How to use fabric softener in the washing machine
New users of automatic washing machines often use only washing powder or washing gel, ignoring any other household chemicals. Moreover, if you do not use fabric softener in the washing machine, then at some point you may find that the fabric of your favorite clothes suddenly becomes unpleasant to the touch due to its rigidity. That's why it's best to remember to add conditioner and other softening detergents. Let's figure out how to use them correctly so that things after washing are not hard or prickly.
Does it make sense to pour conditioner directly into the drum?
One of the most common mistakes newbies make is adding detergent directly into the “home assistant” drum. In fact, such an action is pointless, because in this way you will only waste household chemicals. In the case of air conditioning, it will either be washed down the drain, or its effect will be interrupted by washing powder. Therefore, there is only one way to use conditioner correctly - by adding it to a special section of the powder receptacle.
Alternatively, conditioner can be added directly to the drum, but only if the main wash phase has completed and only the rinse phase remains.
Let's take a closer look at how to properly add laundry softener to the dispenser. First you need to connect the machine to the electrical network, water supply and sewerage. Then you need to pull out the powder receptacle to add powder or gel and conditioner to certain compartments. Then all that remains is to select the operating cycle with the rinse mode and start the wash.Household chemicals will be removed from the cuvette as soon as rinsing begins.
At the same time, it is worth analyzing the situation when the washing machine does not have a separate tray for the air conditioner. How exactly will a rinse aid work, for which there is no place in household appliances?
- In this case, the user starts the wash function without rinsing.
- Once the work is completed, the machine will stop.
- The hatch door unlocks to allow the user to manually add conditioner to a special container.
- Next, the container with the gel must be placed in the CM drum and the door closed.
- Finally, all that remains is to activate the “Rinse + Spin” program and wait for the job to complete.
In a situation where you do not have a separate container for household chemicals, you will have to act differently. Once the main wash phase is completed, you will need to remove the clothes, pour conditioner into the bottom of the drum, rinse off any remaining residue with clean water, return the items to the inside of the washer, and then activate the rinse cycle.
Let's use a dispenser
Typically, the powder receptacle is located at the top left of the front panel of the washing machine. Most often it is divided into three sections, which differ in size, shape, color, and designation. The purpose of each compartment can be determined by its markings.
- Roman numeral "II" or English letter "B". Finding this compartment is easy - it is the largest in the detergent tray. It is to this that household chemicals should be added for the main stage of washing, that is, washing powder or gel.
- Roman numeral "I" or English letter "A". Medium size compartment required for pre-washing. You need to fill it with detergent for soaking, which will be used before the main wash.
If the user selects a non-prewash cycle, this compartment will not be filled with water.
- Icon "*". The compartment is designed for additional household chemicals, just like fabric softener. You can always find a clearly visible mark in it, which fixes the maximum permissible liquid level, above which you should not add rinse aid.
Water enters the last section only during rinsing, which is why the clothes softener is drained into the drum exactly when it is needed. After completing the rinsing phase, the detergent along with the waste liquid will go down the drain, and the laundry will be soft, smooth and fresh.
In the newest automatic “home assistants” you can find removable trays for the air conditioner. They need to be used in the same way, the only difference is in the convenience of filling, plus, they are much easier to clean from mold, plaque and other contaminants.
What you need to know about mouthwash
It is not enough to choose the time and the right section of the powder receptacle. In order for the rinse aid to do its job efficiently, you need to follow a number of rules, for example, monitor the dosage, carefully select the type and composition of the conditioner.
- Dosage. You should not think that the more detergent, the higher the efficiency will be, because exceeding the permissible level will only lead to the fact that household chemicals will not dissolve during the working cycle, so the clothes will harden and even become covered with light stains. At the same time, if you try to save on air conditioning and add less of it than required, then the effect of the product will be minimal. This is why you should always strictly follow the user manual, which can be found on the packaging.
- Type.It is very important to choose the right product, because today rinse aid can be found for a variety of situations, for example, for colored laundry, black, wool, children's clothing and so on. Therefore, the quality of washing directly depends on the correctly chosen type of conditioner.
- Compound. You should also carefully read the composition of the products presented in the store. In some situations, you can find products that are so concentrated that they should not be used for work without first being diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
Finally, you should never forget about simple carelessness, because many liquid detergents for washing machines have similar packaging, which makes it easy to accidentally confuse them. Before the work cycle, additionally make sure that you have not mistakenly added stain remover or other household chemicals to the powder receptacle instead of rinse aid.
Clean the powder drawer regularly
Of course, the quality of a “home assistant’s” work is also influenced by her cleanliness. This also applies to detergent dispensers, on the walls of which there is often a slippery layer that can harden over time and become covered in dirt or even mold. The longer the user ignores such contamination, the more critical the situation will become - the deposit will partially block the pipes, the chemicals will be less easily washed out of the compartment and will almost stop getting into the drum. Dealing with this problem is very simple - just clean the detergent tray regularly. This can be done using three different methods at once.
- Remove the powder receptacle from its seat, soak it in a container of hot water, and then use a sponge or brush to remove all dirt.
- Fill all compartments with citric acid solution, and then run any long cycle, during which the machine heats the water to high temperatures.
- First, pour regular baking soda into the tray, then add table vinegar and wait about 20-30 minutes before thoroughly rinsing the element.
Experts recommend thoroughly cleaning the powder receptacle to remove dirt after each washing session.
Each of these methods will help you effectively clean the detergent dispenser without effort or additional investment. Don’t be lazy and skip cleaning, because otherwise you will face a lot of unpleasant consequences, including an unpleasant odor.
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