How to conduct an independent examination of a washing machine?
If you bought a washing machine, which during operation turned out to be defective or defective, but the seller refuses to take the product back and return the money, you need to involve a “third party”. The most reliable and easiest way is to conduct an independent examination of the washing machine. With its help, the injured party in the person of the buyer can prove that the household appliances were of poor quality from the beginning, and the store or manufacturer is to blame for this. How is an objective opinion of specialists sought, how much does the procedure cost and what is revealed in the end?
Why is it carried out?
Both the buyer and the seller - the party that does not agree with the claim being put forward - can request an independent examination. But this does not mean that experts can be bought: the commission objectively assesses the condition of household appliances and issues an appropriate verdict. As a rule, as a result, specialists must answer a number of questions.
- Is the washing machine of good quality?
- Is there a manufacturing defect?
- What breakdowns are present, and what are the reasons for their occurrence?
- Has the renovation been done before and how well?
- Does it make sense to repair the machine or is it no longer advisable?
The issued examination has legal force and can be used in court as evidence.
With the increasing number of sales of low-quality equipment and counterfeits of well-known brands, only an independent examination can save an honest buyer. Therefore, if the management of a retail outlet does not want to make contact and resolve the dispute peacefully, it is necessary to require the involvement of specialists to resolve the dispute. If the conclusion states that the consumer is not at fault, the seller will be obliged to admit that the client is right, exchange the product for a new one, or return the money for the purchase.
But the results of the examination will prove that the buyer is right only if during the verification process all legal requirements and rules of procedure are observed. Only a trusted company can provide objective and reliable information that will prove the fact of a manufacturing defect or other breakdown not due to the consumer’s fault. Therefore, it is necessary to choose recognized expert organizations.
Who and where does all this?
When testing a washing machine, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, and even improper transportation can distort the final results. Therefore, great attention is paid to the delivery of equipment to the service center. Moreover, often specialists themselves go to the client and conduct an examination right on the spot. But everything is purely individual, since complex cases are dealt with only using certain equipment, which is why the machine is delivered directly to the laboratory.
The examination begins with studying all the documentation issued by the store when purchasing the washing machine (registration certificate, user manual, warranty card).
An independent examination first determines the cause of the washer malfunction. The essence of the problem and its origins are described in detail and reasonably in an expert opinion, which is issued to the buyer and becomes proof of his rightness (or wrongness). As a rule, the final paper indicates one of four possible breakdown options.
- Manufacturing defects.Everything is simple here - all the blame lies with the manufacturer, who initially supplied the store with low-quality equipment. The buyer is refunded the money spent or offered to replace the product with a similar one.
- Improper transportation and installation of the machine. Not all owners of washing machines know that the machine can only be installed on flat horizontal surfaces of sufficient rigidity. Also, often ignorant people, saving on experienced installation specialists, forget to remove the transportation bolts or carry out grounding. All this leads to breakdown, and more often than not the seller will be to blame, but the buyer himself.
- Violation of operating rules. If the examination shows that the cause of the breakdown lies in exceeding the maximum established load, use in inappropriate conditions, or washing items not intended for the machine, then the truth will be on the seller’s side. No one will return the money for the machine.
- Problems with the machine software. Often the control board malfunctions, slowing down or “glitching”. But here everything is not clear: it can be either a factory defect or the consequences of improper operation of the equipment.
The verdict is rendered by several specialists at once, whose personal signatures guarantee the impartiality and reliability of the information provided. By the way, independent researchers are responsible for their conclusions and, if necessary, are summoned to court to testify.
In addition to the factors and causes of the malfunction that prevents the machine from functioning fully, the examination also provides other clarifying data.The main thing is that the conclusion describes in detail accurate and reliable information, which clearly shows who is to blame and who must correct the controversial situation.
How much does it cost?
The cost of independent research varies. Companies set individual rates depending on the prestige of the organization and their location. But indicative prices can be considered using the example of the Moscow branch of the NP “Federation of Forensic Experts”. All kinds of examinations are carried out here, including electrical ones. The prices for the examination are as follows:
- washing machine inspection – from $30;
- dryer research – from $25;
- inspection of refrigeration equipment – from $50.
Transport costs are paid separately.
The cost of the “truth” is affordable, especially since if a manufacturing defect is discovered or the seller’s guilt is proven, the latter can be demanded through the court for reimbursement of funds for the examination. The main thing is that the expert opinion shows that the buyer is not involved in the malfunction on the equipment.
2 reader comments
It will be very helpful if you tell me who in Kazakhstan does such an examination. I can not find.
Good afternoon. Tell me who in the city of Belgorod does an independent examination of washing machines.