Dimensions of the Malyutka washing machine
It would seem that many decades have passed since the invention of the “Malyutka” type washing machine, but it is still in high demand due to its low cost and good quality of washing. The device is used not only in country houses, but also at home in the city. The technology owes its success not only to its reliability and basic design, which means even a child can handle it, but also to its small size, making it easy to place even in the smallest apartment. Today we will look at the dimensions of the Malyutka washing machine of different series so that you can choose the right machine for yourself.
Second "Baby"
Officially, this washing machine is called SM-1 “Baby 2”. It’s easy to use, it doesn’t waste much water, but it rinses and washes dirty clothes perfectly. Its dimensions and other technical characteristics are as follows:
- the maximum dimensions of the equipment are 570 by 450 by 420 millimeters;
- maximum drum load 1 kilogram;
The machine itself weighs no more than 10 kilograms, which is why it is convenient to carry it with your own hands from place to place when you need it.
- tank volume is 28 liters;
- on average, the number of revolutions per minute reaches 1360;
- the machine consumes only 0.05 kilowatts;
- normal operation is possible at a voltage of 220 volts alternating current with a frequency of 50 hertz.
The machine operates in only two modes, but in the most necessary for a housewife - washing and rinsing. On average, washing takes about five minutes, and rinsing takes a little more than four minutes. The time interval between the two stages is around three minutes.
Most of the device is made of plastic - the tank, the lid and the casing, which is a case for the electrical components, as well as for the electric motor of the washing machine. The activator body is fixed to a threaded flange, where the cuff is also located. The flange is contained in a housing, and the activator is mounted on the shaft of the electric motor. The power key is located on the casing with the designation “1/0” or “On/Off”.
Later versions of “home assistants” also have special latches necessary to hold the lid in the groove during operation. However, even without these latches, early versions of the machines work without problems, since their lid does not pop out of the groove during the washing process.
Episode four hundred
Let’s look at the equipment “Malyutka 425” and “Malyutka 465”, the dimensions and performance of which are almost identical to the characteristics of “Malyutka 2”. What are their main features?
- A maximum of 1 kilogram of laundry can be washed at a time.
- No spin mode.
- Washing takes from one to six minutes.
- The power indicator is within 250 watts.
- Tank volume 27 liters.
The equipment is controlled mechanically using a time relay. "Malyutka 425" allows the user to control the duration of the working cycle. The work is completed automatically, after which the waste liquid is drained into the sewer using a drain hose. The dimensions of the washing machines are slightly different - for the “Malyutka 425” it is 380 by 430 by 430 millimeters, and for the “Malyutka 465” it is 472 by 406 by 476 millimeters.
Timeless advantages of SM “Malyutka”
The dimensions have been discussed, it’s time to dwell on the main advantages of this inexpensive household appliance. The machine is very small, which will be appreciated by owners of small studios and houses; it is inexpensive and also uses water and electricity sparingly.The quality of washing also does not disappoint, although it depends on the powder used, the quality of tap water, and also on the duration of the working cycle.
“Malyutka” treats laundry very carefully, and the 225 and 425 series are additionally equipped with a reverse option, which allows you to change the direction of movement of the disc. This allows clothes to curl less during operation of household appliances and practically not wear out. How to properly use such a washing machine?
- Fill the machine with water at the required temperature.
- Add washing powder and stir it thoroughly.
- Place dirty clothes in the tank.
- Close the machine lid tightly.
- Start the work cycle.
The activator in the “Malyutka 465” is not located on the side, like in other models, but in the bottom, which is why you can not fully load the tank, which means reducing the consumption of water and household chemicals.
When the wash is finished, the used water and powder can be drained or reused, but this is not recommended. Rinsing should also be done exclusively in clean water. Wash children's clothes in soapy water, because it is much easier to wash it out of your baby's clothes. As for the disadvantages of the equipment, there is only one - there is no protection against leaks, but it pales in comparison with the advantages of the washing machine.
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