How to transport a new washing machine?

How to transport a new washing machineIn order not to break the machine immediately after purchase, it is necessary to transport the new washing machine correctly. It is also important to follow all the tips when delivering used washing machines. If you neglect the basic recommendations, you can quickly damage the equipment. Let's figure out what rules for transporting equipment exist.

Preparatory procedures

Transporting a new automatic machine is quite simple. The first rule is to pack the washing machine and install the shipping bolts. The equipment from the store fully meets these requirements; in any case, it will be in the original packaging, sealed with sheets of foam plastic, and with a fixed tank.

When accepting a new machine from a courier, do not rush to sign the document. Remove the SMA from the packaging, carefully inspect the body, make sure there are transport bolts. If there are no defects, then the delivery was carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Transporting a washing machine that has already been in use is more difficult. Usually, the original packaging is not preserved, and owners have to improvise, protecting the machine body with a blanket, rug or foam rubber. We need to figure out how to protect the machine from mechanical damage. A used SMA should be prepared for transportation. Necessary:preparing the machine for transportation

  • de-energize the machine;
  • disconnect equipment from water supply and sewerage;
  • drain the remaining water in the system by unscrewing the waste filter plug;
  • fix the hoses on the body so that they do not “sway” when carried;
  • take out the detergent cuvette, wipe its walls dry and put the tray back;
  • seal the corners of the case with several layers of tape;
  • secure the drum with the transport bolts provided for this purpose. Screws are always included with the equipment.

Be sure to secure the drum, otherwise it will dangle during transportation, damaging nearby parts of the washing machine.

If the original packaging has long been lost, then there are several ideas on how to protect the body of the washing machine. Wrap the machine with whatever you have on hand: fabric, corrugated cardboard, stretch film or foam rubber. Then the machine gun is tied with a rope - this will help securely secure the homemade “shell”.

We load and transport

You can transport SMA in a passenger car, but it must be a station wagon. You must carry the device to the vehicle carefully; you must not turn the washing machine in different directions, place it upside down, or hit it against railings or walls. Only a slight tilt back when carrying is allowed, but under no circumstances turn the equipment over.

What is the best way to install the machine? The best option is to transport equipment vertically, positioning it sideways in the direction of movement of the washing machine. The device must be supported with something so that it does not fall when driving on uneven roads.

It is clear that it will not be possible to transport the machine while standing in a passenger washing machine. Therefore, it is permissible to place the washing machine on its side, having first laid a soft blanket under it. It is better to clamp the machine on all sides with something to ensure the safety of dampers, pipes, sensors and wiring.

Transportation is carried out standing or on its side; placing the machine on the front wall is prohibited.

In any case, some water will remain in the SMA. If the washing machine is placed lying on the front wall, then drops may flow onto the control panel. The electronics will short out, and repairs will cost a pretty penny.In addition, a heavy tank will certainly damage the cuff and hatch door. Therefore, it is so important not to turn the machine over when carrying and transporting it.washing machine on side

If the machine is laid on its side and there are no transportation bolts, the tank should be secured with foam rubber. This will protect the washer from damage to internal components. It is better to remove the powder receptacle from the housing and transport it separately. Water also remains in the cuvette, and even a couple of drops of liquid can be detrimental to the electronic module. Or at least wipe the detergent container dry and put it back into the “hopper”.

If there is no other way, then you can transport the machine by placing it on the back wall. However, this method of transportation is strictly prohibited for Zanussi equipment. In washing machines of this brand, the counterweight blocks are positioned in such a way that they can crush the inlet valve.

Failures associated with improper movement of the MCA

Users who neglect the rules for transporting washing equipment sacrifice the serviceability of their “home assistants”. Even one, the shortest trip, lasting 10-20 minutes, if the basic recommendations are not followed, can be fatal for an automatic machine. The breakdown can be so serious that the device will be unsuitable for further use or a lot of money will have to be invested in its repair.

Most often, when transported incorrectly, the following occurs:

  • break in the power cord of the automatic machine;
  • scratching or deformation of the case;
  • rupture of the drum seal;
  • breakage of hinges or latches of the hatch door;The door was torn off during transportation
  • failure of shock-absorbing elements;
  • damage to rubber tubes and hoses;
  • breakdown of sensors and valves;
  • oxidation of wires, contact closure;
  • failure of the programmer (knobs for switching modes on the dashboard);
  • damage to the drain pump;
  • breakdown of the powder receptacle;
  • failure of the main electronic module.

To avoid many problems, it is enough to simply properly prepare the automatic machine for transportation. Handle the equipment with care from the time it is packed until it is installed in a new location. Follow the basic rules of transportation, and then the “home assistant” will not even notice the movement and will work as before.


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