How to position the washing machine drain hose correctly

How to position the washing machine drain hose correctlyIt is important to position the drain hose of the washing machine, following all the manufacturer’s recommendations in order to avoid problems during the further operation of the “home assistant”. Therefore, before connecting the washing machine to communications, carefully read the instructions for the equipment. All the rules for placing a drainage hose are described in detail there.

How and at what height should I lay the hose?

Without draining the water, the machine will not be able to operate. The correct position of the drainage channel speeds up the washing process and also extends the repair-free service life of the SMA. Therefore, it is important to study how the washer drain hose should be positioned.

First of all, it is important to observe the height indicator. Here are the following rules:

  • since the pump power is limited, the drain hose can be placed at a height of no more than 80 cm, directly next to the washing machine;
  • near the sewer pipe, the drain hose should be placed at a distance of 60 cm from the floor;
  • the lowest section of the drainage hose should be at a height of 50 cm. If you violate this recommendation, unpleasant odors from the sewer will enter the machine.diagram of the correct connection of the SM drain hose

In order for an automatic machine to work properly for the 10 years or more declared by the manufacturer, it is imperative to follow the basic recommendations for connecting it to communications.

  • The length of the drain hose should not exceed 2 meters. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the pump to pump water, and the pump will quickly burn out.
  • Do not “lift” the drain hose vertically higher than 80 cm. This is true when the drain hose simply falls into the sink. It’s better to place the corrugation in the drain elbow under the washbasin.
  • Use only high-quality components to connect the SMA. The cheapest corrugation can quickly become leaky and begin to leak.

When connecting the washing machine, be sure to remember the S-shaped bend of the drain hose. The length of the drain hose should not be more than 2 meters; it is also important to ensure the correct distance from the floor to the point of its entry into the sewer - exactly 60 cm. If the main conditions are met, problems will not arise during further operation of the SMA.

How to connect the machine to a siphon?

There are several options for connecting the drain hose. For example, you can throw the tube over the edge of a bathtub or sink and secure it there. This is a very simple, but also the most inconvenient way to organize a drain. Firstly, there is a chance that the sleeve will come off and everything will spill onto the floor. Secondly, there will always be deposits on the plumbing fixtures, since dirty water comes out of the machine, mixed with lint, hair, threads, etc.

The option of connecting the drain hose to the siphon is the most optimal; this method is chosen in most cases.

The siphon, due to its design, isolates the kitchen area or bathroom from sewer “odors”. On modern devices, there is another pipe on the side, specifically for connecting the drain hoses of washing machines and dishwashers. If you have an elbow without an additional outlet, replace it with a new one.connect through the siphon fitting

To connect the drain of the automatic machine through the knee you need:

  • remove the plug from the side pipe of the elbow;
  • apply a layer of waterproof sealant or special silicone-based glue to the edge of the outlet at the joint;
  • attach a drainage hose to the side outlet;
  • secure the connection with a worm-type clamp.

The siphon should be located as high as possible towards the sink, at a height of 40 cm, optimally 50-60 cm. And the drain hose itself is fixed on the body of the machine at a height of 70-80 cm with a special clamp, and its end is lowered into the drain. This ensures the S-shaped bend of the corrugation.

Organization of drainage directly into the sewer pipe

Another option for organizing a drain is to connect the machine hose directly to the sewer pipe. Connection is made using a tee or direct insertion. In this case, some plumbing skills will be required, so you will probably have to entrust the work to a professional.

If a tee is used, then its first (direct) outlet is occupied by a washbasin, bathtub or other plumbing fixtures. The second (angular) is used to connect an automatic machine. The joints must be treated with sealant and wrapped with FUM tape.

When connecting the drain hose to the tee, be sure to use a rubber seal - you can buy it or cut it yourself from an old washing machine inner tube.

If a suitable tee cannot be selected for the sewer pipe (for example, in the case of asbestos or cast iron structures), the drain hose cuts directly into it. Before starting work, it is important to turn off the water supply to the entire riser in the entrance. Typically, the insertion and installation of the branch are carried out at the stage of apartment renovation.tee for connecting the machine to the sewer

During the work you will need a standard set of tools:

  • Phillips and slotted screwdrivers;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • pipe cutting device;
  • pliers;
  • knife;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

The drain is inserted into the sewer pipe at a height of 60 cm. The hose is connected to the branch using an O-ring. In this case, the drain hose should not come into contact with water.This will prevent unpleasant odors from entering the machine.

What happens if you place the hose without bending?

As already mentioned, the correct position of the drain hose is very important for the normal functioning of the automatic machine. If you connect the corrugation not according to the instructions, water may leave the washing machine by gravity. This occurs when the height of the tube and its S-shaped bend are not respected.check the connection of the machine to the sewer

Another unpleasant consequence is the discharge of wastewater from the sewer into the machine. If the drain hose is not positioned correctly, a “siphon effect” will occur. The water from the riser will flow back into the washer tank. This is why it is so important to place the corrugation at the recommended height and with a bend.


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