Reviews of Aistenok washing powder

reviews of Aistenok powderPeople often look for reviews about Aistenok washing powder, but often come across unreliable, fake, supposedly consumer opinions. In this situation, how can you form an objective opinion about this powder, if such reviews cannot be trusted at all? We decided to correct the situation by publishing for you real reviews of people about Aistenok powder, you just have to read them and draw conclusions.

Extra Soft

Claudia Ivanovna, Moscow

I took a new washing powder for my granddaughter, called Aistenok Extra Soft. Although it is inexpensive, it washes just fine. Surprisingly, the powder is hypoallergenic for children and washes better than many adults. As soon as we tried it for the first time, it washed off the stains from purees and grass from the baby’s blouse without difficulty and thereby simply won the love of our daughter and me. I recommend it with a clear conscience to all young mothers!

The package says that it copes with stains from blood, milk, grass, fruit, sauce, butter sweat, cocoa and coffee - this is absolutely true.

Larisa, Omsk

In the store, I spent a very long time turning in my hands a pack of Aistenok Extra Soft powder, which my friend recommended to me. On the one hand, I trust Svetlana completely, and she would not give bad advice to my allergic daughter, but on the other hand, the composition of this product does not inspire confidence:

  • nonionic and anionic surfactants;
  • polycarboxylates;
  • enzymes;
  • optical brightener;
  • foam regulator;
  • some aromatic additives.

In my opinion, this is too much for a baby powder, but I still decided to trust my friend and bought the product. stork Extra Soft really didn’t cause any allergies in my daughter, I’ve been using it for the seventh month now and will continue in the same spirit. Whether I was lucky, or the composition is really harmless, I don’t know, but it suited us.

Julia, KrasnodarStork Extra Soft

This is the second year I have been washing with this wonderful powder and I have only good things to say about it. Well, you must admit that there is nothing bad that can be said about washing powder, which makes washing a pleasure. I forgot what it’s like to pre-wash baby poop in cold water with soap or any other stains, everything is washed just like that, you throw things into the machine, pour in the powder and start the wash, then take out clean things. I read some not entirely flattering reviews from people about this powder. I would like to answer them: if you don’t know what you’re talking about, then it’s better to remain silent, there’s no point in throwing mud at a good remedy!

Lyudmila, Tolyatti

Been using it for quite a long time washing powder "Ushasty Nyan", a good product in principle, but after some home tests, Stork Extra Soft won, and now I choose it. The stork is at least a little better at removing grease stains, and it’s cheaper. In addition, “Eared Nanny” has earned itself a bad reputation, and I decided, just in case, not to buy it again, especially since there is a normal alternative. I recommend Stork Extra Soft to everyone.

Phosphate-free Eco

Olesya, Novosibirsk

5 months ago a baby was born in our family, and I set myself the goal of finding an inexpensive and safe washing powder. After going through several types of powders, I settled on Aistenok Phosphate Free Eco and here’s why:

  1. it rinses out clothes perfectly, which means it will not cause any allergies even in a child with the most sensitive skin;
  2. the powder perfectly removes some types of stains that other products do not handle well, such as blood stains;
  3. The powder is on average cheaper than other similar children's products.

I won’t talk about Stork’s shortcomings, because I don’t know them, I sincerely tried to find them, but I couldn’t, well, maybe it’s for the better. I will continue to use this powder and recommend it to my friends!

Tatiana, Moscow

Horrible Aistenok Phosphate Free Eco powder, it stinks of something like ancient Soviet powders. One word is cheap, but what normal stuff can you cram into a pack for that money. I washed my son’s T-shirts with it several times, so they became completely gray. It's disgusting, not powder, I give it one point, and even then it's a stretch.

Alena, Arkhangelskstork Phosphate-free Eco

I recently tried Aistenok Phosphate Free Eco washing powder and was once again convinced that there is nothing better than Tobby Kids. Powder with a bear cub, as I call it, I’ve been using for a long time, and it has no equal, but let the one who makes it use the Stork powder, because it doesn’t wash anything!

Marina, Vladivostok

At the insistence of my mother, I bought and tested Aistenok Phosphate Free Eco powder. I came to the conclusion that this is an ordinary cheap powder, which is not worth paying attention to, since it erases exactly what it costs, which is exactly nothing. It foams badly and erases even worse. Just for fun, I stained two kitchen towels and washed them one with Persil and the other with Stork. The stork lost on all counts - bad powder!

Liquid laundry detergent

VELENA Gel Stork

I bought the liquid product Aistenok specifically for hand washing, I can’t imagine how this procedure can be avoided. I have to wash things by hand all the time.I bought the gel because it dissolves better than the powder, especially since the powder also scratches your hands.

The quality of washing is not bad, our children's “surprises” are still washed out. I liked the fact that the powder contains chamomile and string extract. But the presence of phosphates is not encouraging, and the Russian manufacturer does not offer any other composition. After washing, there is no stickiness left on your hands, and the laundry is soft and does not smell.


I bought Aistenok gel for baby clothes and decided to try it. While pouring it into the cuvette, I noticed that there was something dark in the bottle. It turned out that the gel had a heterogeneous mass and lumps. I didn’t take any risks, I don’t wash children’s clothes for them and I don’t recommend them to anyone. Of course, maybe I came across such a copy.


When buying a detergent for washing children's clothes, the first thing I pay attention to is the composition. Then I look at the price and only after that at the consumption. The gel from the company Aistenok met all my requirements. Not a bad composition, no bleaches, no dyes or enzymes.

Among the advantages, one can also note the presence of linden and string extracts, silver ions. Not entirely satisfied with phosphonates.

You can use this product for all types of washing, but I prefer to wash it in a machine. It washes and refreshes things well. I wash very difficult stains with laundry soap. I am satisfied with the price for this gel and at the same time it is used sparingly. And I fill it a little less than indicated on the package. After a month and a half of use, the child did not develop an allergy. This is another plus. That's why I recommend it to everyone!

Anastasia 13

Good afternoon, I want to share my opinion about the Stork gel. It can be used from the first days of a child’s life and washed in any way, either by hand or in a machine.The product is suitable for both colored and white laundry. In fact, this gel is universal. For the first experiment, I poured out two caps of the product, as indicated by the manufacturer. Among the things were soiled shorts, they were stained with tomato paste and strawberries. The result is this: it washed off, but a barely noticeable trace still remained. I think this is normal, by the way, there is no smell, and the price is fine.

stain on shorts

To summarize, we note that the Aistenok line of children's laundry detergents is not very diverse, but there is a standard set: a couple of types of washing powders and washing gel. We have collected reviews about these tools in this article, we hope they will be useful to you.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Sergey Sergey:

    Stork is a super powder, and for those who don’t like it, it’s clear they got a fake.

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