How to clean a Samsung washing machine filter
Lack of water draining or filling in the washing machine is not yet a reason to call a household appliance repairman. First of all, you need to make sure that you do not have a blockage in the filters of the machine. What filters are we talking about and how to clean these blockages in a Samsung washing machine - we’ll talk about this further.
Drain filter
When draining the washing machine tank, the water passes through the drainage filter, which traps small foreign objects that have fallen into the drum of the machine. Often the filter becomes clogged with these objects, as well as debris, lint, and hair, which leads to malfunction of the equipment.. Therefore, experienced owners know that they need to regularly clean the drain filter.
Cleaning the drain filter is not difficult; for this you will need:
- disconnect the machine from the power supply and close the water supply tap;
- in the lower façade, find a plastic panel;
- using a flat-head screwdriver or other flat tool, open the panel, which is held in place by latches;
- take a low container, for example, a saucepan or a large low frying pan, and also prepare a rag;
- slightly move the machine forward from the wall and then tilt the machine body back;
- Place a container under the water under the filter, place a rag next to it;
- turn the filter “head” counterclockwise by hand;
- pull the filter towards you;
- rinse it under running water, and also clean the filter slot from debris;
- install the part in place.
Important! When screwing in the filter, make sure it is seated tightly and does not wobble. Otherwise, water may leak the next time you wash it.
There are times when the filter cap cannot be unscrewed. This happens especially often if it has never been unscrewed for several years, without knowing about its existence. In such a situation, you should not apply excessive force and grab pliers; you need to get to the drain pump from the inside. In a Samsung washing machine this is done through the front part of the body; the whole process is described in the article Replacing the drain pump.
Water inlet filter
In addition to cleaning the drain filter, you need to pay attention to the filter that is in the water supply to the washing machine. Unlike the drain filter, it does not clog as often, but there are exceptions. This depends on the contamination and hardness of the collected water.
To clean this filter, you need to move the machine so that you can access the rear wall. Then do the following:
- shut off the water supply;
- unscrew the inlet hose from the inlet valve;
- using pliers, pull out the mesh on the plastic body, this is the filter;
- take an old toothbrush and clean the filter with it; you can use any cleaning agent;
- After the procedure, insert the filter into place and screw on the hose.
Preventing clogging
According to the recommendations of the washing machine manufacturers, you need to clean the drain filter at least once every three months. Regular washing rules, which some people often neglect, will help make this cleaning easier.
- Before washing clothes, you need to make sure that the pockets are empty, and if there is something in them, you need to take it out.
- You also need to check whether the details on the clothing are well sewn: buttons, rhinestones, sequins, appliqués, etc.
- Inspect the drum of the washing machine; it may also contain foreign objects that a child or pet may have placed in it.
- If you have hard water, it is better to install water purification filter.
As you can see, cleaning the debris filters in a Samsung washing machine is not so difficult. This can be done without a specialist, and it must be done regularly. Take care of your equipment and it will last you longer.
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