Reviews of the Samsung narrow washing machine WW6MJ42602W

reviews about Samsung WW6MJ42602WProfessionals have definitely worked on the design of the latest models of Samsung washing machines. The appearance of this technique is unusual, but at the same time unobtrusive. Here, for example, is the Samsung WW6MJ42602W washing machine. Its technical characteristics and price are quite attractive, so there is a reason to take a closer look at this washing machine and customer reviews will help us with this.

Women's opinions

Olga, Kostroma

My washing machine is simply lovely, I’ve been driving it every day for seven months now and no problems. It is made very well, this can be seen from the materials and assembly. All parts fit together perfectly, so nothing rattles anywhere during washing. The controls are extremely simple and convenient, in addition:

  • the hatch is large and wide, the door opens wide;
  • access to the garbage filter is free;
  • The program switching knob is convenient, all programs are signed;
  • there is a built-in voltage stabilizer;

Once the built-in stabilizer saved the machine during a power surge. I was surprised that after turning on the machine again, it did not start the program again, but continued it.

  • There is a function that allows you to clean the drum;
  • The machine can hold as much as 6 kg of laundry, and the spin can be performed at a speed of 1200 rpm.

In my opinion, the machine would be ideal if the engineers added more washing programs. I feel the lack of a “delicate wash” program on the old machine, as well as programs for washing down jackets and shoes. On the other hand, we paid only $390 for such a cool washing machine, so I can’t bear to demand anything from the manufacturer. Five points!

Daria, NovosibirskSamsung WW6MJ42602W

Exactly a year has passed since the purchase of the Samsung WW6MJ42602W, and I have not for a minute regretted that I gave preference to this machine. I almost took LG, it’s good that my husband talked me out of it. Recently, quite by accident, I came across a forum where experts communicated with each other and discussed washing machines. They praised my Samsung, it turns out I’m not the only one happy with the machine.

The fifteen-minute wash mode was a little disappointing. When purchasing the equipment, I pinned my hopes on him, but he turned out to be an ordinary decoy. It really does wash in 15 minutes, but it leaves the laundry wet, and it rinses out the powder disgustingly. So I don’t use this mode, but all other programs are beyond praise. I believe that you can buy the Samsung WW6MJ42602W, especially since its price is affordable.

Elena, Moscow

I like absolutely everything about this washer. It so happened that we had to live for about a month without an automatic washing machine. It’s just hard labor; you wouldn’t wish your enemy to wash two children’s clothes with your own hands. I even wanted to borrow from a neighbor for a while Fairy washing machine, she’s still collecting dust in her garage, but somehow she got by. With the advent of this washing machine, life got better. I am very pleased!

Elizaveta, Rostov-on-Don

I think the main advantages of this washing machine are: cost, optimal set of programs and very excellent washing. The machine also spins well, I have no complaints, but I do have complaints about the quality of the rinse. Apparently, it takes in too little water, and these savings are backfired. A couple of times I even rinsed things by hand to wash away any remaining powder. For this I will lower the rating and give it four points instead of five!

It is not clear why there is a mobile diagnostics mode. It’s still not clear how to use it, and whether it will work at all.

Natalya, Mr.Saint Petersburg

I didn't like the machine, it was very noisy. I tore off the front wall of the powder receptacle on the first day, although I didn’t pull it too hard. There are very few programs, half of them do not work normally. Terrible model, cheap!

Irina, Sochi

Amazing washing machine, top notch design. I didn’t think that among cheap equipment you could find a model with such a design. What I like most is that you can change the program right during the washing process. Even during the spin cycle at maximum, it does not shake or jump. I am very happy!

Oksana, Barnaul

A year ago we were still using the ancient Indesit machine. Lately she was just getting tired of it, the belt was constantly falling off, and there was a lot of noise. And finally, our life changed because we took the Samsung WW6MJ42602W. What a blessing it is not to hear the work of your own washing machine. You return to the bathroom a couple of hours later and find perfectly clean and well-wrung laundry in the drum. Isn't it lovely!

Men's opinions

Pavel, BelgorodSamsung WW6MJ42602W panel

The washing machine is very good quality, despite the fact that it is inexpensive. For a year and a half it washes almost every day and has never let us down. I would give an A plus for the design, four points for the washing, but only a C plus for the usefulness of the programs. Sorry developers, but the programs should have been worked on more carefully. In general, a good technique, you can take it, especially if the seller gives a discount.

Ilya, Samara

Very quiet narrow washing machine, neighbors are happy. They even started greeting me now, because I threw my old rattling Beko in the trash. Samsung WW6MJ42602W has a lot of advantages.

  • It brightens up my crummy bathroom.
  • Excellent washes and spins clothes.
  • Saves washing powder.
  • On occasion it can be washed quickly.
  • It has an inverter motor.

Find a better technique for 400 bucks and you will win a prize. Personally, I bought it with a 10% discount six months ago and am happy “like a cat that has eaten sour cream”!

Oleg, Penza

Not the best machine I've ever encountered, but if you look at the price, your hand immediately reaches for your wallet. When I purchased it, I kept wondering what the catch was, but there was no catch. The washing machine is good, take it, you won’t regret it. It has everything you need and it looks great!


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