Washing a Uniqlo down jacket in the washing machine
Unique items are in great demand, especially among young people. Their outerwear is warm and comfortable to wear, and at the same time absolutely weightless, including down jackets. And besides, the cost of Uniqlo down jackets is very affordable. However, in order for such a wonderful thing to last a long time, you need to properly care for it. If you are careless in washing or drying, your down jacket may be damaged forever. Let's figure out how to properly wash a Uniqlo down jacket in a washing machine and then how to dry it properly.
Preliminary preparation
First of all, it makes sense to read the information on the product tag. It gives very succinct and clear recommendations for caring for the product. Some people don’t bother and send their down jackets to be dry-cleaned, but two such procedures add up to the price of a new down jacket, so it would be more rational to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and clean the item yourself, if, of course, the manufacturer allows washing.
An extremely important point is the selection of detergent. When choosing it, you need to keep a few nuances in mind.
Dry powders are strongly discouraged, as they are difficult to wash out and leave streaks on the surface.
Do not use bleach.
You cannot use conventional air conditioners, as they stick together the filling of the down jacket, which deforms its shape and reduces the level of heat retention.
As the main detergent, you can buy a special detergent for down jackets, which can now be found in a large supermarket. If this is not the case, use a liquid detergent for washing woolen items as an alternative.
Before washing outerwear, be sure to:
unfasten the hood, fur, collar, belt and other removable elements;
empty pockets;
fasten the zippers and buttons.
Before cleaning the down jacket in the machine, it is recommended to turn it inside out. If there is severe contamination, first treat it locally with a stain remover.
Is it possible to use the automatic machine?
To better remove dirt, you do not need to soak the down jacket in water before putting it in the machine. Laundry gels and capsules deal with any stains as efficiently and carefully as possible.
Important! You cannot select a program that involves heating water to more than 30 degrees!
Therefore, you can select the following modes: “Quick wash”, “Delicate mode”, “Down blanket”.
How to maintain the structure of the filler when washing in a washing machine? Using special laundry balls. To wash a down jacket you will need 6 pieces. They are distributed throughout the product as follows:
one in each sleeve;
one in each pocket;
one inside the product;
put one in the drum on top of the down jacket.
During the washing process, the balls actively contact the filler and prevent it from forming lumps. If you don’t have balls on hand, you can replace them with tennis balls, sold in any sports store. It is advisable to disable the spin function, as it can damage the structure of the filler. But rinsing is welcome, thanks to it there are no traces of detergent left on the product.
You will have to manually wring out the down jacket after the end of the cycle. First, lightly press it with your hands to get rid of excess water, and then shake it several times on the balcony or over the bathtub.
It is impossible to strongly wrinkle, twist or in general mechanically influence a wet down jacket (for this reason we turn off the spin cycle), as this will lead to deformation and loss of the attractive appearance of the product. It is not recommended to wash two down jackets at the same time, even if they together do not exceed the permissible load weight. In this case, the risk of damage will increase, and the quality of cleansing, on the contrary, will decrease.
Wash in the traditional way
When it comes to finicky items, hand washing is always better than a machine wash. However, manual cleaning of a down jacket requires a lot of patience. For the procedure, you will need a large container in which you can place the down jacket without bending or crumpling it. Typically a bath is used.
In general, it is recommended to wash down jackets in cold water, but for the comfort of the housewife, you can heat it to room temperature, then your hands will not freeze. In addition, any detergent dissolves better in warm water. And such a small heating will not affect the product in any way.
Treat the dirtiest places (usually cuffs, tops of pockets, collar) with a solution of laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.
The algorithm for manually cleaning a down product is as follows:
find out the required dosage of detergent and add this amount to a bath of water, beat with your hands to obtain foam;
Carefully immerse the down jacket in water, making sure that the entire surface is saturated with water;
leave in this position for 15 minutes;
walk over the surface of the product with a sponge or soft brush;
drain the water and wring out the product using light pressure with your hands;
Rinse the down jacket several times, renewing the water.
The rinsing process is no less important for the structure of the filler than the washing itself. The better the detergent is washed out of the fibers, the faster the down will straighten out inside the down jacket after drying. After rinsing, the down jacket needs to be wrung out again. This time it is more convenient to do this by hanging the product above the bathtub in a vertical position. Then most of the excess water will drain off on its own.
Manual cleaning is good because you control the result of cleansing at each stage. If you suddenly see that some place has not been washed well, you can always carry out a second round of the cleaning procedure or simply additionally treat problem areas with detergent.
How to remove moisture from a Uniqlo down jacket?
It is extremely important to properly dry the down product after cleaning. After you have carefully squeezed the product with your hands, do this:
unbutton your jacket;
turn it right side up again;
pull the pockets out.
Hang the down jacket on a hanger with wide shoulders, and after a while, button it up again. It is advisable to place the product on the balcony to ensure good air circulation. In this case, it is advisable to exclude direct sunlight. The product needs to be shaken periodically. It is also useful to knead the product a little with your hands from time to time so that the filler fluffs up and the lumps “dissolve.”
You can use a hair dryer to speed up drying. In this case, the air must be warm, not hot! Ironing a down jacket is strictly prohibited.
Note! You can wear a down jacket only after it has completely dried!
Otherwise, you run the risk of the filler clumping into lumps, creating an unpleasant odor and even mold.
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