Checking the shock absorbers of an LG washing machine
When the shock-absorbing system malfunctions, the washing machine hurries to notify the owner by uncharacteristic behavior: strange sounds, excessive vibration, jumping around the room. As soon as you notice something like this, you immediately need to check the operation of the shock absorbers of your LG washing machine. How to do it yourself?
We remove and test the part
Don’t rush and immediately order replacement of old shock absorbers with new ones. First you need to make sure that the old ones really don't work. You won’t be able to determine this offhand; you will have to partially dismantle the washing machine, but this is not at all that difficult. The dampers are located at the bottom of the washing machine, under the tank.
Accordingly, the most convenient way to get to the shock absorbers is through the bottom. Disconnect the washing machine from all networks and place it on its side. The dampers are secured with special plastic pins at the ends of the posts; they need to be removed using pliers. If your fingers do not give way, generously lubricate them with something, for example WD-40, then everything should come off easily.
When checking shock absorbers for performance, do not forget to be careful. All movements should be smooth, do not press hard on the fasteners and do not use heavy tools (for example, a hammer). Also make sure that during the inspection the racks themselves, as well as nearby elements - the plastic tank and others - are not damaged.
Once the stands are in your hands, testing is carried out as follows:
press the rod;
pull the rod out of the body;
the stance should create a certain level of tension that you need to evaluate.
If the rod slides too easily, or even flies out of the body, it means there is a problem with the damper. He has lost his ability to dampen vibration. As for the struts, you need to pay attention to the piston and evaluate the amount of shock-absorbing lubricant. If there is no fluid, this indicates wear on the system; traces of rust are also a sign of a problem.
Features of replacing shock-absorbing elements
If during the inspection, the shock absorbers demonstrate complete unsuitability for work, care must be taken to replace them. Ideally, of course, you should try to find completely identical dampers, but sometimes finding branded spare parts can be difficult, and the wait can be too long.
Important! Instead, you can use dampers from third-party units if you select them correctly according to the required parameters. Particular attention should be paid to the type of fastening, its length, as well as the resistance provided.
Resistance can range from 80 to 120N. Look at the value of the old damper on its body and look for a shock absorber with the same parameter.
Fastening. Fastenings can be in the form of latches, plastic fingers or bolts.
Length. You need to measure the distance between the fastening axes, both in a compressed position and in a free one.
When new shock absorbers are found, all that remains is to replace the old ones. Then the machine is assembled in the reverse order and a test wash is started.
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