Why doesn't the washing machine spin out clothes? And how can I fix it?
For many of us, it is important that the washing machine works properly and completes the entire wash cycle without problems. Yes, of course, if it stops spinning, but other functions work, then this is better than if it did not work at all. After all, you can squeeze it manually.
But on the other hand, not everyone likes to spend their personal time on this. And not every person will be able to wring out laundry as efficiently as an automatic washing machine. And with a high-quality spin, the laundry will dry faster. Therefore, it would be wiser to repair our household appliances in order to enjoy their full functionality in the future.
I want to please some of the readers. If the washing machine does not spin clothes, this does not mean that it is broken. There is a chance that you simply turned off this function during the last wash and forgot to turn it on. So let's check this possibility first.
The spin function is disabled or a gentle wash is used
The programs of most modern washing machines have special conditions. For example, “gentle wash”. When using this mode, the machine operates in a special washing option. That is, the spin may not be complete or absent at all. And things will remain wet. This mode is needed in order not to damage the safety of even the most fastidious fabrics. Therefore, check which mode you have set. And if it is the gentle washing option that is recommended, then just in case, you can study the instructions for your household appliances.
Some models do not provide spinning in this mode. Also pay attention to the buttons that disable certain functions. If you don’t have the gentle mode set and the spin switch off button is not pressed, but the machine still produces laundry that is clearly wet, then we are dealing with a breakdown. And the time has come to establish which one.
There are several types of faults that can cause this problem. Let's look at them and discuss how to fix them without resorting to the help of specialized repair services.
The washing machine does not drain water
To determine this malfunction, simply look inside the washing machine through the transparent hatch door. There is no need to open it. Just lean over and take a peek. If you see water that has not drained, then the problem is not in the spin cycle. In this situation, there is a problem with the drain mechanism. One of the most common breakdowns in this situation is a malfunction of the drain pump (pump). The filter may also become clogged and the pipe may become clogged.
If the water has not left the tank of our machine, it means that the spin program will not turn on. This is provided by the manufacturers. For a complete guide to fixing this problem, you can read the article: “What to do if The washing machine does not drain water" Here we will not delve into the elimination of this malfunction, but move on to the next one.
The heating element is faulty
The heating element is the heating element of the washing machine. It increases the temperature of the cold water poured into our machine to the required temperature. A malfunction of this element can also cause the spin to stop working. Watch the video on how to change it:
The tachogenerator does not work
Despite the fact that the operating instructions for washing machines indicate the maximum amount of laundry that can be washed at one time, many of us still manage to load more things into the tank than allowed. And this is not surprising, because not everyone agrees to weigh dirty laundry before washing. Unfortunately, handling the washing machine this way can lead to damage to the tachometer.
It is the tachometer that performs the function of monitoring the number of required drum revolutions during all washing functions. If the tachometer breaks down, it must be replaced. If the screw that secures it is loose, you need to tighten it.
Washing machine motor malfunction
In order to get to the engine of the machine, it is necessary to disassemble the body of our household appliances. Before you remove the fasteners and wires, take a photo with your phone or camera. The photo will help you connect all the wires in the correct places when you return the engine to its place.
When the engine is removed, it is necessary to check the commutator brushes. They may wear out when the washing machine is used. In order to understand whether the problem is with the brushes, you need to measure their length. If it is less than half a centimeter, then it’s time to replace them. In addition to this malfunction, you may encounter water leaking into the engine. After all possible problems have been solved, you can install the washing machine motor in place and, using the photo taken as a guide, connect the wires. You can check the spin operation without wearing the washing machine body.
Replacing washing machine motor brushes is shown here:
The control module may also fail. This is a rare and rather unpleasant breakdown.We do not recommend replacing the washing machine module yourself for those people who do not have experience in this matter. In case of this breakdown, it is better to turn to professionals.
37 reader comments
Thank you very much for this video. Not for the replacement process itself, but for the comment that even long brushes may not work.
Help with machine repair. The machine spins, and when turned on for washing it draws water, then the relay clicks, the machine hums but the drum does not rotate
Hello) Have you solved the problem??? I have this problem
It was like this: the master replaced the relay, the work cost 1500 rubles, he did it for 10 minutes.
I turn on the washing mode, any, and the drum just spins, I turn it off and the door opens.
In any mode, the drum rotates only in one direction, what’s wrong with it?
The module flew
This is the problem: you plug the machine into the network, it turns on by itself. And the pump runs smoothly and shows f11. What is the reason, help. The module was checked and they said it was working.
Ardo machine, the centrifuge function does not turn on.
The SIEMENS SIWAMAT XS 1063 washing machine does not spin or drain water.The machine is not new, but assembled in Germany.
I checked all the drain hoses, cleaned the filter, even removed the hoses in the machine itself, everything was clean... when I turn on the spin or drain mode (without water), the impeller of the drain pump starts spinning, but the drum does not spin.
After my actions, it started working and worked for about a month. And here it is again: I washed everything and stopped with water on the rinse mode.
Can you give me some advice?
Thank you.
The thin hose from the sensor to the tank may not be sealed (pressostat sensor). Or maybe just brushes.
Look at the belt
Please tell me there is some kind of glitch in the program. The machine washed and stopped, and the spin cycle must be switched manually. What could it be?
Please tell me, ARDO AED 800X washing machine. When you turn on the spin cycle, the drum rotates for about a minute, the pump runs and suddenly turns off. After 2-3 seconds it turns on and again works for about a minute and turns off again.
The LG washing machine works while washing, but does not spin the drum during the spin cycle! As soon as it starts, the motor simply stops. The pump is working! Direct drive!
Hello! I have this problem.
We just bought an Indesit machine, a couple of washes turned out great, but on the third the spin stopped working.
What's the matter and what should I do in this case?
Thank you.
Try unplugging the machine. Press the buttons so that the current goes away. Then connect. It helped us so much.
Please tell me. The LG machine does not work fast spin, but slow spin works.
The machine does not spin. We checked all the hoses - clean. The brushes are also working.
Tatyana, have you solved the spin problem? If so, how?
Help is needed! The spin indicator does not light up in any mode, but it does not work in all programs. The pump is working, all pipes are clean. What could it be?
Siemens iq500 machine. Sometimes it wrings out, sometimes it doesn’t (the drum doesn’t accelerate), the hoses are clean, the pump drains, the brushes are normal. What could it be?
I have the same problem.
Hello! Machine Indesit wil83. It spins as it sees fit, recently it has stopped spinning altogether in any mode, at any number of revolutions. The drain works well. After turning off, he opens the lid and has to wring out the laundry by hand. Tell me what it could be? Thanks in advance!
Hello, the ARDO A1000 washing machine washes, rinses, drains, but does not spin (it tries to accelerate and immediately turns off the spin and pump at the same time), while the machine command continues to work.
I checked the brushes (there was already 1 cm left, I replaced them anyway), the pump drains water perfectly even with pressure, the filter is clean, the pressure switch is working, the hose is not clogged. It is ventilated well, the tachometer is working. Everything seems to be intact on the module.
Indesit automatic washing machine for 7 kg. It washes and drains the water. On the “spin” function it just buzzes. Tell me, what could be the reason?
Hello! Please tell me what could be wrong with the machine. It turns on, but when you select any washing mode, water is drawn in and immediately drained. Doesn't respond to spin. In general, the drum does not turn either during the wash or during the spin cycle. What could it be?
The drain hose is very low, raise it 150 centimeters and everything will work. Or the hose is clogged with dirt, clean it.
Hi all. This is a problem, the machine works great and drains when washing. But when it comes to spinning, it doesn’t spin, it just stops and doesn’t drain the remaining water... what could be the problem?
Hello! Please help with the following.
I have ARDO Anna 800.
The spin has stopped working normally: it spins like when washing, only the initial rotation speed of the drum is higher. It spins and stops.
What I did and my thoughts:
- the pump pumps.
I don’t even know what could be...
Wash by hand.
I wash clothes, the water drains, and the second time the water drains not into the sewer, but outside. Then I quickly unplug it and turn it on after a few minutes. Everything is drained into the sewer, why is this, maybe the pipe is clogged?
Why does water flow from the machine after washing?
Thanks for the advice. The machine is 14 years old and has stopped spinning. After watching I decided to change the heating element. An autopsy showed that it was warping. Now the machine continues to live and work.
It does not drain water, all pipes are clean, and so is the filter. What is the reason?
Hello, the Samsung machine does not spin up or gain speed until you start blowing into the drain hose. What could be the problem?
Please help me with advice. Washing machine Veko, cracked plastic in the area where the hatch is attached. Where can I buy a new sunroof?