The washing machine keeps filling with water
If you notice that the machine is constantly drawing water into the tank without starting the washing process, this indicates a rather serious breakdown. Under no circumstances should you let something like this happen; you need to look for the cause immediately. If you delay in finding and fixing the breakdown, this will lead to failure of the heating element and expensive repairs. Read this article to learn how to quickly solve the problem.
Typical causes of malfunction
If the washing machine system constantly fills the tank with water, this is an “alarming symptom” that should prompt you to take action. First you need to understand the question, what could potentially cause such a problem? First, you need to identify a wide range of problems, and then gradually, as a result of systematic actions, narrow this circle. So, typical causes of malfunction:
- the new washing machine is not connected correctly;
- the washing machine tank is leaky;
- the water level sensor (pressure switch) has failed;
- the intake valve is broken;
- problem with the electronic control unit.
Note! If the washing machine is new and displays a similar problem, this does not mean that it was necessarily connected incorrectly. It is possible that there is a manufacturing defect and some unit or electrical system in the washing machine is faulty.
Description of the causes of malfunctions and ways to eliminate them
If a completely new, newly connected washing machine constantly fills the tank with water, the most likely reason is that the drain hose is connected incorrectly.This begs the question: why the drain hose, and what does it have to do with it here? In fact, he has the most direct relation to this problem.
If the drainage system of the washing machine is not properly organized, a “siphon effect” may occur. It can lead either to the fact that all the dirty water from the sewer flows back into the tank, or to the fact that the water from the tank will constantly flow into the sewer by gravity. In the latter case, no matter how much water the machine pumps into the washing tank, it will all immediately pour out through the drain hose. Result: high water consumption, constant operation of the heating element, poor-quality washing of clothes (if the washing starts at all). What to do in this case?
There are two ways to eliminate the siphon effect. Firstly, you can properly connect the washing machine to the sewer by raising the sewer pipe at least half a meter from the floor. Secondly, can be installed on the drain hose or pipe anti-siphon valve.
Note! It is best to organize the correct connection of the hose to the sewer pipe, since connecting through a non-return valve not only requires additional costs, but also time for periodic checking and cleaning.
A leaky tank can cause the process of constantly pumping water into the washing machine. This reason is hard to miss, unless of course your washing machine is equipped with an aqua-stop protection system. Water from a leaky tank will flow onto the floor, under the bottom of the machine, and if you overlook this point, this will lead to flooding, since the system will again and again issue a command to fill the tank to the required level.
Washing machines protected from leaks are not in danger of this, since in this case the protection system will work, blocking the flowing water and at the same time cutting off its supply. We see the solution to such a problem either by replacing the tank or by repairing it, and it is not always possible to solder a leaky tank. Everything will depend on the material from which it is made.
If the machine constantly draws water, the reason may be a broken water level sensor. This sensor performs a very important task - it determines the water level in the tank and reports this to the electronic system of the machine. If the sensor is broken, it means that the system will always think that there is not enough water in the tank and it needs to be filled. A broken sensor is best replaced completely, but you can try and fix it. Usually the pressure switch breaks:
- membrane - the rubber band loses its seal and needs to be replaced with a new one;
- sensor contacts - you need to clean them well, or better yet, replace the contacts;
- sensor tube - if the water level sensor tube is cracked, you will have to change the entire device, fill the cracks with sealant, it doesn’t make much sense.
To replace the pressure switch, you need to get to it. Read more about this in the article about checking the pressure switch of the washing machine.
Important! A new pressure switch, even for expensive models of washing machines, is quite cheap, so is it worth bothering with its repair - buy and install a new device, you have a better chance of successfully dealing with the problem.
Another reason why the washer constantly takes in water may be the inlet valve. If this is the case, then water will flow into the washing machine tank around the clock and no matter what state the machine will be in, whether it is on or off.Accordingly, water consumption will increase significantly; even more water will be wasted than if the cause of the breakdown was a pressure switch, tank or “siphon effect”. The intake valve cannot be repaired - you need to buy and install a new one.
What to do if the reason for the constant flooding of water into the tank lies in the control unit of the washing machine. Experts give clear advice on this matter - turn to professionals. Independent inspection, repair and testing of the control unit may lead to its failure. In this case, expensive repairs cannot be avoided, so if you are not a good electronics technician, do not do it yourself.
How to find the cause of the malfunction?
How to find the reason why water constantly flows into the washing machine tank? There is a procedure developed by specialists that allows you to follow step by step to discover the cause of the problem. Let's look at it:
- If the machine has just been connected to the sewer, check how it was done. If the sewer pipe is located near the floor, this may be the reason.
- Simultaneously with the above steps, check if there is any water under the machine or near a puddle. Perhaps the washing machine tank is leaking or the inlet hose is leaking.
- If the reason is not the “siphon effect” or a leaky tank, then you need to check the inlet valve and pressure switch. To get to them you will have to disassemble the washing machine. For information on how to do this correctly, read the article about disassembling the washing machine.
- If checking and replacing the inlet valve, pressure switch, and their sensors did not solve the problem and the machine takes on water again, then the reason is in the electronics. You need to invite a specialist to test the control unit.
Important! If you act carefully, you can use a multimeter to ring the outputs to the pressure switch and the fill valve; if the voltage at one of the outputs is either absent or very small, consider the problem found.
To summarize, we note that a washing machine that constantly fills with water is considered a completely faulty household appliance, which is dangerous to continue to operate. You can aggravate the problem and then the machine can be taken to a landfill. Start looking for the cause of the breakdown immediately, and everything will be fine with your “home assistant”!
15 reader comments
The tank overflowed and a leak appeared. After a thorough inspection, I found a small hole in the rubber between the tank and the hatch approximately in the middle of the height. I sealed the hole and the problem went away.
Please tell me what and how you glued the cuff? The side itself tore. And it turns out that when it takes in water from the edge, it immediately leaks.
Thank you! I read your article. Useful and educational.
Hello, the water is drawn from the drainage system. Will replacing the exhaust valve help fix the leak?
Should help
Thanks for the article, it was very helpful!
The machine draws water when turned off. Help, the warranty has expired!
Change the water intake valve
Help! The machine very often takes up water, there is no water in the tank and the drum spins, everything immediately drains into the sewer. What do we have to do?
Thanks, I found the problem
My machine fills with water without stopping, what is the reason?
Thank you! The problem was fixed, the drain hose was raised to the required level! Hooray!
Hello, I just installed the washing machine, it constantly fills with water, no matter whether it’s on or off. What could be the reason?
Good evening. The machine constantly draws water, the drum fills to the very top and begins to leak.
Hello, why does the LG machine pour a little water three minutes before the end of the spin cycle, or should it be like that?