How to use the Fairy washing machine?
Before the advent of modern fully automatic washing machines, all housewives successfully used semi-automatic devices and did not know grief. Today, such equipment is much more difficult to find in the public domain, and not everyone can quickly figure out how to use the Fairy washing machine. There is nothing complicated about this, but the operation is very different from a modern washing machine. To make it easier for you to use this technique, we will analyze in detail the washing process in a semi-automatic machine.
Before using the machine
Immediately after purchasing a new Fairy machine, you need to remove it from the factory packaging and make sure that none of the components are lost, which can be checked according to the instructions. Next, the equipment must be installed in a convenient place on a stable solid stand, the size of the supporting surface of which will be at least 44 by 44 centimeters. Housewives often place the machine next to the bathroom on a stool, cabinet or other flat surface that can accommodate household appliances.
It is very convenient to use a special plastic bathtub stand, which will greatly facilitate washing and storing the unit.
You need to be especially careful with a special stand, since if it is assembled incorrectly, the machine will not stand stably on the bathtub and may even tip over during the working cycle. You need to follow our instructions and carefully install the brackets into the frame guides, and then make sure that one of the semicircular cutouts of the bracket is clearly engaged with the frame stop.Each clamp must be installed at an angle so that its end with the cutout, which faces down, fits into the rectangular window of the frame, and then is moved to a horizontal position. Then you need to install the stand on the bathtub and adjust the position of the brackets by placing the bracket cutouts on the frame stops, creating tight contact of the bracket cutouts with the sides and walls of the bathtub. Place the stand so that the cutouts on the sides are closest to the opposite wall of the bathtub.
After this, all you have to do is install the “home assistant” in the place prepared for it. This must be done so that the part of the SM housing in which the electric motor is located is installed in the cutouts prepared on the sides of the stand. Before washing, be sure to check that the machine is installed correctly.
- The stand must be installed horizontally in the bathtub.
- It is necessary that the brackets come into contact with the sides and walls of the bathtub.
- The bottom of the washer body must be located between the special sides of the stand on each side.
If you are not satisfied with the way the machine works, or you simply need to move it to another place, the manufacturer has prepared a convenient handle in the recess of the drive casing for transfer - grab this handle with one hand and the other side of the tank on the other side of the unit. For convenience, you can also reinstall the hose in a different position, for example, if you move the SM from the stand to a stool near the bathtub. To do this, you need to squeeze the clamp's tendrils that hold the hose in the tank drain pipe, and then move the clamp along the hose.Afterwards, all that remains is to remove the sleeve from the pipe and mark it in the position you need so that it fits into one of the two side cutouts of the pallet. Moisten the sleeve with soap or other detergent, and then install it on the drain pipe and secure it with a clamp.
Before starting the wash, experts recommend thoroughly rinsing the insides of the Fairy washing machine tank, and then wiping everything with a dry cloth. It would also be a good idea to activate the idle cycle without laundry, which will demonstrate the serviceability of household appliances. To conduct such a test, add tap water to the tank, connect the machine to the electrical outlet and turn the time relay knob for two minutes or less so that the activator begins to rotate.
Never run the washing machine without water in the tank!
If the test shows that the device is working properly, then you can begin a full wash. Be sure to separate dirty clothes according to the following parameters to avoid accidentally ruining them during the work cycle.
- Type of fiber.
- Cotton, linen, wool, silk, viscose, etc.
- The color of clothing, for example, black with black, yellow with yellow.
- White and colored linen.
- Dye fastness.
- The degree of color fastness of colored products.
- The degree of contamination of things.
It is also worth remembering that it is better to soak cotton and linen items for a short time before starting the wash. Plus, you need to pre-soap the most contaminated areas of clothing. Finally, if colored clothing has a fragile color, it should be washed in small batches, sorted by color. This also applies to clothes made of silk and wool.
Using the machine correctly
We've figured out how to properly prepare the device, it's time to learn how to do laundry using this “home assistant.” First, you need to understand that this household appliance does not work like a full-fledged automatic washing machine, so most of the actions will have to be done with your own hands. For example, you should start by dialing water to the required temperature to the level specified by the manufacturer.
You cannot pour water hotter than 80 degrees Celsius into the tank, and you cannot heat the water with a boiler installed in the tank.
Next, you should remember the time of one working cycle. Here's a handy list to keep for yourself.
- Pre-wash lasts 4 minutes.
- The main stage lasts 6 minutes.
- The first part of the rinse takes 2 minutes.
- The second part of the rinse lasts only 1.5 minutes.
- Finally, the final part of the rinse also lasts 1.5 minutes.
It is worth taking into account not only the duration of washing, but also the temperature of the water, which should be different for different types of fabric. We provide instructions for the main materials.
- Cotton and linen with durable dyeing. This material should be treated during the pre-wash at a temperature of 35 to 45 degrees Celsius, during the main wash at a temperature of 75-80 degrees, and during the three rinsing stages at a temperature of 45-55, 15-25 and again 15-25 degrees.
- Colored cotton and linen with fragile dyeing. You need to be careful with such products, so the temperature should be 35-45 degrees Celsius for the preliminary part of the treatment, 40-50 degrees for the main wash, and only 15-25 degrees for all three rinsing cycles.
- Wool and silk. In this case, care should be even more careful - only 35-40 degrees Celsius during the main wash and 15-25 degrees during rinsing. However, pre-washing is not necessary for products made from these materials.
Next, you need to start washing, for which you first add washing powder to the tank, calculating it for 2 kilograms of dry laundry. If you need to clean white and colored clothes with durable colors, you should use household chemicals that foam slightly. When you don't have washing powder at home, it is permissible to use 20 grams of soda ash with 80 grams of crushed laundry soap. If you need to wash colored items with fragile colors, clothes made of silk or wool, then you need to add 30-35 grams of powder per wash.
After loading the laundry, the tank should be tightly closed with a lid, and then connect the household appliances to the network. You need to turn on the machine by lightly turning the time relay handle clockwise, selecting the time you need - the maximum duration is 6 minutes, just for the main stage of washing. In this case, the gap between two adjacent inserts corresponds to one minute of machine operation. As soon as you activate the device, washing will begin in reverse mode with the duration of the working stages with pauses. As soon as the time has expired, the relay will turn off the power to the motor, and to turn off the “home assistant” yourself ahead of time, you just need to turn the knob counterclockwise to zero.
Try not to allow the relay handle to turn beyond the extreme values indicated on the instrument unit with round inserts - the largest diameter when the equipment is turned on and the smallest when it is turned off. It is also better not to increase the duration of the working cycle, so as not to damage the clothes, which will wear out faster.At the same time, the work of the washing machine can be reduced if the clothes are slightly soiled, and it is also permissible to run the wash again if the soiling was too strong.
When the work process is completed and the electric motor is turned off, you will need to remove the cover and remove the clothes using a special grip. If you cleaned cotton and linen at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius, then the clothes will need to be cooled in cold water, or simply given time to cool. A tank lid that can be used as a container for things is perfect for this.
You can use the convenient grooves located on the tank lid to manually wash problem areas on your clothes.
Due to the fact that the Fairy washing machine rinses three times, you need to thoroughly wring out the items after each. When the working cycle is completed, turn off the household appliances and carefully drain the used liquid, for which the machine can be tilted towards the drain. After all manipulations, do not forget to wipe the device with a dry cloth, both inside and outside. To prevent equipment failure, it is recommended to carry out no more than 4 working cycles in a row, after which the machine needs to cool for at least half an hour.
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