How to disassemble an Electrolux dishwasher?

How to disassemble an Electrolux dishwasherWhy users at some point ask the question of disassembling an Electrolux dishwasher is hardly for fun. Obviously there was a need for renovation. You don’t want to take your washing machine to a workshop, but some people don’t mind saving money on repairs themselves. But how to do this correctly, how to find and replace a broken part, and then return everything back “without mistakes”, you need to understand this.

Preparing the unit for disassembly

It may seem that there is nothing complicated in disassembling a dishwasher, as if you turned the unit upside down and gained access to all components of the machine. But in fact, everything turns out to be much more complicated. And you need to start with preparation. The preparation stage is not only about finding a workspace in the kitchen, but also about studying relevant information and collecting the necessary tools and materials. Most people hardly have a workshop in their apartment. And since it doesn’t exist, then don’t be upset, we work as we are. We do the following:

  • turn off the water supply and disconnect the dishwasher from the network;
  • unscrew the water supply hose and disconnect it from the sewer; if necessary, use rags and containers, as water may leak from the hoses;
  • if the machine is built-in, unscrew the fasteners holding it in the niche of the kitchen unit. If not, then we simply move it to an empty place;
  • spread the cellophane and a rag in a free place and place the PMM on them.

In a small kitchen, it can be inconvenient to disassemble the dishwasher, so some people do it in a spacious bathroom. Thereby protecting the floor from flooding with water.

After preparing the dishwasher, we begin preparing the tools. Not everything on the list may be at hand, so you will have to buy something in addition, or ask a friend for something. Depending on the dishwasher model and the nature of the breakdown, you will need:prepare your tools

  • two screwdrivers: flat and Phillips;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • tweezers;
  • soldering iron;
  • side cutters;
  • multimeter;
  • pliers (pliers)
  • camera or phone with a camera.

We dismantle components, assemblies and individual parts

Now you can proceed directly to the analysis of the Electrolux PMM; we will do this using the example of a freestanding dishwasher. We remind you that it is better to take photographs of each stage. Believe me, when you have to put the dishwasher back together, photos of the original condition will not hurt you. On the one hand, everything seems to be remembered, but on the other, time passes, and you no longer remember which bolt was where. So don't be lazy and take pictures. The procedure is as follows:

  • unscrew a couple of bolts from the back of the machine; they hold the cover in place. Next, we move the part back and remove it;remove the cover of the PMM Electrolux
  • remove the decorative bottom panel, which is held in place by latches; they can be snapped off with a flat-head screwdriver or your fingers by tilting the dishwasher body slightly back. In this case, you will also have to open the dishwasher door slightly, as it will interfere with removing the panel;remove the bottom panel of the PMM Electrolux
  • Unscrew three screws from the back of the home assistant, which secure the side walls. These are not all fasteners. One more screw on top, as well as one screw on the left and right under the decorative panel;remove the side wall fastenings
  • Then, without any problems, we remove the side metal walls and remove the soundproofing material;remove the side walls of PMM Electrolux
  • turn the PMM upside down, having first pulled out the baskets and rocker arms from it, you can also remove the garbage filter and fine filter, do not forget to blot the water with a rag, if any;turn the dishwasher upside down
  • now unscrew and remove the bottom cover, which covers the pan and all components of the unit;remove the PMM Electrolux pan cover
  • Next, we remove the plastic element of the pallet, which is held on by screws located in different places around the perimeter of the entire pallet. It is under this element that all the components of the dishwasher are located, and therefore you will have to try;we remove the plastic elements of the PMM pallet
  • Now we unclip the clamps that hold the engine and the filler valve clamps. If this is not done, it will not be possible to lift the plastic part of the pallet;

Important! On some Electrolux PPM models there is another secret latch in the center of the pallet, which prevents it from being completely removed. Therefore, inspect the part carefully, use a flat-head screwdriver to release the latch.

  • Next, we remove the drain hose, it is also held on by a plastic latch;remove the PMM drain hose
  • disconnect the power terminals;disconnect the power terminals
  • and finally, carefully remove the tray to the side.dismantling the PMM Electrolux pallet

At this point we can consider that the dishwasher disassembly is complete! Now you can independently disassemble and replace any failed part, giving access to all elements. If you did not forget to take photos of the entire process, then by doing all the steps in reverse order, you will assemble the PMM without any problems. Good luck!


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Alexey Alexei:

    What if you didn’t take a photo?
    I have a small-sized PMM Electolux. Disassembled and cleaned. I'm assembling - the terminals and wires are not compatible.

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