns of a failed heating element by displaying an error code. F07.
- If this does not happen, then you can understand that the heating element is not heating based on indirect signs: the powder does not dissolve, the laundry is poorly washed, the washing machine hatch is very cold.
- Having decided on the problem, take a screwdriver and remove the back wall of the washing machine. At the bottom of the tank of the Indesit machine, we find two contacts protruding from its wall - this is the heating element. Check the voltage with a multimeter. We unscrew the fastening element in the middle, take out the rubber seal, and take out the heating element.
- If the heating element is covered with a thick layer of scale and there are dark burnt spots on it, it should be thrown away - the heating element is faulty. You'll have to buy and install a new one. Installation and assembly are carried out in reverse order.
Problems with bearings or control unit
Bearings are the most difficult to repair. The main problem is not even disassembling the washing machine, but disassembling the tank itself, because the manufacturer made sure that this unit was an integral structure and could not be repaired. But, as they say, “the need for invention is cunning,” the craftsmen solved this problem by simply sawing the tank in half along the weld seam. This is a unique and very correct solution; on the one hand, it allows you to get to the faulty elements inside the tank, and on the other, save a lot of money.
You can replace the bearings of your Indesit washing machine using the information provided on our website. Let us note right away that it is quite difficult to do this with your own hands without a suitable tool and proper skill. But if you try, you will succeed.
Repairing the control unit of an Indesit washing machine in 90% of cases comes down to replacing the contacts. The control unit in machines of this brand is not well protected from moisture, which leads to condensation getting on the contacts.The contacts naturally close, and the control unit fails. In theory, repairing a unit is not difficult, but in practice you have to work a lot with a multimeter, calling all the contacts in turn, and not even once, before you can detect a fault.
Defective contacts should be replaced immediately. Stripping in this case is not acceptable. After replacement, it is best to fill the contacts with sealant.
To summarize, we note that you can repair the Indesit washing machine yourself in most cases, but not in all. Therefore, to avoid even more serious damage, contact a specialist, especially if you do not have basic skills in repairing household appliances and are not confident in your abilities. In the end, everyone should mind their own business!
156 reader comments
The water is filled, the engine turns on, after a short pause the pump turns on and works like a washing engine.
After washing, the machine does not go into rinse mode and the pump does not turn off.
No drain.
Indesit wisl62 simply does not turn on, the control light does not light up. How to fix it or what should I call? Thank you.
Tach sensor on the engine.
It starts washing in cold water, then after a while it heats up, what's the matter?
Water is poured in and immediately drained, before this there was no water at all, the drum was spinning dry.
water is poured in and immediately drained
Try raising the drain hose higher than 70cm above the floor.
When water is collected and immediately drained, the hose on the back wall was not secured at the top point (there are clamps), i.e. was below 70 cm from the floor - secured it - everything worked as it should!
Water is poured in, the drum rotates, the water drains itself and does not switch to other modes. What to do?
The machine fills with water, resets and starts washing dry, the washing mode does not turn off. You have to stop it and turn on reset mode. The remaining operations are performed sequentially (rinsing and squeezing, switched off).
Hello. We bought an Indesit washing machine on 03/19/16. installed 03/25/16. We turned on the program, it started to drain the water and went out. They took it to the Expert store where they got it. They say we won’t change it, we’ll take it for examination. Yesterday they called and said that the breakdown occurred allegedly due to my fault, the machine module worth 7000 was flooded and the work was 1000, they will not do it under warranty.
Changed the lock, the washing machine won't start
The machine works, washes 1 wash, drains and that’s it. Those. It doesn’t fiddle or wring out, there is no noise, there are sparks in the area of the motor when it turns left and right. Everything is fine. What to do?
Change the brushes... On the engine...
After switching on, the operation stops after 10 minutes and the relay clicks are heard.
The machine washes and turns off, that is, it does not rinse or wring out. What's the matter?
The machine washes and turns off, i.e. does not rinse or wring out. What to do?
The machine does only one operation - washing and that's it!
Turned on for 5 minutes and stopped
After turning it on, it fills in water, turns the drum a couple of revolutions and stops. A relay click is heard.
It takes in water, makes 2 turns and that’s it.
Good afternoon.
The same thing is happening to me, does anyone know a solution?
Please tell me!
Same problem. Did you fix it?
Has anyone solved this problem? Turns on, pours water, spins the drum stopping three times and stands up. Then after a while the same song again. And for so long. Until the engine error comes out. I checked everything except the block, everything works. Probably the problem is in the block...
And my washing machine has killed me (((
I'm already giving up on hand washing. I set it to wash, after 15 minutes it stops and F-10 appears on the display. At the same time, he rinses and wrings out every other time!
When they bought it, they dissuaded us from buying Russian equipment.
Indesit is not an option.
The drain is not working, what can I do?
You turn on the machine, the water flows by gravity. The water shutoff valve does not work. What can be done and what is the reason?
Have you found the reason? I have the same problem!
Some operations work normally, while others constantly drain water. What could it be?
Did you forget to specify which valve is for water supply or drainage?
There is no drain valve. The water level sensor (under the cover on the right) may not be working. Perhaps the tube from the tank to the sensor is loose or has come off.
If water is poured while the machine is turned off, then there are no options. Change the valve.
The machine is turned on, but water has appeared in the drum from somewhere. What is the problem?
The machine washes and turns off, that is, it does not rinse or wring out, it pumps out the water before turning off, has anyone encountered this?
The machine does not turn on the spin mode after washing and rinsing. What to do? There are no funds for repairs.
Have you solved the problem? I have the same
My WISXE10 was turned on without water, then water was supplied. Now she can wash for several hours in a row, periodically turning off after three minutes, ten, etc... only a spin of 10 minutes works fine. What can be changed in it?
I have an Indesit IWSB 5085 car, the locking hatch light blinks and does not start. What to do?
I have an Indesit car, the locking hatch light blinks and does not start. What to do?
I ask for an answer for Boris
Replace the lock
It is necessary to change the hatch lock and the triac Z0607 on the control board.
The machine washes, but does not rinse or spin. Help, what to do, what is the problem?
Indesit ewsd51031 – problems at the beginning of washing. First, the drain pump turns on, and then normal washing begins. There are no errors on the display, the drain hose is at a height of 100 cm. What could be the reasons for this operation?
1. Check and clean the drain filter and drain hose.
2. Check the level sensor.
All the indicators flash when rinsing and the water runs out - what is this?
I turn on the machine, the door lock is on, I select any program, the lock goes out, but the door is locked. But the washing, spinning, rinsing and draining phase does not happen! What to do?
Same thing, I don’t know what to do.
I turn on the machine, it washes, but after the first rinse the rinse indicator and lock turn on, what is this? And, is it possible to set the washing mode to 50 degrees on the right “5” key?
The machine fills with water, but does not start. And while rinsing it starts working until the final cycle.
All the lights on the machine are blinking and it doesn’t respond to anything! What to do?
I have the same parsley!!! If they fixed it, please tell me why.
What is the reason?
On the Indesit machine, all the buttons and the lock are flashing. What is this?
I plug it in and the light goes out. What's the matter?
It makes so much noise when spinning, maybe the bearings are broken? Where can I buy them?
All the lights started flashing and smoke came out of the drum. tell me, what is this?
The Indesit machine rattles a lot when drying, it feels like something inside has flown off.
The same. I don’t understand, but the tank is not removable. Don't look.
The washing machine door won't close, what should I do?
It starts to wash, then stops, the red light flashes, the machine does not respond to anything, I turn it off, then turn it on again, but the machine no longer works in this mode. I rinse separately, I start the spin cycle separately. Programs 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 crashed. What the hell? who can say - repair or trash?
The machine starts, draws water, after drawing water, clicks are heard and nothing else happens.
Check the motor brushes.
Fabric softener does not come out of the dispenser. There is water in the distributor.
The timer and the lock lamp are flashing frequently, what should I do?
The machine was washing well, but now it’s stopped, it’s picking up water, but it’s like there’s not enough strength to turn the drum. What to do?
The machine takes in water, but the drum does not turn, the belt is in place, the brushes are normal. There is a suspicion that there is not enough water in the system when draining. I looked at the filter from below. Clean on top, where you put the powder - dry, no water flows. Tell me, who had this problem, Indesit WISL 104 machine?
The water supply hose to the washing powder is clogged. Due to an overdose of detergent.
The machine is washing, the programs are working, and during the spin cycle water begins to leak through the door, what should I do?
Washed normally. But now it’s taking in water, the drum barely turns and makes a loud noise. What to do, can anyone tell me?
It takes in water and that’s it, it dies and no movement.
The Indesit WGS636TX washing machine, after 19 years of impeccable service, has stopped responding to the temperature setting. The water begins to boil regardless of the position of the switch. Most likely the thermostat is to blame. Who knows whether there are spare parts for such machines now and, in general, whether repairing them is worth the candle?
Indesit WI101 – the washing mode switch does not work, it runs in circles, what should I do?
Has anyone answered anything, same problem?
When you connect water to the machine, the machine immediately begins to fill with water until you turn off the water. Something wrong with the intake valve?
How did you solve the problem?
The machine washed, switched to rinse and rinses without stopping for 3 hours, does not switch to drain.
After rinsing, a sound signal sounds and returns to washing, while the wash indicator flashes and beeps. What could it be?
Indesit (vertical), reaches rinsing and continues like this, does not wring out. You have to stop and manually drain the water.
After washing with the machine turned off, water began to accumulate in the drum. If you drain it, it still builds up. What to do? I don’t want to disconnect it from the water supply every time.
It makes a very loud noise when spinning! Can you tell me what to do?
A loud noise is the first suspicion of a bearing.
Turned it on, started up, and then completely went out and won’t turn on!
Machine indesit IWSB5085, you select a mode, turn it on, the first portion of water is poured, a click, all the indicators start flashing and the water drains. There is no drum rotation. The brushes are fine. Hoses too... tell me the reason.
It collects water and drains immediately. That's all. Silence.
Indesit W105 tx stopped at rinsing, there was some smell, the lock did not open. What happened, what is the problem?
I changed the heating element and started it up. 10 min. worked and everything went out. Can't turn it on. I see small smudges below. Where could the water get in and what should be changed?
I also can’t understand why she sometimes pushes up and sometimes doesn’t. It does not pick up speed and then the pump makes a loud noise. Then all the lights blink and the pump makes a loud noise. I turned two bolts on the saprostat. They were filled with red paint, can they be adjusted or do I need to buy a new one?
When turned on, all the lights on the display blink for a few seconds, then it works normally. What is this?
Most likely this is how it should be when power is applied.
Good afternoon.You plug the machine into the outlet, the bypass valve constantly clicks and water fills. If you disconnect the first connector on the valve, nothing happens. Then you turn on the first one, and turn off the second one, the valve clicks again and water fills in. What could be the reason for the breakdown?
The washing machine turns on, but after a while the door lock key flashes red. The program time passes, but the machine does nothing (does not draw water, does not spin the drum, etc.). But the door is not blocked and cannot be easily opened. Tell me what could be the problem? What's wrong?
The red light is on, the door does not open.
The W87TX worked conscientiously for more than 10 years, but suddenly, when turned on, it began to turn the program switch repeatedly without stopping. None of the modes are activated. What could it be, has anyone encountered this?
I had exactly the same thing. I changed the door lock and triac (I got an analogue one, not the original one. It worked for half a year). Then I reset the settings (5 seconds on the switch). Now the problem is different, the machine turns on every other time. I turn it on, the hatch lock dimly lights up, but does not block it. I press the on button 5-10 times. And everything works fine. But when I removed the control board, I noticed that it was oxidized by 25%. Now I'm struggling with turning on the washing machine.
The Indesit 51051g machine is your home, water is supplied from the tank and flows into the washing machine by gravity. The water supply valve does not turn off, I don’t understand why. There is no pressure. Even when washing, water flows into the washing tub. New, turned on for the first time.
Most likely it was connected incorrectly. Read the article “Why does a washing machine drain on its own?“
An Indesit machine with a top-opening lid, after the wash started, the tank inside opened, it rattled loudly and jammed. He doesn’t turn anywhere, the laundry remains inside, and water flows from below onto the floor. What to do? Repair, call a technician or buy a new machine? The washing machine is 11 years old.
A bra wire fell inside the drum. How to get her out of there? The washing machine is now dancing.
Try using a magnet to drag it to the edge, it will be difficult, but we did it!
WIA80. The electric water supply valve does not open. Coil 3.4 com.
What voltage comes to it when opening? Thanks in advance.
The Indesit machine with vertical loading constantly takes in water, what should I do, tell me?
Help please!
It’s not clear what’s wrong with the vertical. I turn it on, draws water, makes a few revolutions, after which none of the indicators blink. The switch begins to spin in a circle without stopping and hums quietly, as if it is draining water, but it continues to spin.
The supply valve is clogged.
Indesit iwse5105. Does not wring out or drain water. That is, it shakes in one pore (erases) and at the end f01 gives an error. Specialists looked at the module (carried it out), they said it was normal, the engine was running, the tacho was checked to be normal, what could it be? Please tell me, I'm racking my brain!
Wash as usual, rinse and go into spin mode. That's all. Glitch. The alarm light and lock are flashing. At the same time, the machine hums, as if draining water. Doesn't respond to any buttons. You have to unplug it. This didn't happen before. What is this?
Hello. Have you solved your problem with your machine? If yes, then please tell me what it was? I'm now faced with the same problem.
indesit iwub4105(CIS). Please, help! The ON/OFF button does not light up, the START/PAUSE button is on and there is a buzzing sound. Water does not fill. The last wash everything was fine. Thank you in advance!
This is the problem: it started jamming, and some kind of plastic was flying out of the filter. What could it be, the belt has broken?
I turn on the mode, it starts normally and erases without stopping. The wash light starts flashing. You have to turn everything off completely and turn on alternately the rinse mode and then the spin cycle.
The machine does not start for a long time. There is no indication or sound that it has come to life. After some time, F12 appears. How can I help her?
The spot indicator and lock are blinking. Error code F04 VJUE Z PLTKFNM CDJBVB HERFVB.
And for me, when the machine is without laundry, all programs work. With laundry - only spin, and washing does not work. The masters don't know what the reason is. Why doesn't the drum with laundry turn for washing? Maybe someone has had this happen, please tell me.
Washing machine Indesit WIL83. Set the mode. We started the wash.After some time, the machine pumps water and the lock buttons start flashing: rinsing, ironing (with an iron button). And it doesn't do anything else. What could it be? Thanks for the answer.
Indesit WISE127X. When the program is turned on, the lock closes, water is drawn in for about 5 minutes, then the H2O display turns on without blinking. The water continues to flow. Then the H2O display starts flashing, no water flows and everything is silent. The castle is closed. What is the reason and what kind of breakdown is this?
Constantly takes in water and displays error 20.
Indesit IWSD 7105. All the lights on the machine are blinking and it doesn’t react to anything! What to do? It gives error F12.
Doesn't take in water, relay is fine. What could it be? Indesit wgs 634.
I can't pull the rubber curtain over the neck of the drum.
Indesit iwsc5105. I cleaned the drain filter, now when starting it does not fill with water, all the lights are blinking.
Indesit wn421wu. Fills in water, starts washing, there is a leak from below. What could be the reason?
Tell me, the machine won't start. The red light does not light up.
Please tell me what’s wrong with the machine if it takes in water and immediately releases it? All indicators and the hose begin to light up, as expected, at a level of 70-80 cm from the floor.
I have the same. Machine Indesit 5085.
The machine washes, everything is fine. But all programs are extended in time, i.e.I set it for 1 hour, wash it for 2 hours, add time. At any time during the wash cycle, you can stop the machine and it will open the door even when full of water. What's happened?
I bought an Indesit EWSC S1051 washing machine. After washing the laundry is very hot. Who knows what the reason is?
My new machine is leaking from the powder tray. At first it dripped, but now it flows more when it takes in water.
In the rinse mode, it began to drain not through the hose, but from above, through the tray with the powder. In other modes it drains through a hose. Where to dig?
The indicator turns on, but the machine is in normal mode. Please tell me what is the problem?
Good evening. The drain does not start. Only spin works. On washing modes it works for 1-2 turns, then shows errors.
When you turn on the wash, water starts to fill without stopping and the drum does not spin. What is the reason?
Thank you in advance.
Everyone...: with such knowledge it is better to prepare money and call the master... and “we are coming to you.”
The machine washes, when the rinse mode is turned on, it begins to splash water from the container into which the powder is poured.
Indesit iwsc5105. When you start the wash, it immediately picks up speed about 2-3 times, then it dies, after a minute all the upper indicators light up and blink! The brushes are not worn out! I cleaned the soot from the anchor but nothing changed! Please help me with advice?
I’m not a master, if anything :) Alternatively, the control module may have flown...
The machine washes, but only if you throw in some light item. But if you load a few kilograms, it doesn’t pull. Designed for 6 kg.
It turns on, water fills, does not heat up, makes one revolution and that’s it.
Indesit. The machine is 10 years old, it has never failed, it worked perfectly. Now the problem is: I selected the mode, the lamp of the first stage of the program came on, the lock was closed - and that’s it. There is no water intake, no signs of work, just silence, maybe someone is familiar with this problem, tell me?
Tell me the reason
Please tell me what is the reason? When starting, the regulator constantly moves in a circle.
Hello, my machine worked well for 2 years, but for 2 days now it started making a lot of noise and squealing, it’s scary! Tell me what needs to be done?
Most likely the bearing has failed. If you are lucky and the tank is collapsible, you can replace the part. And if, like everyone else, it is not removable, then either completely replace the tank (which is expensive), or find a craftsman - a handicraftsman who will cut the tank and do everything, bypassing the services (they don’t do such repairs). And if your hands grow from the right place, then you can do everything yourself. Here are the instructions:
The machine does not pump water, what is the reason?
When turned on, the machine starts making clicks in the lock and does not erase. What to do?
New machine.They turn on the wash, water fills, but does not wash. I turn on the rinse. Rinses and returns to wash mode. And the wash flashes
Indesit machine brand WISN82. It takes in water and immediately drains it. It doesn't even turn. Drain and spin function normally and the lights are blinking. It's a lock and a dirty shirt. The technician looked and said it was an electronic problem. But it’s not about her, but about something else. Tell me what else needs to be checked if the boards (circuits) have already been checked? Thank you in advance.
Indesit w63T. Constantly in boiling mode, regardless of the temperature setting, tell me, is there a freon sensor in it?
Hello. Machine Indesit W105TX. As soon as the machine turns on, there are strong sparks below and knocks out the machine. Any advice on where to start with the renovation?
Hello, there can be many reasons, because moisture, temperature and water are everywhere. Open the side cover; the protection (film) that protects the pump from moisture may have been wiped. And water got on it from the wiped corrugation or drum...
The Indezit WITP 102 washing machine flashes the rinse, stop and lock lights. Please tell me what to do?
How to turn off the “Extra wash” button?
We turned on the “Extra Rinse” button when needed. Next time we wash, we don’t know how to turn it off. The machine makes a terrible noise when spinning.
Washing machine Indesit. When draining and spinning, the water supply hose jerks strongly. What is the reason and how to fix it? Thank you.