Disassembling the Ardo washing machine

Analysis of SM Ardo1If any element of the washing machine fails, it may be necessary to disassemble the machine. Modern equipment is produced using advanced technologies, so it will be quite difficult for a person who has absolutely no knowledge in this area to analyze it. In addition to everything, Ardo washing machines are characterized by certain design features, which can also cause certain difficulties. Let's see how to disassemble a washing machine yourself.

Let's prepare for disassembly

Before you begin disassembling washing equipment with your own hands, you must be prepared for the work. First of all, you need to disconnect the unit from the power supply. Next, you need to turn off the tap responsible for supplying water to the system, remove the inlet hose and drain hose. After the washing machine is disconnected from communications, you should move the device to a place convenient for disassembly. To disassemble the washing machine you need to prepare the following tools:

  • two types of screwdrivers (flat and Phillips);
  • small hammer;
  • wrenches of different sizes;
  • pliers and pliers;
  • puller (if bearings are to be removed);
  • screwdriver;
  • heads for loosening nuts and unscrewing bolts.

Having all the listed tools in your arsenal, you can begin work. The process is not quick, so we advise you to stock up not only with patience, but also with free time.

Let's start the process

Disassembling the Ardo machine begins by disconnecting the top cover. The platform is attached to the body with two self-tapping screws. They unscrew, after which the lid moves back a little and rises up without much effort.Next, the process of disassembling the unit is performed as follows:Analysis of SM Ardo

  • remove the counterweight of the washing machine; to do this, unscrew the 3 bolts holding the load;
  • remove the detergent tray;
  • remove the control panel of the machine, to do this, unscrew all the screws holding the part, and also unclip the plastic fasteners located around the perimeter;
  • disconnect the terminals and filling pipe from the dispenser, remove the dispenser box from the body;
  • remove the metal clamp holding the sealing collar. To do this, pry the ring with a screwdriver, unclip the lock and pull out the wire;
  • tuck the cuff inside the drum.

Now you can proceed to disassembling the rear part of the unit. The algorithm of actions is extremely simple.

  1. We remove the back wall of the case; to do this, unscrew all the fastening screws.
  2. Remove the drive belt.
  3. We disconnect the contacts leading to the heating element, the electric motor of the washing machine.
  4. We unscrew the bolts holding the motor and remove the motor from the unit (to do this, you may need to tilt the washing machine).
  5. We put the washing machine on its side and begin to remove the shock absorbers.
  6. We detach the pipe from the drain pump and all the wiring leading to the pump.
  7. We install the machine vertically and remove the tank with the drum from the body.

By following these steps, you will almost completely disassemble the Ardo washing machine. If replacement of bearings or oil seal is required, you will have to additionally remove the pulley from the drum and disassemble the tank. Only after this will you gain access to the mounting location of the bearings and oil seal.

As you understand, doing the work yourself is not difficult. You can replace the main parts and components of the SMA yourself, without the help of professional repairmen.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Anatoly Anatoly:

    Crack in the drum on the right side at 4 o'clock

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