The drain filter of any automatic washing machine must be periodically cleaned of accumulated debris. But, unfortunately, such a measure cannot completely protect against problems in the washing machine’s drainage system. Only large debris and foreign objects that fall into the drum along with things settle in the garbage filter. Hair, lint, small pieces of paper, plaque particles, bypassing the filter element, enter the pump and interfere with its normal functioning. Let's figure out how to check the drain pump on an LG machine and where to start.
Pump diagnostics
After you get to the drain pump, you need to stock up on a screwdriver and unscrew the volute mounting bolts from the electrical supply unit. Then you should disconnect the engine with the impeller. Check the snail for blockages; if you find debris in it, clean the part.
Inspect the sealing gaskets, they should have a clear shape and not be worn.
You can check the operation of the washing machine pump without removing the part from the electric motor. In this case, a multimeter will come in handy. The tester probes are applied to the pump contacts. If the device display does not display any readings, the pump must be replaced.
In some cases, when the rubber gaskets are deformed, liquid enters the pump. Water washes away the lubricant from the rotor, causing the part to wear out faster. In such a situation, the pump should be treated with a lubricant. When choosing a composition, special attention should be paid to:
moisture resistance;
heat resistance;
consistency (it should be thick).
Silicone grease meets all the requirements and is perfect for treating the drain pump. After the procedure, the pump must be installed in its original place.
Mechanical diagnostics will consist of checking the movement of the impeller, as well as the wear of the bushings; for this it is necessary to remove the volute. The impeller must be turned by hand. During normal operation, the rotation of the part is intermittent. The jerky movement is caused by a magnetic rotor. Then you need to shake the impeller left and right. If significant play is detected, the pump will have to be replaced.
If during the described actions no malfunctions are identified, you need to proceed to the final diagnostics. It will consist of connecting the motor directly to the electrical network. To do this, prepare a wire with a plug and two terminals. When plugged into a power outlet, the pump should function without making any extraneous sounds.
Exploring the snail
If you hear an uncharacteristic hum in the area where the drain pump is located (and this is the lower right side of the housing), then a small object has probably gotten into the pump volute or a significant blockage is making itself known. Checking the pump of an ElG automatic machine will consist of the following:
gain access to the garbage filter (it is located behind a small door located at the bottom of the front wall of the case);
carefully unscrew the lid;
When working with the drain filter, water will begin to leak from the system, so the floor under the machine must first be covered with a rag.
shine a flashlight into the opened cochlea cavity and inspect it for the presence of foreign objects and blockages. In a normal situation, only the pump impeller should be visible inside.
After removing the debris and cleaning the cochlea cavity, you can screw the lid back to its original place and run the machine in test mode. Another common cause of loud noise from the pump area is a clogged inlet pipe. The hose must be cleaned with a special rod and rinsed under running water.
Signs indicating pump failure
Before you start diagnosing the drain pump, you need to make sure that the problem really lies with it. Listen to the work of your “home assistant” and pay attention to external signs of problems. A pump malfunction is indicated by:
the corresponding error code shown on the display;
problems with draining water from the tank during the washing process and upon completion;
failures to turn on/off the pump.
We talked about how to make a diagnosis. Remember that water leaving the tank irregularly is a sure sign of damage to the pump. By following the instructions, you can repair the machine yourself, without the help of a technician.
I would start from the end, that is, connect the pump to the network and see if it spins or not. If not, then measure the resistance between the contacts with a multimeter. There are two options here - 1 between the short-circuit contacts, 2 - there is no resistance, i.e. a break. In any case, a replacement. In this case, using a multimeter is an additional check for serviceability.
I would start from the end, that is, connect the pump to the network and see if it spins or not. If not, then measure the resistance between the contacts with a multimeter. There are two options here - 1 between the short-circuit contacts, 2 - there is no resistance, i.e. a break. In any case, a replacement. In this case, using a multimeter is an additional check for serviceability.