What to do if you washed things with toilet paper?
If you ignore the advice about carefully checking your pockets, the result with clothes strewn with paper shreds will not take long to come. Yes, after washing things together with toilet paper, the latter will crumble into hundreds of pieces and evenly stick to the entire fabric on both sides. But don’t despair - the “crumbs” can be removed from the laundry without consequences. The main thing is to act according to certain instructions.
Methods for getting rid of paper particles
Anyone can make a mistake. If you washed things with toilet paper, then it is better not to give up, but to start cleaning the laundry again according to a special scheme. To rid the fabric of adhering particles, you will have to choose one of the effective methods.
- Dry and shake out. The most obvious and time-consuming way. After drying, the item is shaken out of the bulk of the paper, and the remainder is removed with a stiff clothes brush.
- Dry in the machine. It’s easier for dryer owners: you can load clothes damaged by paper into the unit and run a double cycle. The built-in lint filter will remove paper crumbs from the fabric.
- Wash in aspirin. You need to take 8-10 liters of hot water, stir 4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in it and dip the affected item into the solution. The pieces of paper will dissolve almost immediately, without harming the fabric itself - the active substance is absolutely safe for textiles. This method is more convenient when the “toilet has dirty” not only the outer part, but also the lining with pockets.
You can remove toilet paper from clothes with aspirin, a dryer, a brush, tape, a special roller, or long-term soaking.
- Soak and dry. You can achieve complete dissolution of the paper by soaking it in plain water for 12 hours. All that remains is to dry the item.
- Walk over with sticky tape. Scotch tape or duct tape works well for manual cleaning. You need to wrap the tape around your palm with the sticky side facing out and collect all the stuck debris on it. It's long, but effective.
- Use a special roller. A roller for cleaning things has a similar effect to adhesive tape. It is sold in the hardware department, is inexpensive and helps remove stuck paper from fabric.
Knowing what to do, you can eliminate the consequences of a failed neighborhood and return things to their original appearance. The main thing is to check your pockets before cleaning again - perhaps part of the “toilet” remains, and everything will happen again.
Check your washing machine
In addition to clothes, the washing machine itself also suffers from toilet paper getting into the drum. Undissolved pieces clog the drain system of the machine: they clog the pipes, the garbage filter or block the pump impeller. It is not recommended to use the washing machine with such a “set”. To correct the situation, you need to check the drainage condition of the unit.
Toilet paper that gets into the washer can clog the drainage system - clog the hoses and block the pump impeller.
You need to do this:
- disconnect the machine from communications;
- open the technical hatch by using a flat screwdriver and squeezing the plastic latches;
- find the garbage filter plug;
- place the container and cover the surrounding area with rags;
- Using the emergency drain, drain the water from the washing machine;
- if there is no emergency hose, slowly unscrew the filter and get rid of the water through it;
- remove the nozzle completely, remove dirt and debris from the spiral;
- illuminate the vacated space with a flashlight;
- assess the condition of the pump impeller.
If there is no stuck paper on the impeller, then everything is fine - you can return the filter to its place and continue washing. Otherwise, we try to clean the blades of the part, acting through the hole of the snail. Does not work? Then you will have to remove the bottom, unscrew the pump and then clean the “wheel”. Having finished cleaning, we return the pump to its place, making sure that the fasteners and connections are secure.
It’s not for nothing that everyone talks about the need to thoroughly check your pockets before washing. Toilet paper forgotten in laundry will not only ruin things, but also endanger the machine itself. You can remove the consequences, but you have to try.
1 reader comment
I washed lint items with toilet paper (didn't check my pocket). I'll try aspirin, advice from YouTube, maybe it will help.