Reviews of the Hansa ZIM 436 EH dishwasher

reviews of Hansa ZIM 436 EHWhen you have less than $340 in your pocket, it’s hard to dream of a good dishwasher, especially considering the current prices for this equipment. But take a look at the Hansa ZIM 436 EH dishwasher with a narrow body and a capacity of 10 place settings. It seems like a good-looking dishwasher: high-quality materials, good assembly, and besides, it’s built-in. But we will not rely on superficial judgments, but will examine the reviews of the owners of such equipment. What will they say?

Men's opinions

Roman, St. Petersburg

This is not the first year I have been using dishwashers. This is my third machine. I will say right away that it is more spacious than many other narrow dishwashers. You can simply stuff a lot of dishes into the baskets. The baskets can be adjusted in height. In the Hans dishwasher, this system is even better than in Bosch machines. Besides:

  • it has six washing programs, including a delicate one for the most fragile dishes;
  • there is a half load mode;
  • there is a convenient tray for forks and spoons, as well as a holder for glasses;
  • you can use tablets or powder;
  • all sorts of indicators showing the presence of salt and detergent.

In terms of safety, Hansa is not inferior to Bosch, since it has complete protection against leaks. It makes less noise than Bosch, and it costs less. I don’t know about anyone, but for me Hansa became dishwasher number one. I give her five points!

Artem, Orenburg

When choosing a dishwasher, I needed a model with an upper shelf for cutlery. Unfortunately, all the washing machines that I came across cost astronomical money.Somehow it happened that shelves are only installed on expensive dishwashers. But suddenly the Hansa ZIM 436 EH caught my eye. Everything in it was arranged as I needed it, besides, the quality of this washing machine is simply excellent, and the price is more than reasonable. I decided to buy it right away, without hesitation, and now, for a year now, I have had an excellent assistant working in my house. I recommend her to everyone!

Hansa washes dishes economically. This is especially evident in the consumption of detergents. It takes half a Fairy tablet to wash medium dirty dishes.

GorynychHansa ZIM 436 EH

I like everything, the washing machine is quiet, parts are assembled together, it washes well. After a year and a half of use, I did not notice any shortcomings. I recommend it to everyone, if anything happens, I’m ready to answer for your words.

Alexey, Abakan

The dishwasher is quite unreliable, I can say this for sure, because since the moment of purchase I have used it no more than 10 times, after which it broke. I had it repaired twice within a year, the last time there was a tricky electronic error indicating a leak, but there was no leak. The experts dug into the “electronic brains” and the error disappeared. Now I’m waiting in horror for what other problem will come out and at least it will come out before the warranty runs out.

Alexander, Moscow

I don't know if I'm the only one or if anyone has had similar problems. With full protection against leaks, my Hansa leaked, leaving a huge puddle. Interestingly, no protection worked; the machine continued to wash the dishes as if it was supposed to. And this, by the way, was only the second wash. I'm not happy, I returned the washing machine and took the money. For now I live without a dishwasher at all. I won’t look for a new washing machine until I calm down!

Missing, Ekaterinburg

So far I have no complaints about the operation of the machine, but I didn’t like how the instructions were written. There are many questions there that mislead the buyer. For example, I spent a long time looking for where the function of using 3-in-1 tools was turned on. Like that monkey, I crawled the door up and down trying to find out where the button indicated in the manual was. In fact, there is no button there, and the 3 in 1 application is activated by itself when you insert the tablet.

Mikhalych, Saratov

I'm glad that I don't have to wash dishes by hand, I hate that. I would have paid twice as much to avoid standing at the sink. It's good that Hansa does normal technique.

Women's opinions

Daria, Ekaterinburg

An unusually pretty dishwasher and inexpensive. This is the third year she has been washing dishes in our house, working under heavy load. I turn it on all the time, even when there aren’t a lot of dishes piled up. A friend saves for two days, but I can’t leave dirty dishes overnight. Hansa generally makes good equipment; in addition to the dishwasher, I have a stove from the same company and so far no complaints.

Elena, Vladivostok

I wanted to get a full size one Bosch SMV30D30RU ActiveWater, but couldn’t afford the money. Besides, it turned out that I had nowhere to put it. I had to take a narrow Hansa ZIM 436 EH machine, but I didn’t regret it. The seller said that this Hansa was slightly inferior in terms of capacity to the full-size Boches, and so it turned out. I put almost all the dishes in the house into it and get a super-quality wash. I wouldn’t trade my “assistant” for anything.

Marfusha, St. PetersburgHansa ZIM 436 EH dishwasher

The machine is attractive due to its adequate water consumption, proper distribution of elements inside the washing tank, as well as its quiet operation. It has a lot of good programs, more than many competitors. At first I thought that a huge pan wouldn’t fit in it, but I was wrong and it’s very good. The Hansa ZIM 436 EH dishwasher has been working for 8 months, so far it’s “flying normally”.

Mia Dastra, Smolensk

At first I couldn’t figure out how to use the 3-in-1 tablet tray, but then everything became clear. The machine, despite its cheapness, does not look clumsy, quite the contrary. It has everything you need, besides, it performs its function well and does not break. I recommend!

Natalya, Novosibirsk

The only advantage I saw in this machine is its cost, it is really low. But, unfortunately, its quality can also be called low. Two months have passed since the purchase, and it already needs repairs. The door is leaking. The repairman said that he would repair it under warranty, but you need to wait your turn. So I sit and wait, my husband has to wash the dishes. Two points!


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