Checking the surge protector of the Indesit washing machine
Any household appliance needs to be looked after from time to time, checking key components and repairing them if necessary. It would be a good idea to check the power filter of the Indesit washing machine if the machine starts to turn on with difficulty. This problem is often associated with the interference filter - a semiconductor part through which power is supplied to the machine, which is located on the power cord. This is what needs to be checked if the washing machine stops responding to the plug being inserted into the socket. Let's look in detail at how to do this correctly.
Where is the part you are looking for?
Often the “home assistant” stops turning on due to a capacitor failure. To make sure that this part is to blame, you must first remove the surge protector from the household appliance and inspect the interference filter. To get to it you need:
disconnect the machine from power supply and other communications;
remove the top cover of the SM, having first unscrewed the retaining bolts;
Find under the cover the interference filter, which looks like a small black or white element installed at the base of the power cord.
The surge protector can be found near the place where the power wire goes.
To remove the capacitor you need to use an ordinary flat-head screwdriver, with which you need to remove the clamps. Do not try to visually determine if the capacitor is broken; checking with a multimeter will be more effective and accurate.
Determine the performance of the part
Despite the fact that only a multimeter can provide accurate results, sometimes you can also find damage to an element with your own eyes.You should pay attention to signs of fire: melted wires and contacts, an unpleasant burning smell, black spots. If there are no described signs around the interference filter, then you need to carry out simple diagnostics according to our instructions.
Set the multimeter to buzzer mode.
Connect the probes of the device to the contacts of the capacitor.
Check the resistance of the part - if there is no voltage at the output, then the unit has burned out.
If the interference filter fails, it cannot be repaired, so you will have to buy a new part.
Replacing this element will not take much time even for a person without experience in repairing household appliances. All you need to do is attach the filter to the seat using several clips. It is much more difficult to find a part that will fit a specific model of washing machine. It is better not to try to look for an analogue of the extracted element, but to immediately take the non-functioning part with you to the store as an example and buy exactly the same one, but a new one. This is the only way to avoid mistakes and purchase exactly the interference filter that suits the washing machine.
After the purchase, all that remains is to install the unit in place, secure it with bolts, hide the insides of the machine under the top cover, and then reconnect the equipment to light and water. After replacing, be sure to check the “home assistant” - if it and the control panel turn on normally, then everything is in order.
Why did the filter burn out?
It is very easy to diagnose and replace the interference filter, but it is even better to prevent a situation in which it fails. This is also important because if the cause of the damage is not eliminated, the new part can also break very quickly, which is why the money spent on its purchase will be wasted.We will briefly describe the principle of operation of the interference filter to make it easier for you to understand the causes of damage to the node.
Most often, this part burns out due to sudden changes in voltage in the network. It's no secret - sudden power surges very often occur in Russia, which is why complex electrical devices fail. Sensitive electronic modules in washing machines break down especially often, and they can become unusable even after the slightest power failure.
The interference filter was created in order to eliminate sudden voltage changes, taking the brunt of the impact. The downside is that it is often able to cope only with small differences, remaining completely defenseless against large changes. In this case, it burns out and urgently shuts down the entire system.
If this happens, the unit cannot be repaired - you will have to buy and install a new one. However, it is important to realize that replacing the noise filter will not correct the voltage drop situation. Therefore, if such problems often occur in your home, then you should first purchase a suitable stabilizer to prevent possible damage to household appliances.
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