Washing machine manufacturer Leran
While global brands like Samsung or Bosch are known to almost everyone, many people only become acquainted with the manufacturer of the Leran washing machine in the store. But, despite the unpromoted name, the range offered by the company and the low price tag attracts many consumers. Natural questions arise: where is this equipment produced, can it be trusted, and why is it now gaining popularity? All answers with historical background and explanations from the company expert are given below.
Where did the Leran technique come from?
In fact, Leran entered the Russian market back in 2009. The manufacturer offered a modest range of small household appliances, the main difference of which was the low price and passable quality. True, there was no particular sensation - consumers were in no hurry to trust an unfamiliar brand of Chinese origin.
The jump in sales occurred in 2014-2015. The rapid growth of the dollar has led to a strong rise in the price of European and Korean household appliances, so the proven Hotpoint-Ariston, Samsung, LG and Bosch have become practically inaccessible to a certain group of buyers. The prices for refrigerators, washing machines and televisions have especially risen. Against the background of general high prices, the budget Leran stood out favorably, by that time it had begun to supply large household goods to Russia. Sales increased tenfold, and in some regions - hundreds of times, which provoked the active release of new products and increased confidence among the audience.
The country of assembly is China, or more precisely, Guangdong Province, where the company's production facilities are concentrated.An attempt was made to move the conveyors to the Chelyabinsk factories, but the result was an increased percentage of factory defects and returns under warranty. Therefore, production again concentrated on Chinese soil, but with increased volumes.
The Leran LLC company is the exclusive importer of Leran equipment in the Russian Federation, as well as the owner of the Doffler, Ardin and Sentore trademarks.
Products are necessarily certified according to international standards and, according to official statements from the company's directors, are regularly tested at factories in Hong Kong. But it is worth understanding that only a small part of the released goods is sent for the verification procedure. This fact was confirmed by an independent examination conducted by JPEC (HK) Co., Ltd, which clearly showed that the quality, functionality and appearance are assessed only for a limited batch of household appliances.
Expert opinion
A brief historical background cannot fully tell the story of the reliability of the brand. It is much better to find out detailed information first-hand. For example, from Andrey, an expert from RBT, which is the official representative of the Leran brand:
“I worked at RBT for about a year, distributing large goods, refrigerators, televisions and washing machines. When we received the first refrigerators from Leran, I was impressed by their low price and the functionality they offered.. The fact is that the final salary was largely influenced by the sale of one’s own brand and its accessories. Consultants called this group of products “China,” and it sold poorly, which at the end of the reporting period resulted in a 25% reduction in salaries.
I also had problems with the promotion of “China”.On average, the Chinese brand had to account for 30% of my revenue, for example, for each product with a price of $300, it was necessary to sell additional goods (such as vegetable containers, an absorber of unpleasant odors, protective films) for at least another 10 thousand. This was impossible before meeting the first model of the Leran CBF210IX refrigerator.
Within a month, I immediately sold 10 units, completing the plan and receiving decent payments. Of course, I was worried that the unknown manufacturer might fail and return to us under warranty. I already had regular customers who trusted my recommendations, and I didn’t want to spoil my reputation and lose clients. Therefore, I honestly warned that the price was favorable, but the “filling” was unpredictable.
But sales did not fall - at that time it was almost impossible to find a refrigerator with No Frost, modern design, LED lighting and electronic control for 22-25 thousand.
The average cost of a washing machine from Leran is $199.
But soon the first complaint was received. They called me personally, since I offer every client my business card with contacts, and they complained about a non-working light bulb in the backlight. I responded to the complaint immediately, called the director of the company and sent a service center technician to the former buyer.
Gradually, the range of products from Leran was replenished, but along with them the number of complaints grew. There were no serious complaints, but consumers still had to face some unpleasant moments. For example, people most often addressed the following problems:
- Incomprehensible instructions, or rather their complete absence. The manufacturer accompanied the units with a universal thin book without specific algorithms or explanations.
- Heating of the side walls.This scared almost every second person, but there is no reason to panic here - many manufacturers install a capacitor on both sides, which heats up noticeably during operation and transfers heat to the body of the refrigerator.
- Faulty display. The electronic control panel often worked intermittently or completely refused to respond to the owner's commands.
- High noise level. Here everything was too individual, since all large household appliances operate within the range of 39-43 dB, which cannot be called a critical range. Therefore, I advised reducing the emanating noise yourself: leveling the unit using adjustable legs and filling the refrigerator compartment, reducing the force of vibration due to the increased weight of the device.
- Unpleasant smell. In this case, too, there was nothing critical - it is logical that a new thing has its own factory smell, which will pass over time.
I noticed one more “but” - overestimated characteristics, especially for small household appliances. The boxes and labels indicate the maximum possible power, but in fact the normal mode is designed for operation with a load several times less. For example, a blender from Leran and BOSCH is sold with a maximum of 600 W, but the latter will have a rated power of 400 W and show good results without much effort. A budget Leran, having the same declared characteristics, will work tirelessly to achieve a similar level.
I can also give my expert opinion, which is supported by both experience in selling large household appliances and reviews from my brother, who has been using a Leran refrigerator for more than 2 years. I think that when buying these refrigerators and washing machines, you can, most importantly, remember some points:
- If the price of Leran is practically no different from units of higher quality brands (LG, BOSCH, Samsung), then it is better to choose proven brands.
- Try to take equipment without additional functions and accessories, since most often they fail.
- Consider the characteristics of the entire budget range, for example, Chinese manufacturers of the Midea, Beko or Candy washing machine offer inexpensive but higher quality options.”
Household appliances from the Leran brand have every chance of serving for a long time and trouble-free, but for this, the future owner should wisely choose the appropriate model. The main thing is not to try to buy a super new model and study well the rated power of the unit.
3 reader comments
We bought a washing machine and am very unhappy, I don’t recommend anyone to buy this. She very often does not wring out the laundry, she does it selectively. Don’t take it, now I don’t have laundry, but hard labor. And it takes a long time to wash
Any machine has imbalance sensors; if the machine sways too much, it reduces the speed and tries to straighten the laundry. If it doesn’t work, it turns off after a while without spinning the laundry.
Choose a mixed wash