Why doesn't the washing machine rinse?
The washing machine has long become a familiar assistant in everyday household chores. It helps us with laundry and frees up time for other more interesting or important things. And if suddenly it stops performing its functions well, then we immediately notice it. What to do if the washing machine stops rinsing? It may even have turned off after the main wash. And I didn’t even get to the rinse mode.
Most often, this malfunction manifests itself as follows:
Laundry is washed as usual. It lasts as long as it takes the machine to complete this part of the given program. And when the moment comes at which rinsing should begin, suddenly everything freezes and the machine freezes or turns off.
What are the causes of this malfunction?
There are more than one or even two reasons for this breakdown. Let's look at the most common of them.
First you need to pay attention to the system that provides drainage. Specifically, check the drain pump filter, the drain pump itself, the external hose and internal pipes. There may be foreign objects or debris in the hoses and filter. They may prevent the drainage system from working normally. Therefore, if such blockages are detected, they must be eliminated. If the drain pump malfunctions, it is easier to replace it with a new one than to repair it.
In order not to burden you with an abundance of test information, we decided to clearly demonstrate how to remove and clean the drain pump filter in the following video:
Here's another video. In it you will learn how to replace the drain pump of a washing machine with your own hands. Let's look:
Let's move on.The cause of our breakdown may also be a failure of the pressure switch.
This is a small special sensor. It controls the amount of water inside the machine. It is also called a level relay and a level sensor. It is necessary to check its performance, inspect and, if necessary, blow out the tube. Also, the breakdown of this part can have another effect. For example, when the machine cannot stop when pouring water. And he continues to do this all the time.
To help you with this breakdown, we have prepared video instructions for replacing the pressure switch yourself:
Another reason for this malfunction may be a breakdown of the control module. The control module is a microcircuit that manages all processes of the washing machine, monitors data from various sensors and controls the washing of clothes.
The module can fail for various reasons. For example, if water gets on its surface or there is a voltage drop in your network. For this type of breakdown, we strongly recommend having it repaired by a professional. And if you are not an expert in this field, then the most reasonable solution is to call a household appliance repair specialist.
In addition to the reasons for failure listed above, there is one more. This is wear on the washing machine motor brushes. Worn brushes can cause the machine to not work as it should. In this case, it is necessary to replace them. The process of replacing them on those models with a removable bottom is quite simple. You can watch a video of how to change them below:
If you have read this article, then you already know what malfunctions can cause the machine to stop rinsing clothes.We also received information on how to eliminate most of the failed parts.
If you decide that you can handle the repairs yourself, then we wish you good luck. And if you don’t want to waste time and effort on this, we recommend turning to professional technicians for large household appliances. They know their stuff and will help you get rid of this problem.
1 reader comment
Machine Candy1D835-07 The warranty expired a week ago. That's why it's annoying. After filling with water for a long time, the valve closes and the indicator of the “ALLERGY” button flashes. The valve is normal, the intake valve screen is clean, the level sensor and the tube to it are in good condition.