Reviews of the Whirlpool ADG 221 dishwasher
Often, people spend a lot of time to find reviews about a specific model of equipment. We decided to shorten and make your search easier by collecting in this article all the information about the Whirlpool ADG 221 dishwasher. Technical characteristics will tell you about the capabilities of this dishwasher, and people will tell you about the quality of the wash, or rather their stories that they share on the Internet.
Description and technical specifications
The Whirlpool ADG 221 dishwasher belongs to the narrow type of dishwasher, since it has dimensions (WxDxH) of 45x57x82 cm. Despite the depth of the machine being 45 cm, the manufacturer states that it will include 10 standard sets of dishes.
For your information! For a family of 4 people, the machine load should be at least 8 sets of dishes.
This dishwasher is completely built into the furniture and all this for a price of no more than $310. The machine is controlled electronically and is carried out by pressing buttons located on the end of the door. There is no display on this model. But there is a more useful thing - complete protection against leaks. As for functionality, the machine has only 6 washing modes, including a quick wash and a program for washing fragile dishes. Additional functions and features on this model from Whirlpool are as follows:
- salt and rinse aid indicators;
- automatic adjustment of water hardness;
- presence of a compartment for tablets 3 in 1;
- height-adjustable baskets;
- glass holder;
- beep when finished.
In general, the equipment of the washing machine is not bad, but let’s not forget about its technical parameters, which are also very important, because they relate to monetary costs.
- Water consumption for a long washing cycle is 10 liters.
- The noise level is within normal limits and equal to 48 dB.
- Energy consumption is 0.83 kW/h, which corresponds to class A+.
Although this dishwasher bears the Whirlpool trademark, in most cases it is assembled by Indesit in Poland.
What people say
Maria Vitalievna
I'm looking for a new dishwasher, but I understand that my Whirlpool is the best. I like it not only for its stylish design, but also for its internal content. This dishwasher has no extra functions that require you to spend extra money, it is absolutely unnecessary. It has all the programs you need. It performs its washing function at 5+. I haven’t seen many reviews about this car, although I consider this washing machine to be a standard, there’s nothing to complain about, even the price is good.
Marat Tabishev
For such a class, this dishwasher has a decent price in the good sense of the word. It involves washing 10 sets of dishes, which is more than enough for us. It cleans holiday sets perfectly and doesn’t spoil them! Among the six washing modes, there is one that is designed for fragile dishes, just like washing an expensive set. The washing machine has good built-in protection against water leaks, so I don’t think you’ll have to quarrel with your neighbors.
The machine spends much less water than washing by hand. The wife is pleased with the purchase, because there is more time for leisure. We did not notice any shortcomings in the dishwasher.
Excellent built-in dishwasher Whirlpool ADG 221, shallow and very convenient. After washing, the dishes shine and shine, even squeak. I compared it with the dishes that I washed by hand, and I was horrified that I could put such dishes on the table, with stains and yellowness.She stopped being a slave, her hands are in perfect order, the kitchen is clean and tidy, no wet towels. Those who complain that a lot of time and electricity are wasted are real rednecks. In general, the washing machine is stylish and comfortable, and I didn’t find any flaws.
The built-in dishwasher fit perfectly in the kitchen in the space left for it. At the same time, it is absolutely invisible behind the front door, but this thing is really cool! Now there is no question about who has to wash the dishes. We put everything in the machine, put the tablet in, select a program and that’s it. While the washing machine is running, you can watch TV and take a walk in the park. Life has become easier and simpler. But something needs to be noted, namely a couple of breakdowns. There may be a manufacturing defect, or perhaps the unreliability of the model range. In general, after two months of operation the engine failed, and after another three, something small, but it was still unpleasant.
In general, the washing machine has both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantage is the absence of unnecessary programs, the presence half load, which I use quite often. The dishwasher does not make noise, which makes it possible to turn it on at night and not be afraid that it will flood the neighbors, since there is complete protection against leaks. The downside for me is that the camera is narrow. In it, large objects “eat up” all the space, you can’t really turn around. On the other hand, they themselves chose one to go into the kitchen.
I always thought that a dishwasher was an unnecessary waste of money and took up useful space in a small kitchen, in addition to the consumption of water and electricity. All my life I washed dishes, without thinking about how it affects the skin of my hands and manicure, how much detergent is spent, and most importantly, time.But my sister has a different opinion on this matter, and therefore, while doing a major renovation in the kitchen, she thought about where to put the dishwasher. As soon as the opportunity arose, I decided to buy the equipment, having previously studied all the information on the Internet. I spent a long time choosing and settled on the Whirlpool machine model ADG 221 for several reasons:
- there is nothing superfluous, only those programs that I planned to use;
- attractive design;
- ideal dimensions;
- acceptable price.
In general, my sister is happy with the purchase, because the washing machine fits perfectly into the interior. It washes dishes perfectly and leaves no streaks. It seems that you can't clean it by hand. It uses little electricity and water, but it doesn’t have a big impact on the budget. But he has more free time and repaints his nails less often. But the only thing I don’t like is the noise when you’re next to the washing machine. When you go to another room, nothing interferes. Now I'm thinking of buying the same one.
To summarize, we note that we have not encountered any negative reviews anywhere. Maybe people don’t want to write anything, or maybe they just don’t exist, you never know what could happen. Happy shopping!
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