Dishwasher leaking
A dishwasher breakdown is an unpleasant situation that can lead to costly repairs. What to do if you find a puddle of water in front of the machine, and the leak protection is missing or has not worked? The most important thing is not to panic, because any problem needs to be solved step by step. In most cases, if you have time, you can eliminate the cause of the breakdown yourself, we will try to help you with this.
Assessing the situation
A modern dishwasher with a self-diagnosis system, which indicates any malfunction in the form of a code on the display. If the machine has Aqua-Stop protection against leaks, such as in Bosch dishwashers, when it is triggered, a error code E15.
But it may also be that there is no error, but water somehow leaked from the machine. The first thing you need to do is unplug the dishwasher from the outlet, in case you get an electric shock. Next, carefully inspect the dishwasher door, run your hand to see if there are any drops of water. If the door is wet, water flows through the rubber seal.
Be sure to check whether your equipment is installed level, because if the machine is tilted, then the water from the pan will flow out after reaching a certain level. Also open and see how much water is in the pan; if there is more than the threshold value, then the problem is a faulty water sensor.
Important! One of the reasons for the appearance of water in the pan of the machine may be an excessive amount of powder. To fix the problem, run a test cycle with dishwasher anti-scale agent.
Water may get on the floor in front of the dishwasher if the door is opened immediately after the wash cycle ends. And all because condensation collects on the door and flows onto the floor, so you shouldn’t rush to unload clean dishes, you need to wait a little until they cool down and the temperature inside and outside the machine is approximately equal. And if you open the door right away, just wipe it with a dry towel.
If the machine is in a puddle of water, then it is obvious that it is leaking from below or through the ventilation holes. In this case, the reasons may be:
- in a faulty hose;
- in weak pipe connections.
For your information! Failure of hoses in Electrolux dishwashers can only appear after several years of operation; this happens quite rarely.
The most common cause of a leak may be:
- tank breakdown;
- depressurization of the pallet;
- sprinkler malfunction.
Fixing water leaks from the door
So, water leakage from under the dishwasher door is the most common and easy to fix. To do this, you need to open the door and tear off the old rubber seal around the perimeter of the machine with your hands; even a child can do this.
Now we take a new rubber band suitable for a specific model of dishwasher, that is, for Electrolux machines this is one seal, but for AEG a completely different one may be required. Use your hands to insert the rubber band into the place from which you pulled out the old one, carefully moving around the perimeter of the washing machine.
Let's celebrate! If the seal is long, it needs to be cut off with scissors.
In addition to the seal around the perimeter of the machine itself, there is also a seal at the bottom of the door. Let us describe its replacement using an Electrolux dishwasher as an example.
- Open the door and unscrew the bolts around the perimeter.
- Close the door and remove the front panel.
- Next, open the door, remove the lower basket for dishes so that it is not in the way, and at the bottom of the door, using tweezers, carefully pull out the rubber seal.
- Then take a new seal and insert it so that the end strictly coincides with the edge of the tank. When pushing the seal into the door as far as it will go, make sure it fits well into the groove, then screw the panel onto the door.
Checking hoses and pipes
One of the likely causes of water leaking into the dishwasher tray may be a clogged sewer and drain system. That is why it is necessary to regularly check and clean filters and hoses from food residues. It is not difficult to wash the filter; it is located at the bottom of the tank. Remove the fine mesh, unscrew the cup and rinse everything under running water. The instructions for any machine, be it Bosch, Electrolux or another, describe in detail the procedure for cleaning the machine from blockages.
To check the tightness of the hose and pipe connections, you need to look inside. To do this, turn the dishwasher upside down, remove the tray; it is usually secured with bolts in the front and latches on the sides.
Under the pan you will immediately see the “insides”; check how tightly the hoses are connected to the devices and, if necessary, replace the connecting clamps or the pipes themselves.
How to replace the valve, water sensor and sprinkler
When checking the pipes, inspect the filler valve; if there are traces of rust on it, then this is the first sign to replace it. If you were able to open the dishwasher and find the fill valve, then replacing it should not be difficult.Disconnect the sensors and pipes from it and replace the old valve with a new one suitable for your washing machine model.
Quite rarely, but it happens that due to water pressure when supplied to the tank of the machine during long-term operation, the plastic sprinkler delaminates. As a result, water flows into the pan, then the protection is activated. The sprinkler is a replaceable part that can be easily purchased in a store or ordered online. To replace it in an Electrolux machine, you need to remove the lower dish basket. At the bottom there is a paddle sprinkler, which is held in place by latches; you pull it out with a screwdriver and insert a new one in its place.
As for the water level sensor, it is located on the pallet itself, in the same place as the Aqua Stop leak protection. If a water leak occurs, the valve either fails or “sticks”, the signal about the water level does not arrive at the controller, and accordingly the pump does not start, but the Aqua-stop protection is activated. If there is a lot of water, it flows from the pan onto the floor. The problem is solved by replacing the sensor.
What to do if the tank bursts?
It is very rare that a leak occurs when the dishwasher tank bursts. This can occur if the machine has served for a very long time, or there was a manufacturing defect. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist who will assess the complexity of the work. Usually in such cases, repairs result in the purchase of a new dishwasher, since repairs can be expensive.
Thus, water leakage from the dishwasher is a problem that in most cases can be fixed by yourself. The main thing is to approach the issue wisely and patiently. Repair yourself and with us!
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