The best dishwasher detergent - rating

dishwasher detergentsHaving purchased a dishwasher, most people think about the question: what product to choose for it, so that the quality of washing is high, and not harmful to health, and the price is lower. It is clear that there is no ideal price-quality-environmental friendliness ratio, but you can try to look for a product that is close to the ideal, making a kind of rating for yourself.

In this article, we will talk about the best products for dishwashers, based on the opinion of experts who have tested many samples and consumers who use such products.

In what forms are the products available: which is better?

To understand which dishwashing detergent used for dishwashers is better, it is necessary to study the types of these detergents and somehow classify them. There are three main forms of release of detergents for washing machines:

  • powdery;
  • gel-like;
  • tableted.

dishwasher detergentsEach of these forms has differences in content. The powder, as a rule, contains only a substance that removes dirt from dishes. The powder does not soften water and does not contain conditioner or rinse aid, so ideally the powder should be used along with other dishwasher and dishwasher care products. The powder is quite cheap, but if you use it “alone” the machine will soon become unusable, although you can choose auxiliary substances for it, for example, dishwasher salts. Another disadvantage of the powder is its poor solubility, which leads to a decrease in the quality of washing dishes.

Gel-type dishwashing detergent dissolves much better than powder, so its concentration in the washing solution is always sufficient. You don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of your dishes. However, the gel, like the powder, only allows you to wash dishes. It does not soften hard water or condition your dishwasher. Even if you add salts and conditioner to the gel (as well as to the powder), they will be of no use, because the gel is mixed with water immediately, but the components need to be added to the washing solution in stages.

Modern tablet detergent differs radically from powder with gel.

  1. The compressed tablets contain detergent, salt and conditioner.
  2. Each of the substances included in the tablet does not dissolve immediately, but at the right moment.
  3. Using tablets, you wash dishes and take care of the dishwasher and refresh both the dishes and the machine itself.

For your information! We are talking about modern 3-in-1 tablet detergents, provided that they are used in modern dishwashers that can recognize such detergents.

If we look at the research of marketers, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - in the last three years, 3-in-1 washing tablets are increasingly displacing powders and gel-like products from the shelves, but let’s not rush to conclusions.

Which products are more environmentally friendly?

Each of us is interested in having less harmful chemicals in our dishwashing detergents. Ideally, everything that directly or indirectly comes into contact with food should be environmentally friendly. Actually, based on this idea, European manufacturers make a lot of money by selling, including to Russia, detergents created on the basis of natural ingredients.On the one hand, this seems very good, but look for yourself:

  • environmentally friendly detergents wash dishes worse;
  • these products cost two or even three times more than usual;
  • environmentally friendly products are spent more wastefully, since their concentration is more moderate.

As a result, we get one plus - environmental friendliness, against three minuses, two minuses will cause a serious blow to your wallet. In our opinion, before you give in to panic and follow the lead of annoying advertisers, try to evaluate the degree of harmfulness of the chemicals that are included in regular detergents for average-priced dishwashers. He has:phosphates

  1. Phosphates. In general, these are not such harmful substances. Even if we assume that every time you wash dishes, 0.01 mg of this substance will remain on the plates (although this is an prohibitive figure), only 1/8 of it will enter your body. Even if you spend your entire life washing dishes with detergent containing phosphates, you will not accumulate enough chemicals in your body to cause harm. For that matter, you consume much more phosphates with sausage, canned food and soda.

Note! In small concentrations, phosphates even benefit the body by providing it with phosphorus, which in turn plays an important role in metabolic processes.

  1. Chlorine. We can talk about the dangers of chlorine for a long time; it is unlikely that we will be able to report anything new on this matter. But again, the concentration of chlorine that is not washed off from dishes and ultimately settles in the body is negligibly small. By comparison, with regular tap water, we consume approximately 150 times more chlorine than using chlorine-containing detergents.Conclusion, you will not reduce the amount of chlorine in the body if you do not use products with choir - other methods are needed.
  2. E1101 or protease. Due to their properties to destroy protein bonds in organic substances, they are widely used in the production of dishwashing detergents. It is proteases that do an excellent job of removing the remains of dried mashed potatoes, porridge, ice cream, chocolate and other products. Until recently (2008), protease was used as a food additive and stabilizer. So if we consumed protease in food along with cookies, bread and sausage, then we can also tolerate its presence in dishwashing detergent - it is not dangerous.
  3. E1104 or lipase. An ingredient in dish soap that helps dissolve any grease, without it all the grease would remain on the dishes. Lipase has also previously been used as a food additive, so in small concentrations in dishwasher detergent it is not harmful, even if it enters the human body.
  4. Tensides. This is a very important component of any dishwashing detergent. Tensides allow you to separate any dirt from a hard or soft homogeneous surface and provide ideal washing of dishes. Most of all tensides are in toilet soap. Toilet soap does not harm the body, except that it dries the skin - draw your own conclusions.

In general, to summarize the above, we can say with a high degree of confidence that even ordinary dishwasher detergents do not contain anything extremely dangerous for humans, and you can wash dishes with them completely calmly. Don’t give in to “environmentally friendly hysteria”; it’s better to spend the money you save on vitamins to support your immune system.

Top 5 most suitable products

Let's return to our question, how to wash plates in the dishwasher? Discussions about the dangers and benefits of the components of the products, as well as their types, are good, but you need to decide on a specific product from a specific manufacturer. It is for these purposes that we decided to compile a rating of detergents based on the opinions of experts and consumer reviews.

A tablet substance called BioMio 7 in 1. Here, experts and consumers for the only time agreed that it washes dishes best, coping equally well with burnt grease and tea stains. Laboratory tests of the product passed perfectly, and consumer reviews are 99% positive. A package of BioMio 7 in 1 of 30 tablets costs $4 - much cheaper than competitors.

BioMio for dishwasher

Finish dishwashing tablets. This product is also very good, however, in a test to remove tea stains from cups, it performed worse than the sample that took first place. Although consumer reviews about it are also positive. You can safely wash silver cutlery with Finish tablets; they are not susceptible to corrosion. You cannot crush the tablets, but with a half load, you can carefully cut the tablet in half and wash the dishes. A package of 100 tablets will cost $20 - not cheap at all, but if you take into account the economical consumption, it’s not so expensive.

Important! The Finish brand is quite seriously promoted in Russia; the manufacturer spends a lot of money on advertising, which inevitably affects the cost of the product.

Finish tablets

Eonit 5 in 1 dishwashing tablets. Our experts ranked this product in third place. Its main advantages are its low price combined with good quality of dishwashing.It is of course risky to wash pans with burnt fat, but most stains, even complex ones, come off perfectly. The product does not contain surfactants or other harmful chemicals and removes tea and coffee stains from cups and mugs well. A package containing 20 tablets of Eonit costs $2, respectively, for 100 tablets you will pay $12 - cheap and cheerful!


Feed Back dishwasher tablets. This product was only awarded fourth place due to an unsatisfactory test for washing coffee cups. Fat and other food residues are washed off with a bang! The product is completely environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive. Consumer reviews are mostly positive. Washing dishes with this product is a pleasure; I put it in the “dishwasher” and my head doesn’t hurt about anything else. The average price per package (30 tablets) of the product is $3, respectively, 100 tablets will cost $12.

Feed Back

Tablet detergent for Filtero dishwashers. It copes well with burnt fat; in this regard, the product has demonstrated the best results. However, there was a problem with washing off pieces of dried mashed potatoes in 2 out of 4 tests. Consumer reviews about the product are also mixed, but the price is quite satisfactory; for a package of 16 tablets you will have to pay only $1. Based on the results of laboratory tests and consumer reviews, we placed this product at the very end of our rating - the top 5 best dishwashing detergents for the dishwasher.


In conclusion, we note that the opinion about the best products for dishwashers presented in this article, although subjective, is quite possible to rely on it and finally choose the most acceptable product for yourself.Although the powder and gel were not included in our rating, they should not be discounted either. You can also wash dishes with them in the “dishwasher”. Don’t make hasty conclusions, don’t rely on advertising and you will make the right choice!


5 reader comments

  1. Gravatar Ivan Ivan:

    I use dishwashing powder

  2. Gravatar Kolya Kolya:

    Another piece of nonsense promoting pills with aggressive chemicals. In order to talk about the safety of chemical residues on dishes, it is necessary to conduct long-term tests on humans, which no one does.

    • Gravatar Ivan Ivan:

      That is, people who wash dishes by hand with detergents do not wash dishes with aggressive chemicals?

      Absolutely identical chemistry and nothing happens to people from it.
      People are infuriated by the shift in chemicals that they consume even in fruits and vegetables, but do not understand it. But when it comes to obvious chemistry, they begin to mutter.

      Nowadays chemistry is everywhere. Eating food from current stores in our country, where all the ingredients are written lies, and then appearing because of tablets in household chemicals that you use to wash your hair, wash, wipe everything in the apartment - this is either narrow-mindedness or naivety.

      Yes, and there is no advertising as such. If there was an advertisement for a specific company here, you might think it was paid for, but here they are talking about pills in general. No one could pay for advertising, because there are plenty of companies with them.

  3. Gravatar Anonymous Anonymous:

    Ivan, you couldn’t have said it better!

  4. Gravatar Kari Kari:

    So for a person who is looking for a product without chemicals, it is stupid to argue that the store is full of chemicals or that he washes dishes with chemicals with his hands. Such a person does not eat sausage and does not wash dishes using ordinary means and is looking for organic farms with vegetables, etc. It is not relevant to tell us that chemistry is harmful; for this, learn the language and discover scientific research conducted abroad. Also thinking about the environment in general and the fact that such water with chemicals is ultimately washed into the seas. Summarizing the uselessness of your conclusions, I would also like to note that I came here to find the best product in terms of environmental friendliness and quality of dishwashing. And I get begging for logic with assurances that we once had all these additives in cookies :) It’s funny and sad.

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