Cleaning the filter in the Ariston washing machine
Household appliances, even the simplest ones, require maintenance. Complex technical devices, which include Ariston brand washing machines, require regular preventative measures. The list of such activities includes cleaning the filter, which maintains the uninterrupted operation of the drain pump. Our story today is about how to clean the filter in an Ariston washing machine.
Preparation for the procedure
You should work in compliance with safety precautions, starting the cleaning procedure by disconnecting household appliances from the power supply and water supply. To make it easier to perform the necessary actions, in some cases it is necessary to move the machine, and doing this alone is quite difficult, since the equipment weighs a lot.
The next step is to discover where the filter is located. First you need to open the lid that covers this filter. It is necessary to dismantle the false panel located on the machine body in its lower part. If you cannot unclip the panel with your hands, you can pry it off with a tool: a screwdriver with a flat and wide tip or a knife with a rounded edge. There are models in which the lid can be opened by hand with minimal effort.
Attention! The HotpointAriston drain system always contains liquid that is pumped out of the tank. If you open the filter, the remaining water will drain out. It will simply spill out onto the floor.
Take care of a rag or a flat container in advance. They need to be installed under the body of the raised machine. There are models of washing machines that do not require moving the entire unit.This is explained by the gutter-shaped configuration of the hatch or the trap itself, due to which the remaining liquid in the system is carefully drained into a container placed in advance.
Cleaning the garbage filter
Masters working in specialized services carry out the cleaning procedure for the trap filter in several stages. First, the remaining water is drained, for which any convenient container or well-absorbent rag is used. You must carefully remove the filter on the Ariston washing machine by turning the drain plug counterclockwise. Rotation angle – 45-60 degrees. The next step is to unscrew the filter all the way and pull it out.
Cleaning and rinsing begins with the removal of large-sized debris (foreign objects, fabric substrate, etc.).
Next in line is a raid. You can remove it from the surface of the device with a sponge (dishware) that has an abrasive layer.
The complex measures are completed by the procedure of washing the device. For this purpose, running warm water is used.
It must be emphasized that washing under running boiling water is strictly prohibited. As a result of rash actions, deformation of the plastic, as well as loss of elasticity of the sealing gum, is possible.
Don’t forget to check and clean the slot in the machine in which the drain filter is installed. When getting rid of the remnants of various debris, it is worth taking time to free other parts from accumulated dirt, plaque and mold. A damp sponge is suitable for this. Upon completion of sanitary measures, it is required to install the technical device in the slot allocated to it. The plug is screwed in without distortion, tightly, neatly, clockwise.
The creators of Hotpoint Ariston advise organizing filter maintenance at intervals of two to four months. The main guideline for choosing a maintenance schedule should be the frequency of washing. Regular use requires more vigilant and frequent maintenance. As an example, we can take a large family with several children. In this case, a household washing machine that is turned on daily requires cleaning the garbage filter once a month.
Experts say that the type of fabric also affects the amount of preventative cleaning. Woolen and fleecy materials (flannel, flannel) are washed more often in the cold season. This type of matter, due to the abundance of tissue substrate (villus), serves as a source of serious and rapid clogging of the filter. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the drainage debris trap frequently.
In the case of washing pillows or down jackets, which are based on natural down and feathers, as well as other things that are a source of an abundance of debris that clogs the filter, it is recommended to carry out cleaning at the end of the specified program.
If you don't pay attention to the filter?
A seriously contaminated trap can become a source of trouble. These troubles will be associated not only with the breakdown of the “home assistant”. Dirt is primarily a source of microorganisms, and they, in turn, can cause serious illnesses in family members.
Disgusting stench. Comes from household appliances and freshly washed laundry. The reason is filtered debris and accumulation of dirt, which become a source of microbial proliferation.The activity of bacteria leads to acidification of mud “accumulations”, which gives rise to a fetid odor that can deprive any freshly washed laundry of the aroma of freshness.
Mold and bacteria. This nasty thing, having filled the machine, will begin to poison the air in the room where the unit is installed. You yourself understand where this leads.
Difficulty draining. The normal functioning of the drain system is hampered due to the presence of blockages. If left unattended, the problem leads to maximum contamination of the filter, which will not allow the machine to correctly carry out the program for emptying the tank of water.
The pump breaks down or refuses to work correctly. Foreign objects sometimes fall from the drain trap into the pump. The consequences are a malfunction of the pump, which stops pumping liquid. If the foreign body is a metal part, then it can break the impeller blades. Alternatively, serious damage is caused to the pump housing. As a result, it will need to be completely replaced or costly repairs carried out.
The filter is leaking
The filter cleaning procedure must be completed by checking it to detect leaks. This phenomenon may not appear immediately, but after several washes. Why might an unfortunate leak occur?
Firstly, the filter may be installed incorrectly (unevenly, loosely). The catcher requires level installation, which will eliminate the possibility of movement along the thread. Fixing the filter should be characterized by tight, but at the same time neat tightening. The thread of the plastic part can be torn off if intense pressure is applied while screwing in the cap. The resulting leak, in this case, can be easily corrected by correcting distortions and tightening the fixation.
Secondly, manufacturing defects in consumables (gaskets). The tight fit of the drain catcher in the socket is ensured by a rubber gasket. Over time, it may become unusable (crack). Damage may occur after carelessly removing the filter or carrying out cleaning activities using sharp tools. Elimination of the defect is possible by changing the rubber seals (if commercially available) or completely replacing the filter.
And thirdly, a violation of the integrity of the thread or drain trap. The reason is incorrect, forced removal of the part or tightening of the plug. As a result of the applied efforts, the contact of the elements weakens, which causes the presence of a leak. The leak is eliminated by replacing one catcher or a kit in which a snail is added to the filter. In this case, it may be necessary to involve a specialist.
The filter cannot be removed
The drain trap in washing machines is sometimes impossible to reach. There are a variety of situations: the handle does not turn, or the catcher is stuck in the socket and cannot be removed. This state of affairs is caused by the lack of regular or at least periodic maintenance (prevention) of the drainage unit.
If the drain filter does not unscrew, this can be explained by the presence of a foreign body or scale formed between the threads and the seal. Our experts offer to solve the problem step by step.
First, the blocked filter can be unscrewed using a carpenter's tool (pliers). Actions must be careful and unhurried. If the first method does not bring the desired result, cleaning can be done after removing the pump.
The procedure requires following the correct sequence of actions. In different models (brands), to start the activity you need to unfasten one of the walls of the device case (front, back). Next, you need to disconnect the wiring, unfasten the clamps connecting the volute to the pipe and flexible drain tube. Next you need to remove the hydraulic device with the snail. It is easier to clean the drain catcher through the holes of the drain pipe or pump (after disconnecting the pump from the volute).
Important! The option of cleaning the drain trap through a drain pump is quite complicated and requires specialized knowledge. To be confident in the quality of the events, it is recommended to trust them to professionals.
If all of the above operations are unsuccessful and the filter cannot be removed in any way, perhaps you are doing something wrong or your machine has some kind of individual feature. Don't break anything, invite a specialist and he will solve your problem.
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