Reviews of the Bosch SMV44KX00R dishwasher
The Bosch SMV44KX00R dishwasher has high consumer confidence index scores. To verify this, just visit several websites selling household appliances. Why do consumers respond so well to this dishwasher? What are its advantages? Let's look at people's reviews, maybe they will clarify the situation.
Women's opinions
Tatiana, Vologda
The Bosch SMV44KX00R built-in dishwasher is large in size and has a correspondingly large capacity. This is what I needed when I bought the machine. The seller initially tried to sell me a narrow model, but I made it clear that I was not interested in such equipment. Bosch SMV44KX00R works great, the cleaning quality is always excellent. I understand that modern Boschs are not too demanding about the correct layout of dishes. The sprinklers are designed in such a way that they reach dirt almost everywhere. Except for cases of stacking objects one inside the other. The machine has quite a lot of advantages.
- The baskets hold a huge amount of dishes; according to the manufacturer, this is 13 sets.
- It is economical because it can wash the specified amount of dishes with 12 liters of water.
The machine pumps water and then circulates it in a circle, removing dirt and washing dishes. For the final rinse, clean water is pumped in.
- She has protection from overly curious children who love to play with technology.
- It has a display and electronic controls.
- The machine has many useful indicators, including beam on the floor.
- There is an express program for quickly washing dishes.
I simply adore my washing machine.It seems like I've been using it forever, but in reality it's only been 11 months. It works the way a standard dishwasher should, at least in my opinion. I am very happy with this purchase!
Larisa, Tomsk
I fell in love with this machine not for the number of functions and appearance, but because it performs the assigned task in any conditions, and this is a sign of advanced technology. I really like her baskets, which are easily adjustable in height. I give the machine five with ten pluses!
Olga, Kemerovo
I got the washing machine about a year and a half ago. I didn’t use it for the first month because my husband and I were going abroad on vacation. Upon my return, I began to actively use it, I use it several times a day. It works quite noisily, but it cleans everything to a solid standard. If she managed to destroy coffee and tea stains, then she could give five points. Perhaps, in general, this is a decent machine, you can safely buy it.
Ekaterina, Ivanovo
The Bosch SMV44KX00R machine is a little expensive, but as soon as you start working with it, you realize that such equipment is worth the money. I used a Hans dishwasher for about three years, but, unfortunately, it was only after I bought a Bosch that I realized what a good dishwasher is.
Olesya, Rostov-on-Don
This is my first cookwareoika there is nothing to compare it with. But this is not necessary, because it copes with its task perfectly. The cutlery compartment is not satisfactory; dirt accumulates in it, so after two washes it has to be thoroughly cleaned. I try to run the machine twice a day so as not to accumulate dirty dishes inside, otherwise it quickly turns sour and starts to stink. I use the cheapest pills.They dissolve well, and the quality of washing with them is no worse than with expensive products.
Irina, Krasnodar
The biggest disadvantage of this machine is the cost. The price is outrageous, but the quality seems to be normal. It smelled pretty bad when it was new. After washing the dishes, it smelled of either rubber or burnt electrical wiring, but after a month the smell disappeared. I conclude that the price of the machine is a little overpriced; we could save 5-7 thousand.
Elizaveta, Moscow
A good washing machine that worked for a year and a half without failure. Cleans dishes well and saves water. Very happy with the purchase!
Men's opinions
Vasily, Moscow
The Bosch SMV44KX00R is quite easy to use. You can learn to use it almost immediately. I also did not experience any difficulties with the installation. In general, I deal with high-quality equipment and I can almost certainly say that the machine will work for a long time.
Alexey, Vladivostok
I used to use a Kandy dishwasher and had problems loading some items. Bosch is designed for any, even non-standard dishes. Every little detail in it is thought out and this immediately captivates technology lovers like me. I’ve been using it for five months now, my wife is glad that she doesn’t have to stand at the sink, and I’m glad that I had the opportunity to put another new technique to the test. I recommend!
Alexander, Belgorod
I didn’t buy the Bosch SMV44KX00R for myself, I immediately thought that the price was too high, but my brother got one for himself. It immediately turned out that the machine is quite picky about the quality of salt and detergents. In fact, she normally only takes Finish tablets. The machine refused to dissolve several types of cheap tablets. Overhead technology. All the benefits from it are offset by exorbitant costs.
Victor, Ekaterinburg
I really like my new Bosch SMV44KX00R dishwasher. It fit perfectly into the furniture, and we managed to hang the façade on it with just a flick of the wrist. The quality of washing very dirty dishes is amazing. It even washes off old dried black crusts on frying pans, although even with an iron brush it is not always possible to scrape them off.
Ivan, Nizhny Novgorod
The machine is really very convenient. You can easily remove the rocker arm and wash it, you can turn off the sound or change the height of the baskets. The programs are all human, not a single “left” one is needed. When the machine is operating, you need quite a lot of salt, about a kilogram for a week, but still, in order to save money, I do not take ordinary salt, its use can result in technical problems. I always buy medium-priced special products from the store.
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