You should think about caring for your washing machine immediately after purchasing it. It is necessary to figure out how to keep the machine clean, preventing the formation of scale, mold and plaque. Let's figure out how to clean an Ariston washing machine and how often you need to take preventive measures to keep the equipment in order.
Let's start with the garbage filter
If you didn’t even suspect that you need to take care of your machine, but now you understand the extreme importance of this matter, then it is recommended to start cleaning by washing the garbage filter. The drain filter should be cleaned regularly; the manufacturer recommends doing this at least once every three months.
To work, you will need to prepare a container with low sides, dry rags and a slotted screwdriver. Before you start cleaning, be sure to turn off the power to the washing machine and close the inlet valve. The algorithm for subsequent actions will be as follows:
remove the false panel from the Ariston washing machine. If the cover does not budge, use a thin screwdriver to pry off the locking latches;
slightly tilt the body back, lean it against the wall;
Place a container under the bottom of the machine (in the area where the filter element is located);
cover the floor under the washing machine with dry rags;
grasp the dust filter cover and carefully rotate the part to the left;
remove the filter element from the housing. Please note that water will immediately flow out of the system;
rinse the drain filter under the pressure of warm water, wipe the walls of the resulting hole with a damp sponge or rag, and remove debris from the cavity.
You cannot wash the garbage filter in boiling water; the plastic will become deformed, making the part unsuitable for further use.
It is important to pay special attention to cleaning the volute and pump impeller. Shine a flashlight into the hole that appears after removing the drain filter. Lint, threads and hair are often wrapped around the impeller blades and need to be removed. There may also be a small object stuck between the wings that needs to be removed.
After all the elements have been cleaned, you need to reassemble the washing machine. The filter is screwed into place, it is important to ensure that the part fits exactly along the thread, without any distortions. Then all that remains is to put the false panel in place and run the “Rinse” test mode. Be sure to check if water is leaking from below. If a leak is detected, it is worth checking how tightly the garbage filter is inserted.
Means for removing dirt from the machine
Today on store shelves you can find various washing machine care products. Manufacturers offer compositions that prevent the appearance of scale, effectively remove plaque, and cope with mold and mildew. In addition to household chemicals, there are also folk remedies that have proven themselves to be effective in combating pollution.
It is important to use cleaning compositions strictly for their intended purpose; for this, before use, you should carefully study the principle of action of a particular substance. For example, the advertised Calgon will not remove scale, which some housewives expect from it, but will only soften the water and prevent the appearance of new deposits.
To get out of ignorance, let’s clarify how the individual components work and describe the purpose of various compositions for caring for the Ariston washing machine.First of all, we will analyze not household chemicals, but the so-called folk remedies, which have long been used by housewives for cleaning.
Soda. Perfect for combating mold on the sealing collar of the SMA, effectively removes dirt. Using the substance, you can remove plaque from the walls of the powder receptacle.
Lemon acid. The powder can be used to remove scale from the internal elements of the machine (heating element, tank, drum surface).
Vinegar. The effect of its use is comparable to citric acid. Vinegar can also cope with another problem - an unpleasant, musty odor. After cleaning with vinegar, you need to run a rinse cycle so that its specific aroma also evaporates. Table vinegar should be used only when heavily soiled; it is also important to follow safety rules when working with acid.
Copper sulfate. Copper sulfate will easily remove large areas of mold.
White. It has long been used by people to disinfect washing machines and combat unpleasant odors. It is forbidden to pour chlorine-containing bleach, as this will only harm the equipment. If disinfection is absolutely necessary, it is better to give preference to compounds without chlorine.
If you evaluate the range of household chemicals, you can highlight the following products.
Frisch-aktiv. Suitable for cleaning the drum surface from dirt and scale deposits.
It will cope with unpleasant odors and destroy bacteria that have “settled” in washing equipment.
A multifunctional product designed to wash the SMA drum, fight limescale, remove scale, and eliminate odors. In addition, the composition copes well with dirt and has a disinfecting effect.
Magic Power. Country of origin: Germany. Focused specifically on the fight against scale.
Topperr 3004. The product is recommended by the Bosh brand. Aimed at removing scale from the internal elements of washing machines.
Luxus Professional. A solution with a lemon scent can be used to wash not only washing machines, but also dishwashers. Teapots can be cleaned using the composition. A universal product that quickly removes scale.
Bork K8P is a powder from a Korean manufacturer designed specifically to combat solid deposits.
Top House - can be used not only for cleaning washing machines, but also for eliminating deposits from heating elements of kettles, dishwashers, and coffee machines.
Antiscale is an inexpensive and effective Russian remedy for removing scale.
Sandokkaebi – disinfectant composition, country of origin – Korea.
MultiDez-Teflex is a disinfectant. Suitable for cleaning automatic machines from bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms.
The presented list is far from complete; you can find many other good detergent compositions on sale. When choosing a washing machine cleaner, be sure to study its purpose. For example, disinfectant liquid will not help remove scale.
How to clean equipment?
Tap water is often not suitable not only for eating, but also for washing. It contains a large number of impurities. Hard water leads to the formation of scale on the heating element and the washing machine tank. If drinking water is filtered in almost every apartment, then only a few cleaning elements are installed in front of the washing machine’s inlet hose.
If you do not promptly clean the SMA from deposits, a thick layer of scale will lead to failure of the heating element.
That is why it is important to periodically clean the automatic machine.It is allowed to use special household chemicals or use folk “recipes”. Regular washing of the washing machine with citric acid will reduce the likelihood of scale formation to a minimum. Everything is quite simple, you should regularly run a dry wash, after pouring 200 grams of lemon into the powder container. It is necessary to include a long-term program that heats water from 60°C.
After the end of the cycle, be sure to rinse the dust filter and powder receptacle. It may also be necessary to clean the sealing collar from pieces of “loose” scale. If the heating element is covered with a thick layer of scale, you can treat this particular element. To do this, the heater is removed from the machine and cleaned mechanically or using special components.
What if your washing machine is overgrown with mold and stinks?
Dealing with mold and musty smells can take some work. Most often, the housewife discovers black spots on the cuff of the hatch door. Copper sulfate, known to many, will help in destroying mold from the seal. It is necessary to treat the gum with copper sulfate and leave for 24 hours. Afterwards, the cuff should be wiped with a damp cloth, trying to remove mold. At the end, you need to run a test wash with your usual product to rinse the machine.
A water-soda solution in a one-to-one ratio works well against mold.
The resulting slurry should be applied to the sealing gum and the surface of the drum. After a few hours, you need to run a single wash, then wipe the elements with a clean cloth.
Often mold forms in the powder receptacle. Particles of detergents and fabric softener remain on its walls in the form of mucus, and this is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. It is important to rinse and dry the tray after each use of the Ariston washing machine. If there is already a mold outbreak, it is recommended to soak the dispenser in a soda solution, then clean every millimeter of it with a toothbrush. It is also important to wipe the compartment under the container.
Citric acid will help get rid of limescale on the walls of the powder receptacle. You should add lemon juice, fill the cuvette with water and leave for a couple of hours. Then everything is cleaned with a brush or sponge with an abrasive surface.
To avoid a musty smell, it is recommended to periodically flush the drain hose. The element is disconnected from the housing and the sewer outlet, and then cleaned with a special brush. Cleaning the SMA using household chemicals should be carried out strictly according to the instructions written on the packaging of the product. It is also important to use disinfectant compounds for preventive purposes - this will protect equipment from various bacteria.
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