When buying another new thing, any person wants it to remain presentable longer. But if pilling appears on your clothes after washing, you can’t brag about such a thing to your friends. Where do these annoying pellets come from and how to remove them? This information will be useful for any housewife.
Where do they come from?
Pilling occurs when clothing rubs against something. For example, a jacket rubs against the jacket that is worn on top. There is an opinion that pilling on clothes means that they are of poor quality. The victims of this disease are things with pile and if the weave of threads in clothes is not tight. However, there are other reasons.
Failure to comply with care instructions. For example, when washing, the wrong powder or water at the wrong temperature is used. All care instructions are on the clothing tag.
If natural and synthetic fabrics are intertwined in clothes.
The threads are not twisted enough. This can be noticed even before purchase.
Here are the reasons why pellets may occur. Therefore, to prevent their appearance after washing, carefully read what is written on the tag.
Even following the manufacturer's instructions may not completely prevent pilling.
Getting rid of lumps
The property of pellets is this: the more there are, the more difficult it is to get rid of them. This means that this needs to be done as early as possible, preferably immediately after its appearance. The good thing is that there are a lot of ways to get rid of them.
Using a blade. To do this, you will need a regular safety razor blade. Just lay out the fabric so that there are no wrinkles.Then you can use a razor to remove the pellets. However, this method cannot be used when cleaning textured clothing.
To remove pellets, you can use a toothbrush or dish sponge. Just brush your clothes with them. However, this method will work if there are not too many pellets;
You can use the hair removal method to remove pellets. To do this, you need to firmly stick the adhesive tape to the clothing, and then quickly remove it. This way, some of the pellets will simply come off. Repeat this process several times until the clothes are clean.
The most difficult way is to cut off the pellets with nail scissors. But it will take a very long time.
Add softening additives during washing. This method will not work right away; you will have to wash the clothes several times. However, the clothes may become clean.
Dry cleaning does an excellent job of removing pellets. However, it can only be used on outerwear.
In order to remove pellets, it is not necessary to use improvised objects. You can take a device specifically designed for this - a trimmer. He will either cut off or collect all the pellets with duct tape.
Indeed, there are many ways to remove pellets. Each person will be able to choose what suits him. It all depends on what is at hand.
Preventing the formation of lumps
The simplest thing you can do to avoid encountering pellets again is to prevent their appearance. After all, it’s much easier than cleaning them up later, and it will save time. To do this you need:
follow the rules for storing items (see information on the tag);
add conditioner when washing;
Wash woolen items by hand or using a washing machine. delicate mode;
check the quality of clothes before purchasing;
Sometimes you don’t wash your clothes yourself, but take them to the dry cleaner.
There is nothing complicated in these rules. You just need to study the label, show due care, and it will immediately be clear what to do. If all the rules are followed, the probability of pellets occurring will tend to zero.
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