Rating of 45 cm dishwashers based on reviews
Often, people who are looking for a new dishwasher study the opinions of owners, in the hope that they will tell them which model is most suitable. They spend a lot of time, and as a result, they come to the conclusion that each dishwasher model has both fans and detractors. And how do you understand which machine to give preference to? Our experts conducted research and compiled a rating of narrow washing machines, based only on the nature and number of positive and negative reviews from owners. Let's see what comes of it.
How are the seats distributed?
Comparing narrow dishwashers with each other based only on user ratings is the most thankless task. We had to sift through a bunch of discussions and individual disparate opinions of hundreds of people, but in the end, our specialists succeeded and came to the following conclusions.
- The first place was awarded to the Bosch Serie 4 SPS 53E dishwasher. We were able to find 82 statements in favor of this technique. At the same time, there were only two negative opinions. Users talk about this machine in great detail, supporting their statements with many facts.
The data was taken from several leading websites selling appliances, as well as from a dozen forums where people discuss dishwashers.
- In second place we put the narrow dishwasher Siemens SR 65M. It received 69 positive comments and three negative ones. Users note the high reliability, functionality and performance of this model.
- In third place is the Samsung DW 50K4050BB. It was highly praised by 55 people, while only four criticized it. People love that it is quiet, reliable, and has a ton of useful features.
- The fourth position went to the Bosch SPS 63M dishwasher. This model has 42 positive ratings and three negative ones. This model appeared on the market a long time ago and is considered a kind of “long-liver”. Despite this, people like her and continue to hold her in high esteem.
- And finally, our experts gave the fifth position to the Electrolux ESL 9457RO machine. She has 38 high ratings and two low ones. It is noted that the machine has exceptional performance and good assembly.
Our specialists came to approximately these conclusions as a result of the work done. Of course, there was a lot of controversy and gossip, but we left it all out because there was no point in recording all the actions of the team. This is not a protocol, but an information article. Below we will present several opinions of people on each dishwasher described above, so that you do not think that the data was “taken from thin air.” We hope all this information will be useful.
Bosch Serie 4 SPS 53E06
Marina, Moscow
Despite the fact that the machine always washes dishes cleanly and carefully, it is also beautiful. My kitchen furniture is decorated in black tones, and the body of this dishwasher matches everything perfectly. The machine is equipped with a bunch of convenient functions, the most interesting of which are: additional rinsing and delayed start up to 24 hours. This machine is free-standing, but my husband put it under the tabletop without any problems and there it “settled” very organically. Satisfied with the purchase!
Ekaterina, Moscow
For a white and black designer kitchen, this dishwasher is ideal. The machine holds 9 sets of dishes, and that’s a whole mountain. I don’t understand at all those who buy full-size dishwashers, how can they get so many dishes dirty at once.Bosch Serie 4 SPS 53E06 is completely leak-proof, allows you to use 3-in-1 tablets and washes dishes perfectly. I've been using this dishwasher for 8 months now and so far so good.
Alexey, St. Petersburg
The machine impressed me with its reliability and thoughtfulness. The design seemed to be developed taking into account my wishes. To install it under the countertop, I removed the top cover, and also connected the equipment to hot water myself. We immediately found out that the Bosch Serie 4 SPS 53E06 cleans better with a powder rather than a tablet. In addition to powder and rinse aid I use salt finish, I haven’t tried the other one. I like everything, the machine is great!
Siemens SR 65M081
Evgeniy, Novosibirsk
This dishwasher is 45 cm wide, that’s all, but it can hold a huge amount of dishes. It is distinguished by a stylish design and a large number of different functions. It has a built-in water purity sensor and a sound warning system, which is especially attractive. The machine is assembled conscientiously, while the cost remains within democratic limits. Five points!
Dmitry, Nizhny Novgorod
It has ideal trays for dishes and cutlery. The machine itself is capable of washing dishes even without detergents, but with tablets it works much better. The controls are good, there is even a display that displays useful information. Siemens SR 65M081 works quietly and rinses and dries dishes conscientiously.
Yana, Tyumen
This machine has a very impressive display. It looks amazing in combination with the original appearance. The dimensions of the dishwasher cannot be called impressive, but it can hold quite a lot of dishes. Everything washes off very clean, right down to the squeak. The equipment works quietly and quickly, while it is completely protected from leaks. I recommended it to all my friends!
Samsung DW50K4050BB
Svetlana, Volgograd
I liked the dishwasher at first sight, and when I managed to get to know her better, I was confirmed in my opinion. The machine washes everything perfectly, the touch buttons are convenient, and in general the controls are convenient and intuitive. I was a little surprised by the configuration of the baskets for dishes, but when I started actively using the dishwasher, it turned out that they were very convenient precisely because of their fancy shape. The pill box is a little low for my taste, but it doesn’t interfere at all, so you can get used to it. I recommend!
Anna, Moscow
Samsung DW50K4050BB is a real fighter against dirt and stains. Even when using a bad detergent, the machine washes and rinses everything perfectly, washing away all the harmful chemicals. I still try to buy a good product, it is safe for health, and the dishes are always guaranteed to be clean, even if the stains are very persistent. The machine is of great use in my house. It saves my energy, nerves and health, since I get allergies from contact with dishwashing detergent. It seems to me that every housewife should have such a machine, a very necessary thing.
At first I tried washing dishes with rubber gloves, but somehow the allergen still gets in, and then I walk around covered in pimples and red spots.
Mikhail, Rostov-on-Don
There is a feeling that this washing machine was assembled to order. There are no shortcomings in it, at least I didn’t notice them after 1.5 years of use. I was impressed by the number of programs and their thoughtfulness. If used correctly, the dishes will always be spotlessly clean. There is even a half-load mode, which I especially like, since dishes usually don’t accumulate much in my house.
Bosch SPS 63M52
Lyudmila, St. Petersburg
An impressive range of programs and a very clean wash are all I need, but the machine gives so much more. Firstly, its appearance is more than aesthetic, just what you need for a freestanding dishwasher. Secondly, the machine is very quiet and has protection against leaks, so you don’t have to be afraid of flooding your neighbors below. The machine is well assembled. My husband takes care of it regularly, cleaning the filter and cleaning the rocker arms, so I hope it will last a long time.
Boris, Chelyabinsk
From my point of view, Bosch is a leader in the production of dishwashing equipment. It makes a lot of noise when filling and draining water, but you can’t hear it during washing. The short wash program is not very effective on heavily soiled dishes, but under normal conditions it works fine. The machine has interesting options in the form of speeding up washing, but I haven’t tried them, I don’t even know if it’s worth using them. I really like the Bosch SPS 63M52.
Natalya, Kirov
Having a narrow body, the machine has an impressive capacity and half loading. The assembly is of very high quality, the baskets inside can be pulled out and moved vertically. It was possible to stuff even a huge baking sheet into the lower basket, and it washed perfectly. I use the washing machine every day. I load the dishes, then turn on the delayed start and wash at night. It turns out great!
Electrolux ESL 9457RO
Tatiana, Moscow
This fully built-in dishwasher can wash 9 sets of dishes at once. We can say that it washes all the dishes in the house, but most often it doesn’t get dirty as much, since I only accumulate dirty dishes for 1 day. Washes very thoroughly. The end result is clean and dry dishes that you can look at like a mirror in the morning. I recommend to buy!
Yulia, Mr.Kostroma
This year I finally “squeezed” my husband out of his Electrolux ESL 9457RO dishwasher. I'm tired of washing dishes by hand, especially when I'm the only one in the family who has to do it. The machine turned out to be a wonderful helper, although the money for it is expensive, even salt is a little expensive. The fast program washes worse than all the others, but everything will depend on how dirty the dishes have to be loaded. It dries exceptionally well, I’ve already forgotten what it’s like to dry dishes with a towel. I give it a five!
Alexandra, Ivanovo
I can say a lot of good things about this built-in machine. The programs are excellent, the baskets are comfortable, and it is not noisy at all. The door opens smoothly, and the tablet compartment is designed in such a way that all the product dissolves without a trace, even no traces remain. At the end of the wash, the machine opens the door slightly to allow the dishes to dry completely. I am pleased!
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