Belt spins in washing machine
Several years after purchasing a machine, users may encounter certain breakdowns. For example, notice that the belt on a washing machine is slipping. You can fix this problem yourself without turning to specialists. Let's figure out how the machine will behave if the drive belt is stretched. How to correctly select and buy components, where to start repairs? How to tighten a new rubber band onto a pulley at home?
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What are the consequences of a slipping drive belt? The rubber band, spinning on the shaft or drum “wheel” as the speed increases, greatly reduces the efficiency of transmitting impulses from the electric motor to the “centrifuge”. This situation occurs regularly, at all stages of the cycle. As a result, the quality of washing and spinning deteriorates significantly.
If you notice that the drive belt is spinning, it is better to immediately replace the element.
What to do if you don’t want to repair your “home assistant” in the near future? And there is no money to order and purchase components? Some machine owners use a trick - they spray the rubber with a special aerosol to increase friction. Hi-Gear Belt Dressing Spray can be purchased for $5. True, the effect of using the product lasts only up to 20 washes, that is, about once a month you will have to disassemble the machine again and repeat the procedure.
Rosin will help temporarily eliminate the slippage problem. You can buy a block of the product at the first hardware store you come across for just $0.3.With this piece you need to rub the drive belt on the inside (the working surface “in contact” with the pulley).
The difference in the cost of these two products is very noticeable. Moreover, rosin acts even more effectively - it improves friction, and at the same time does not stain the belt. The rubber band remains dry, so dust and debris do not stick to its surface.
The effect of treating the drive strap with rosin lasts up to 25 washes. This time will be enough to go to the nearest specialized store or order components for the machine on the Internet. Unfortunately, in some cases, belt slippage may be caused not by ordinary wear and stretching of the rubber, but by more serious problems. For example, a change in the shape of the shaft, breakage of the cross or bearings. This will have to be checked.
How to install the belt correctly?
If the rubber band spins or even falls off the pulley, there is no need to immediately call the service center. Of course, if the machine is still under warranty and the repair will be free, it is better to invite a specialist, but in other cases you can deal with the breakdown yourself. To tension the drive belt, you do not need special knowledge, you just need a little patience and skill.
When the strap comes off for the first time, you can try simply pulling it back on. It is likely that it will serve faithfully for another year. If the elastic falls off repeatedly, you will have to replace it.
To get to the drive belt and assess its condition, you need to:
- disconnect the washing machine from the network;
- close the shut-off valve on the pipe that controls the water supply;
- move the machine away from the wall. You will need free access to the back of it;
- Unhook the inlet hose and drain hose from the washing machine body;
- Unscrew the screws securing the back wall. For some machines, you will first have to remove the housing cover;
- find the drive belt. It will be tensioned onto the drum pulley. If the rubber band breaks, you should look for it on the floor, under the machine.
On all automatic machines with commutator electric motors, the belt is located in one place - stretched between the drum pulley and the electric motor. If the rubber band is not visible here, it means that it fell and lies under the device.
To assess the condition of the drive belt, it is necessary to compare its original dimensions with the actual ones.
To do this, you need to find the factory stamp on the elastic band. The first four digits of the marking will tell you about the initial dimensions of the belt - its “normal” diameter in millimeters. All that remains is to measure the circumference with your own hands and check both values.
A slight deviation from factory parameters is considered normal. If the belt has stretched by more than 20 mm, it must be changed. Such an elastic band is no longer suitable for installation in a machine - it will constantly fly off. You can purchase components for the automatic machine in stores in your city or online. When purchasing spare parts, it is important to focus on the model and serial number of the washing machine. It’s even better to show the seller the dismantled rubber band, then he will be able to accurately select an analogue.
To fix the machine, you need to return the belt to its place. First, the rubber band is put on the engine pulley, then gradually stretched onto the drum “wheel”. Use your free hand to rotate the larger pulley from right to left.
It is important not to disturb the order of belt tension, start from the bottom, and only then take on the drum pulley.If you don’t have the strength to put on the elastic yourself, it’s better to call one of your family members. Some washing machines have a fairly tight strap, so it’s best to be patient. After finishing the work, make sure how well the elastic band “sits” in place. To do this, turn the pulley - the wheel should “go” tightly. If all is well, you can assemble the unit body:
- secure the back panel by screwing in all the previously removed bolts;
- put the “cover” in place and secure it with self-tapping screws.
Next, you need to connect the drain and water intake hose to the device, and move the machine to its original place. Afterwards, all that remains is to test the machine by running an idle wash. If the drum spins as it should, the belt replacement can be considered successful.
The belt is regularly slipping and falling off again.
If very little time has passed after installing the new drive belt, and it begins to fly off or spin again, you will have to “dig” deeper. The elastic cannot stretch so quickly if all the components of the machine are functioning harmoniously, so there are probably other problems in the system.
In-depth diagnostics of an automatic machine will be necessary if the new drive belt stretches and falls off within 3 months of installation.
Permanent elastic stretching can be caused by:
- pulley play. In such a situation, it is not the belt that is to blame. If the drum wheel is loose, you should tighten its screw more firmly - this will help improve the fixation of the element. Sometimes a complete pulley replacement may be necessary;
- insufficient fixation of the electric motor. At the factory, the motor is securely installed in the washing machine. During operation of the machine, the engine may become loose.During operation, the equipment constantly vibrates, the screws become loose, this provokes serious disturbances in the drive mechanism. The problem can be solved by tightening the motor bolts;
- changing the shape of the shaft or pulley. This situation can happen after an unsuccessful repair. Sometimes craftsmen, changing some parts in a machine, “damage” other elements. If the drum wheel is slightly deformed, you can try to straighten it. It is ideal to immediately replace damaged components;
- damage to the crosspiece. This is a very rare problem, but it should not be discounted. The spare part must be replaced; it cannot be repaired. If you turn a blind eye to the problem, drum imbalance cannot be avoided. And this already means increased repair costs;
- failed bearings. “Broken” rings provoke “distortion” in the system, which will undoubtedly lead to the drive belt constantly falling off. You will have to disassemble the tank-drum assembly and replace the damaged elements along with the oil seal.
Repeated falling off of the drive belt is sometimes caused by incorrect installation.
When pulling the elastic band onto the pulley, make sure that it is securely fixed in the grooves. If you neglect this recommendation, the belt may fall off after just a few days. Then you will have to disassemble the machine again and put the element on the “wheel” again.
In addition, a new strap that is not suitable for a specific model of washing machine can quickly stretch and fall off. That is why you need to buy a complete analogue of the old part. Don’t forget to tell the sellers the name and serial number of the washing machine. Even better is to show the factory markings on the old belt.
In most cases, you can fix a machine with a slipping drive belt yourself.Usually the matter is limited to a banal replacement of the rubber band. Sometimes you will have to tighten the motor or pulley fasteners further. In some cases, only replacing the drum cross or bearing assembly will help solve the problem.
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