How to clean dirt under the cuff in an LG washing machine?
You cannot do without a hatch cuff in a washing machine; it helps seal the door tightly and it is thanks to it that water does not spill out of the drum during washing. But there is also a drawback: dirt constantly accumulates under the cuff, which causes mold to form. Cleaning under the rubber band in an LG washing machine is not easy, especially if it’s neglected. Therefore, the sooner you start cleaning, the more time and effort you will save.
How to remove light stains?
The cuff itself is very soft and has many grooves and folds, by looking under which you can easily see the condition of the space underneath. If the contamination is limited to plaque, then cleaning the dirt under the cuff will not be difficult. To do this you just need:
- rag;
- dishwashing liquid.
Attention! The dishwashing liquid can be absolutely anything, you don’t even need to buy anything. But avoid aggressive and untested chemicals at all costs. Some substances like Domestos can damage the cuff so much that it will have to be replaced.
Now lightly wet the cloth and squeeze a little product onto it. Wherever you can reach with a rag, wipe the area under the cuff until a good lather forms. If some holes are difficult to penetrate, simply pour a generous amount of dishwashing liquid into them. Leave the SM in this state for half an hour.
After that, close the hatch, select some long-term program (“Cotton,” for example), remove the spin cycle and set the temperature to high (60 degrees is possible, but preferably 95 degrees) and start the wash.The dirt under the cuff will disappear the first time.
Removing black mold
Dishwashing liquid, of course, will not cope with black mold, but even in this case, complex household chemicals are of no use. It has been experimentally proven that ordinary cheap chlorine bleach “Belizna” can cope with harmful spores inside the cuff. You will also need a rag, a brush or sponge and an empty container for household needs. What should be done?
- Pour white into the container, take a sponge or brush and, dipping it into the product, begin to carefully lubricate the cuff and all the folds under it, especially generously treating those areas where there is black mold with white. Don’t be afraid to overdo it, the white dries quickly enough, and too much of it will not harm the machine in any way.
- After this, leave the SM for about half an hour. Please note that the black mold will not go away the first time, but will only turn slightly white. After 30 minutes, repeat the procedure and leave the machine again for a while.
- Repeat wiping until the mold is completely gone. This may require about 15 visits, which will take a whole day with breaks.
After treatment, small amounts of mold may remain in the tightest folds and seams of the cuff. In this case, you can either remove the rubber seal and treat the problem areas with white again, leaving it for a longer time, say, overnight. Or you can not remove the cuff, but once again generously fill everything with white and run a long wash at high temperature. After this, black mold will definitely have no chance.
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