Reviews of the washing machine Indesit IWSC 51051 B CIS
Inexpensive front-loading washing machines will always be in demand by customers, even during a crisis. Here, for example, is the Indesit IWSC 51051 B CIS washing machine. People take it for the home, for the dacha, for themselves, as a gift to relatives and friends, because the price of this washing machine is more than affordable. How good is this technology? Can I trust it or is it better to pay attention to another model? Let's ask the owners about this.
Dmitry, Belgorod
I am completely satisfied with the machine. The most important thing is that it washes perfectly and it doesn’t matter what it costs a penny, no matter who I “pee” in front of. I’ve been using it for three years now and I can’t say anything bad. During this time nothing broke.
Gennady, Kyiv
For my money, the machine worked 100%. After 3.5 years I changed the pump. In principle, I spent little because washing machine pump repair I did it with my own hands. At one time, thanks to the fact that I saved a lot on buying a washing machine, I also managed to buy a dishwasher. My wife thanks me warmly to this day, because since then she began to go to the manicurist less often. I highly recommend this washer!
Spare parts and components for this machine are quite expensive, fortunately it does not need to be repaired often
Natalia, Odessa
I purchased an Indesit 51051 B washing machine to replace the old Ardo, which served our family for 11 years, despite the fact that we bought it at a used flea market. I would like a washing machine that is no less reliable, but, as always, I’m struggling with money.
I liked the new machine. Particularly impressive is the competent selection of programs and spinning; you pull out the laundry almost dry. We thought that at such a low price we would have to buy additional components to connect the machine, but nothing like that, everything we needed was in the box. Five points to the manufacturer!
Irina, Stary Oskol
I recently did the math and it turns out I’ve had this washing machine for almost 4 years, but it seems like I bought it just yesterday. With this home assistant, my life has become less routine. Lately, I have stopped washing by hand altogether; I trust the machine to do everything. I’m writing this review partly out of gratitude, and partly to convince doubting people to buy this machine, because it’s really good. Here are the reasons I can give for the purchase.
- The machine is very inexpensive, even without discounts you get it for half the price.
- Works well and is quite reliable, although the body materials could be better.
- The washing machine is very easy to operate.
- Has a universal design.
- It has a sufficient number of universal programs and functions.
I don’t know about you, but now I look with a grin at all the expensive Electroluxes, Miles and Coopersbuchis. Only those who want to “show off” in front of their neighbors buy them, but I need a machine to do laundry, and here you won’t find a better Indesit.
Larisa, Kyiv
When I first bought this washing machine, I couldn’t understand why it rinses things out, but there’s no visible water inside. Then I stopped bothering, because the main thing is the result. But I still wonder how you can rinse so well with a minimum of water?
The lifespan of the machine is 1 year. During this time, various emergencies happened to her, but the washing machine did not break down. Once, a power surge burned the refrigerator in the kitchen. The machine washed at the same time, but withstood the difference.Then, a couple of months later, my two-year-old daughter poured juice on the control panel, I thought that something would definitely short-circuit, but no, it didn’t work. The equipment is super, it washes perfectly, I recommend it!
Alina, Lviv
I bought a washing machine when I was a student. She worked honestly for 2 years, then I handed her over “inheritedly” to the freshmen. Impressions from use are good. The clothes washed great and didn't ruin anything. In all the time it has never broken, perhaps this is the most important thing. The controls are the most primitive, and its appearance is not pleasing. But it doesn't seem to matter.
Ilya, Voronezh
I really don’t like to say nasty things about anyone, but here the manufacturer has outdone himself. I had already encountered the “high quality” of equipment from this brand, but then I found out that my mother bought herself just such a washing machine.
After 4 months, the machine did not show its best side. Firstly, the metal parts of the body began to become corroded. Secondly, the hatch cuff became moldy, and the hatch began to smell like mold. Thirdly, during the spin cycle, an unpleasant metallic knock began to be heard from the hatch, so far it is barely noticeable, we’ll see what happens in another 4 months. Mom doesn’t listen to me, and I would try to return the washing machine to the store.
Yana, Izhevsk
Clumsy controls, poor appearance and completely unsatisfactory care of things. I bought a machine, now I have to wash it by hand. I don’t know if this has happened to you or not, but in my case it’s like this: I seem to have a machine and it works, but I don’t want to do laundry on it. The underwear in it turns from white to gray in just a couple of washes, and shirts also lose color. What kind of reactions are happening there? I absolutely don't like the car!
Nelly, Mr.Nizhnevartovsk
The hoses that come with the machine are terribly short, just over a meter, so I had to buy longer ones. As a result, I paid 1/4 of its cost to install the washing machine - horror. The washing machine is demanding on powder. She doesn’t take any product out of the tray, so I only use expensive powder, which, as you understand, is expensive.
Another bad thing is that the machine immediately takes away the rinse aid along with the powder, which should not happen in a normal situation.
After 8 months of operation, the hatch lock on the washing machine broke. Fortunately, my husband changed it himself, otherwise the repair would have been golden. I'm not very happy with the machine, and to be completely honest, the washing machine sucks!
Evgenia, Mariupol
After a year of operation, the washing machine stopped completely. At the same time, some lights on the control panel light up, and the case receives electric shock. The mechanics said that the engine was damaged and needed to be repaired. Terrible washing machine, I don't recommend it!
We have provided real reviews from owners of washing machines of this brand. We don’t undertake to judge the degree of their sincerity, but they seem to have independent opinions. Draw your conclusions!
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