Reviews of Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00 dishwashers

reviews of Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00There is another reason for joy among fans of Polish technology. The budget dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00 has gone on sale. So far, little is known about the real characteristics of this model, and people’s reviews are still few. However, we will try to find them, which will allow you to draw some conclusions.

Housewives' opinions

Regina, St. Petersburg

When you only have $300 to spare, it's hard to expect to buy a proper dishwasher. I thought I’d be washing dishes by hand for a couple more months, but the next day a friend dragged me to the shopping center, and there I saw a cute Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00. The cost was suspiciously low - $288, but after persuasion from the manager, I gave in and purchased this dishwasher. Now 4 months have passed, and this is what I can tell you.

  1. The machine is installed literally with your eyes closed, at least that’s what my husband told me. He spent 40 minutes connecting it and hanging the facade.
  2. The dishwasher has very convenient controls, and the baskets are made in such a way that arranging dishes according to the instructions turns into a simple operation.

Dish baskets can be pulled out or moved higher or lower. This helps when you need to wash a huge frying pan, baking sheet or pan.

  1. The machine does not have many functions, since it is still a budget option, but the manufacturer has provided a half-load function, which is very helpful when dishes cannot be filled in both baskets.
  2. It also has 4 washing programs and 3 temperature settings.

Unfortunately, Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00 does not recognize tablets, so you have to wash it with powders, but I don’t pay attention to such little things. The capacity of the machine is quite sufficient, I vote “FOR”!

Love, Smolensk

A simple and very useful machine. It washes perfectly and does not react to voltage changes. It controls normally, and the dishes inside the washing tank dry well. The most pleasing thing is that it is cheap, even if it works for a couple of years, you won’t mind it. I recommend!

Irina, Moscow

Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00 is a very economical and inexpensive machine for everyone. It is well assembled, does not make noise during operation and “eats” any detergent except tablets. In terms of technical characteristics, it is inferior to many modern machines, but for me this does not matter, because my new “home assistant” copes with its duties perfectly.

Julia, Novosibirsk

The low price is the only plus of this poor dishwasher. Even after the first launch, it showed all its shortcomings: it refused to dissolve the powder and did not wash the pots well. It’s good that I was able to return it to the seller and buy a normal machine in return. I absolutely do not recommend it!

Natalia, Ryazan

My husband tried to dissuade me from buying this dishwasher, saying that it was suspiciously cheap, but I did it my way and was not mistaken. The technique is, of course, simple, but it works great, thoroughly washing away even the most complex stains. The only thing that doesn’t please me is the lack of child protection; I have to lock the kitchen while washing so that my nimble son doesn’t get to the working dishwasher. There are no more disadvantages to it, at least for me.

Larisa, EkaterinburgHotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00

I didn’t like the car, although I honestly tried to understand what was good about it. I bought it at the insistence of my mother, who is simply delighted with the Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00. I hoped that she would have at least some kind of notification about the end of the wash, but there is neither a final sound nor a beam on the floor. While the dishwasher was new, it smelled very unpleasant, I am terribly unhappy, but I don’t tell my mother, I don’t want to upset her.

Men's opinions

Nikolay, Lipetsk

It seems that the manufacturer tore out all the expensive sensors from the Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00 and left everything that affects the direct function of the machine. I am against making the model cheaper at any cost, especially since the quality has clearly suffered as a result. We are missing a pill tray. The previous machine had a 3 in 1 function and we are already used to it. Now you have to get used to using the powder. There are no indicators for the presence of salt and rinse aid, which is also inconvenient. Several times it happened that the salt ran out, and we knew nothing about it. Bad machine!

Yuri, Moscow

I bought this machine at a hardware store literally for change. The goal was a refrigerator, but since I managed to save a little, I also took a Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00 dishwasher. A really good machine, my wife is happier with it than with a new expensive refrigerator. How it happens!

Oleg, St. Petersburg

The machine works great, and I also noticed that it is economical. With the advent of a dishwasher in the house, we began to spend 1.5 cubic meters of cold water less, perhaps we would also save hot water, but we have a water heater. The machine also uses half as much powder. Together with water, some noticeable savings are obtained.Well, it’s not that important, the main thing is that I no longer have to wash the dishes with a sponge, and this is a very great joy for me.

Alexey, Khabarovsk

We managed to purchase this built-in dishwasher with a 10% discount. It turned out to be very cheap, I thought they had screwed me with this technique, but no. The machine has been plowing for almost a year without any problems and the dishes are always clean. Apparently I’m a pessimist, it’s easier to believe in bad things than in good things. I recommend this machine to everyone, take good equipment!

Mikhail, Murmansk

The price of the machine is really attractive, I took it from my salary and didn’t even notice. I brought it home and installed it myself, everything was very easy. The machine only washes with powder, but it washes perfectly, without any complaints. I am purchasing Finish dishwasher powder, I have not tried other means. Five points!


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