Pros and cons of a plastic tank in a washing machine
The most durable tanks in washing machines are those made using stainless steel. Manufacturers have to install a plastic tank in a washing machine because the metal is very expensive, plus, to make a stainless steel tank you need to use high technology. Because of all of the above, the price for such a “home assistant” can exceed $1000, which is why today models with a plastic tank are so common, which you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of. Let us examine in detail the features of such washing machines.
The good and bad sides of a plastic container
For a long time, not a plastic tank in a washing machine was commonplace, but an enameled one. However, the disadvantage of such an element was the formation of cracks and the formation of rust on the metal under the damaged areas of the enamel. Because of this, the service life of the tank was significantly reduced, so companies decided to use other materials to create household appliances. After the abandonment of enamel, tanks made of plastic and stainless steel appeared on the market.
Any material has pros and cons – plastic is no exception to the rule. It has quite a few advantages.
- Plastic is much cheaper than metal.
- It weighs much less.
- Relatively durable.
- A container made of this material does not leak.
- It is not subject to corrosion.
- It retains heat much better than metal, which helps save energy.
- Has a low level of vibration and noise.
- The service life of plastic is from 20 to 25 years.
In fact, the only drawback of plastic is its fragility, due to which it is prone to splitting.This factor should be taken into account when transporting washing machines, so as not to accidentally damage the plastic tank.
Carefully monitor the transportation of the washing machine so as not to damage the integrity of the tank, which will cause further damage. Also, do not forget about the transportation bolts, which allow you to safely transport equipment, but can damage it during the operating cycle if they are not removed.
Is stainless steel that good?
Often, ordinary people overestimate stainless steel, believing that tanks for all washing machines should be made from it. Let's figure out whether this material is as ideal as it is usually described, or whether it has both pros and cons.
The stainless steel tank holds up really well to liquid contact. The material is durable, perfectly withstands interaction with various chemical elements, so it cannot be damaged not only by water, but also by detergents, and even household chemicals designed to combat scale. We highlight the following as disadvantages:
- heavy weight, especially in comparison with plastic;
- inability to dampen vibration and noise;
- low degree of thermal insulation, which negatively affects energy consumption;
- serious price.
Another disadvantage is the need to buy expensive household appliances, because if you choose the option with cheap steel, it will begin to corrode. Therefore, if you choose a tank made of stainless steel, then only from a high-quality one.
Why shouldn't you be afraid of plastic?
Thus, we have come to the conclusion that a plastic tank in a washing machine is good. Often, such “home assistants” work for more than 10 years, and if something breaks down in them, it’s definitely not the tank, but other elements.And given the fact that we live in an era when household appliances should be replaced once or even several times a decade, there is no need to be afraid that the machine will fail, and there is even less point in buying equipment made from the most expensive materials.
A plastic tank in a washing machine is a safe way to save on buying new equipment for your home.
Plus, modern plastic, for example, Silitek and Carboran, can withstand serious loads, so washing machines with a tank made of these materials will definitely not leak. Therefore, the main thing is not the material of the tank, but following the operating rules, which will allow the machine to serve you for a long time.
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