Washing machine hatch door repair

Washing machine hatch door repairSometimes you can’t do without repairing the washing machine door. Careless loading, carelessness or too active children's games lead to broken latches, broken glass and loose hinges. But don’t rush to call a specialist - most breakdowns can be fixed on your own and with the help of available tools. You will find precise recommendations and step-by-step instructions for eliminating any possible problems in this article.

Getting ready for repairs

First of all, you need to prepare for the upcoming repair: diagnose the problem and collect the required tools and components. Practice shows that there are no special problems with the first one - one glance at the door is enough to understand the nature of the damage. So, one of three things happens:

  • glass is broken;
  • the lock is damaged/jammed;
  • The plastic support on the door hinge is broken.

When the problem is specified, we begin searching for the necessary tools. First of all, we are looking for a screwdriver. For most machines, only a flat bit is sufficient, but some imported washing machines require “stars” or shaped profiles. Sometimes you can’t do without special extension attachments that make access to problem areas easier.For repairs you will need a screwdriver with a set of attachments

Important! It is recommended to use magnetized extensions to hold the screws while tightening.

To replace completely deteriorated parts, alternative spare parts are purchased. In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, it is advisable to dismantle the old element and use it as a sample. Another option is to navigate by the serial number of the washing machine.In some cases, additional tools and supplies will be required. We will tell you in detail what is needed and when.

Retainer repair

Most often, users are faced with the need to repair a door lock. The nicks and chips formed on the lever prevent the coordinated operation of the latches. To fix the damage, you will have to return the parts to their factory smoothness.

  1. Unscrew the hatch door from the body and place it on a flat surface.
  2. We take a needle file or a file with the thinnest notch.
  3. We insert the tool into the hole and grind off the existing nicks.

We act extremely carefully so as not to damage the washing machine.

  1. Apply graphite lubricant to the treated surface.
  2. Wipe off excess grease.
  3. We return the door to its place and secure it with retaining bolts.repairing the latch and handle mechanism

This sequence is used when the door does not open and there is no way to remove the latch. Otherwise, remove the blocker and grind it using a special vice. Then the procedure will go faster and without risk to the machine and door glass.

Changing glass

If the glass is damaged, the repair will take longer and require additional tools and materials. So, you will have to prepare polyester or epoxy resin, as well as tape, film and reinforcing tape. IN Ideally, the damaged glass is removed, but if this is not possible, we proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Carefully seal the front wall of the door with plastic film and tape.

Attention! There should be no gaps!

  1. We lay reinforcing tape on the damaged area.
  2. We dilute the resin according to certain instructions.
  3. Pour the prepared mixture onto the chipped area.
  4. Leave the door for 24 hours.

After final drying, remove the plastic film and remove smudges and unevenness with sandpaper. Now you can install the hatch door back, proceeding in the reverse order.

Restoration of support

Often the door support also suffers, which is also easy to repair with your own hands. First, remove the door from its hinges and dismantle the damaged part. We continue like this:

  • we connect the broken parts together and firmly fix them in a vice;
  • take a nail with a diameter of 3-4 mm and shorten it to an equal length to the support;
  • drill a through hole with a diameter of 2.8-3.8 mm in the combined hinges;
  • we clamp the nail in pliers and heat it over an open fire to a temperature of 180 degrees;
  • insert the hot rod into the drilled hole;
  • quickly assemble the door (no longer than 3 minutes) and install it in place.repairing the loop

You can fix the washing machine door without the help of repairmen. It is enough to follow the instructions given and act with extreme caution.. But it is better not to delay repairs and follow the operating rules of the machine: do not pull the handle, carefully load/unload the machine and do not allow solid objects to get into the drum.


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