Reviews of Ikea dishwashers
Ikea appliances are becoming increasingly popular every year. Just a few years ago, the company produced only a few models of dishwashers. Now their range has expanded significantly. What is this connected with? Are Ikea dishwashers really as good as advertisers say they are? I would like to understand this issue, and to do this, we will read people’s reviews.
Ekaterina, Moscow
This machine is full-size, 60 cm wide. A lot of dishes fit into it, and everything is washed very clean. Good sound insulation, at least the machine does not bother me in any way. The baskets are normal, even convenient. I usually put large dishes in the lower basket, and all sorts of small items in the upper basket. The manufacturer gave a 5-year warranty for Rengora. It has been working for me for a year without the slightest problem. I recommend!
Elena, Rostov-on-Don
Unpretentious in appearance, this machine does its job perfectly. This is a built-in model and it should be noted that it installs without problems. The facade is attached to the door in literally one easy movement and holds perfectly. A very worthy model.
- Excellent assembly, all parts fit and materials are of high quality.
- The electronics are reliable and do not fail even in the event of problems in the power grid.
- Regular washing takes place at 65 degrees, which is quite normal in order to destroy most contaminants.
- Loading dishes is as simple as possible due to the design of the baskets.
The baskets have a special shape that helps to fit as many standard dishes as possible. But it can be difficult to stuff non-standard items.
- 5 year warranty, which I take as a good sign. Poor equipment does not have such a long warranty.
- “Uses” any dishwashing detergent. I only washed it poorly once because of strange Ekont tablets, so I don't buy them anymore.
I don’t have much experience with this dishwasher yet, I’ve only had it for 4 months. But it is already clear that this technology is simply wonderful. I'm absolutely delighted!
Natalya, Tyumen
The washing machine washes well, for this you can give it three points, but I don’t understand why the manufacturer made a delayed start in three-hour increments. It's not so difficult to make a choice accurate to the hour, it would be more convenient. I also have complaints about the cutlery basket. Usually we accumulate a gigantic amount of tablespoons and teaspoons, forks and knives. This basket doesn’t even fit half of everything; you have to put cutlery in the lower basket along with large dishes, where they are also washed well. Based on the combination of pros and cons, I give the Ikea Rengora machine four points.
Larisa, Ekaterinburg
Not even two months have passed since the purchase of the Ikeevsk dishwasher, and I already doubt whether it was worth making such a choice. Judge for yourself. Just yesterday I cooked some rice porridge for my child in a small saucepan. The porridge didn’t burn, and the saucepan didn’t have time to dry out, so I immediately put it in the machine along with other dishes and turned on the normal program. For two and a half hours, the machine “mumbled” the dishes and as a result, dried particles of porridge remained on the saucepan, I was very disappointed.
Now I'm experimenting, changing programs and detergents to understand the reason for poor washing. If I figure out that the main reason is the dishwasher, then Skinande will go to the trash heap.
Alexander, Volgograd
A very good machine for reasonable money.It has been working for a year and a half, there have never been any serious problems. We load it once a day in the evening to wash the accumulated dishes. One, the largest baking sheet, does not fit into it, you have to wash it with your hands, everything else fits easily. Pleased with this purchase.
Yuri, St. Petersburg
The dishwasher is large, but the capacity is a problem. The space inside is poorly organized. There is space for ordinary plates, but there is practically nowhere to put deep bowls, which are the majority in our household. So you spend a lot of time distributing subjects, then the program lasts almost three hours. It's easier to wash it with your hands. I do not recommend purchasing!
Irina, Novosibirsk
A narrow dishwasher that works absolutely flawlessly. I really liked how the craftsmen installed it. She hid behind the facade under the tabletop so that she is completely invisible, but the effect that comes from her work is noticeable. The dishes are always absolutely clean, and the machine has never broken down in a year and four months of operation. There is little noise from it, the washing modes are good, and at the end of the program a sound signal is heard. I am absolutely satisfied with everything about this machine, which is why I recommend it to everyone!
Alena, Omsk
Contrary to my expectations, the Medelstor dishwasher from Ikea turned out to be very good. Despite the fact that it is decently “stuffed” with electronics, the machine seems very reliable and practical. It has a beam on the floor that turns green when the cleaning process is finished. Excellent equipment at a low price.
Yana, Ekaterinburg
For a long time, my husband and I used a Bosch brand dishwasher. She made us happy for about 9 years, but then she broke down.We didn’t dare take Bosch as a replacement, because now washing machines from this company have begun to be made in Poland, and not in Germany, and as a result the quality has dropped significantly. We thought for a long time, my husband searched all the forums, collected a lot of information and we decided to buy a Medelstor dishwasher. The technology is exceptionally good. It has a lot of different functions and programs that are designed for different types of dirt. Five points!
More reviews of dishwashers Medelstor and Skinanda.
Oksana, Moscow
We got the Elpsam narrow dishwasher, which is very affordable and affordable, by chance. It was my husband’s anniversary, and my mother-in-law gave me money for the dishwasher. They told us to take the dishwasher. I was very happy and literally the next day we went shopping. We searched for a long time, but somehow we couldn’t choose anything normal. And then the second case, I met an old friend, who, having learned that we were looking for a dishwasher, told us to go to Ikea and look at the Elps machines.
That's what we did. The very next day I washed dishes in a new machine. At first there were some problems with arranging the dishes, but I quickly learned. Now everything is going like clockwork. It’s very good that everything turned out this way. Now my husband has warmed up to it and also praises the dishwasher, although before he categorically did not want to buy it. They are such men!
Polina, Novosibirsk
I got my first dishwasher while I was living in a rented apartment. There were interruptions in the supply of hot water, and washing dishes in winter in ice water was a below average pleasure. Now I have a dishwasher Elpsam working in my kitchen. Not very well known, but very good European assembly technique. It comes with a five-year warranty, which is great.If something happens, you can count on free repairs. She washes dishes just perfectly, not a single misfire in six months. I recommend!
Yuri, Moscow
I'm happy with this machine, it's good. It is much better than the old Indesit, which ruined all our nerves. Worth buying!
More reviews about Elpsam dishwashers.
Roman, Ekaterinburg
Still, you shouldn’t buy rare dishwashers. Now I understand it. My Lagan's circulation pump has failed. I took it to the workshop for repairs under warranty, but the repairs took almost three weeks due to the lack of the necessary spare parts. While the machine works, it's great, but as soon as it breaks, it's a problem.
Evgeniy, Moscow
I didn't like the machine. Firstly, it has extremely inconvenient baskets for dishes, into which there is little room to stuff anything. Secondly, it does not dissolve 3-in-1 tablets well. Thirdly, the washing quality is not always satisfactory. I haven’t used other dishwashers from Ikea, but I can definitely say about this one: it’s not worth the money!
Diana, Moscow
A full-size washing machine with good design and good handling. There are small problems with washing, since the machine does not wash off some dirt. In general, the technique is good, it washes better than by hand. At first I used tablets, but then switched to powder. It's cheaper and the cleaning result is a little better.
Tamara, Cheboksary
Life is not good for me without a dishwasher. When I think about my allergy to detergents, I don’t want to go near the sink. Now I don’t think about anything bad, since the dishwasher does all the dirty work for me. And it does a good job, keeping the plates clean.
Vladimir, Krasnodar
I was pleasantly surprised to see such a stylish dishwasher in my favorite store. It is full size and includes a lot of dishes. I walked around her for about 10 minutes and bought it. Some may judge me for being frivolous; after all, it’s a serious purchase, but I decided not to think for a long time, so as not to change my mind. The purchase turned out to be very successful. The machine works great, I haven't noticed any flaws in it. Five points!
Marina, St. Petersburg
Last year I fulfilled my old dream - I bought a dishwasher. The model is unusual, it’s called Enastoende, but the name didn’t grab my attention, and it doesn’t matter what it’s called, it’s not a yacht. The main thing is that she washes the dishes normally, and the dishwasher does this without any complaints.
- It has six washing programs that need to be used depending on the degree of soiling of the dishes.
- You can adjust the basket, which is located at the top.
By rearranging the basket, you achieve greater capacity. If you do this masterfully, you can put even large baking sheets into the basket.
- There is complete protection against leaks.
- There is also a delayed start, which allows you to set a timer to start the machine at night.
- There is even a special program that optimizes the use of the 3 in 1 tablet.
From my point of view, this is a dream, not a machine. I will be glad if my opinion means something to you. I rejoice and want others to rejoice in good technology.
Pavel, Samara
Valgard turned out to be a normal dishwasher, with a huge capacity. It is stated that it can wash 15 sets of dishes at a time. I haven’t tried to put so many dishes in, I doubt that I have that many in my house, but it washes a huge mountain that doesn’t fit in the sink. Cleans crystal clean, even thin glass. There are never any stains visible, and the dishes don’t smell of anything, which means they rinse well. I recommend!
Svetlana, Novosibirsk
The machine is not for everybody, that's putting it mildly. It does not dissolve the tablet and does not wash well. The baskets were made by underdeveloped craftsmen; they were generally inconvenient. This machine does not hold a candle to Bosch. Don't buy it!
Galina, Moscow
I have been using this dishwasher non-stop for about two years now. During this time I was not able to find any shortcomings. Maybe, of course, I just have nothing to compare it with, or maybe the machine really is ideal. I give it a five!
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